What are These Flesh Colored Bumps on My Vagina Lips?
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I have been getting these flesh colored bumps on my vagina lips for a while now. They are usually there for a few days (about 4) at a time and they have always been in the same spots. They are about the size of a pea, firm, and somewhat painful (but only to the touch). From what I can tell and because they are firm, they do not seem to have goo or liquid inside them. There are no accompanying symptoms either. I get checked regularly and have never tested positive for STD's.
I have spent quite a bit of time searching the internet trying to figure out what they could be but to no avail. Does anyone out there have any idea?? I have photos but can't figure out how to post them - if that's even allowed. Any thoughts or opinions or information would be greatly appreciated.
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JustKasey ashlynn2322
JustKasey ashlynn2322
Don't be embarrassed, I've uploaded photos of my hemorrhoid before!
Have you been tested for HPV? They could even just be boils or deep ingrown hairs? Unusual that they appear in the same spot every time though.
I would get your doctor to have a look at them.
ashlynn2322 JustKasey
Yes. I've been tested for everything multiple times. In my last relationship my boyfriend cheated on me regularly so I made it a point to do so. He's also the only person I've been with in the last six years.
Ingrown hairs popped into my mind as well but like you found their consistent location odd. And I'm not sure how boils come about. I suppose you're right - I just need to go have them looked out.
Thank you for your input!!
summer587 ashlynn2322
hey so yeah ive had these before i got them from a friction burn from my man going to fast and then when i itched the burn these popped up if you have the same thing is could be from wiping to hard with dry papertowls or something ruff my avice is just dont try to touch them they should go away within a couple days if not constolt your doctor
HOWHARD ashlynn2322
As for you shaving this is not a put down as me and my wife have been shaved for to long, its the way you shave, hairs grow downwards and that is the way you have to shave, do that shaving downwards and your be OK.
Your OK and not gross.
ashlynn2322 HOWHARD
They haven't been there for a long time, they've just been coming and going for a while now. They always come back in the same spot though which is why I eliminated ingrown hairs from the list of possibilities.
And yikes!! I hope I don't have to have something cut out from down there!!
Thanks for the tips and input.
HOWHARD ashlynn2322
aria82941 ashlynn2322
Did you ever find out what it was?
brianna10371 ashlynn2322
this is happening to me as well, im scared i only have two only though, and im only 13 years old and no i didn't shave it please helo me ashley !!
ashle19537 brianna10371
Me too and im the same age i really don't understand why this is happening
samiah68195 ashle19537
did you ever find out what it was if so pls tell i have the same thing and i'm the same age as well
olivia02799 samiah68195
i also have the same thing and im also 13 idk what this is
alex64852 olivia02799
im also 13 and idk what to do
yourztruly.niya olivia02799
I'm also 13 and i have been getting these bumps for a while now i don't know what they could be
jurney40873 yourztruly.niya
I'm sixteen and I have a few on my vagina, its ingrown hairs. You can get tweezers and open up the bumps yourself or you can go to your doctor and he/she can do it for you.