What are your everyday symptoms like?
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Hi all - I am just really trying to figure out if what I am experiencing is Menopause related or something else. I am 5 years post Menopause and I had all the typical symptoms in peri...sweats, insomnia, weigh gain, heavy bleeding etc. Probably about 3 1/2 years I started to get this very vascular head, pulsating, tingling in my face, tongue, hands & feet & now front of my calves. When it first comes on I can feel really odd like whoozy, empty headed & vision can seem strained. It appears that I get this daily. I try to plow through the whoozy, empty head/vision thing but the tingling extremities that feel like ants are crawling on you or that your face feels like you are coming off novacane is driving me nuts. I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I have been diagnosed with Rosacea, so maybe that’s the vascular facial part...I don’t know. Also, once this happens it seems to last for the better part of the day. I know it lists tingling extremities on menopause symptoms, but I rarely hear woman complain about it...am I the only one?
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Roseburg debra16694
Debra, you could be experiencing a type of migraine. During peri and even post, it is fairly common for women to have odd sorts of migraines show up. Keep a daily log of your symptoms even if they seem random and unrelated. Do some reading about migraines, their phases and symptoms and visit with your doc about your findings. A pretty good site for info is Migraine.com (I hope it’s ok the share that link- I’m not selling anything)
Hope this helps.
debra16694 Roseburg
Hi Roseberg - ahh yes, I have experienced my fair share of migraines & ocular migraines, but this is something different. It’s all the makings of a migraine, but doesn’t go into one. I believe the tingling in my extremities are caused from a hormonal surge that might kick my Rosacea into overdrive. I don’t have redness with my Rosacea, more flushing - ugh, so tired of trying to figure it all out - thank you!
kellys38 debra16694
Hi Debra!
You are definitely not alone. The tingly and numb and heavy extremities is one of my most annoying and scary symptoms and it's almost every day for me lately. I had a pretty great day yesterday for once but that was short lived as i woke up at 1am with anxiety and haven't been able to calm down enough to fall back to sleep. This nightmare will have to end soon.....right?!?!
debra16694 kellys38
Oh kelly it’s reassuring to hear someone else has it - nobody else seems to ever mention it, but it is listed as an uncommon symptom. When I mention it to my GP or Naturopath, they look at me like I am nuts. Actually sometimes I think I am nuts! It happens to me almost everyday as well. In the last 3 years it was random, but now more like daily. I have high blood pressure & Rosacea so wondering if it’s all related.
Trevis debra16694
Yes I would say... I am 55years and 9 years post.... still get all the misery! I see & read so much on peri but yet I’m still struggling now! Not as bad as it use to be but still not able to work as symptoms and days can be debilitating. I can have days where I have normality now but the anxiety and imbalance are the main symptoms that linger and raise their ugly head for no reason. Total misery ...... it takes everything away from you... independence.. career.. It’s rubbish. It’s just not taken seriously. 😔
debra16694 Trevis
Yes Travis - Menopause is not for Sissy’s! I still wonder why some woman don’t have any symptoms & others are just plagued with them. Yes, the quality of life has been sucked out the window...it seems everyday a new symptom...now I am anxious about driving...Ugh! Not fun!
maria76995 debra16694
Hi Debra, yes I wonder myself why other people don't get these frightening symptoms fear and Anixety etc..unless some of us are sensitive to our hormones then others beats me to it...my cousin and friend are so lucky just getting next to nothing so on fair but never mind it passes I heard and we feel better then teenager Lol.
paisleygirl debra16694
debra16694 paisleygirl
paisleygirl debra16694
debra16694 paisleygirl
paisleygirl debra16694
Hey Debra yes I was extremely anxious I suffered with health anxiety for years and every once in a,while even now it tries to rear its ugly head ...I would wake up in the morning and my heart would start racing and I'd be hot flushing all over the place some mornings I would be so nauseous almost like morning sickness...I also started to suffer with gastritis which was very painful and many more symptoms ...sometimes I would cry for no reason or be angry my poor hubby took it all in his stride ..I thought I was losing my mind ....but being on the downhill part of this journey now I can tell you it will get better but it can be a long hard journey for some just hang in there 😊
gailannie debra16694
Debra, I may not be much help with some of your specific symptoms, but there was something I waned to mention. I had really bad peri symptoms also. But then things settled down and I did fine when I hit meno. I thought I got by scott free. Until about 5 years in . Then I noticed I wasn't feeling well.
The thing I wanted to mention, is that some women produce a decent amount of estrogen for quiet awhile after their periods stop. I've even heard, that if tested, some women will have estradiol levels of 50 pg/ml. It takes time, sometimes years for the level to fall to next to nothing. So you question, is this menopause? It could be that even in menopause, you were producing enough to meet your needs for quite awhile, but now things have tanked. Just a thought for you to consider. The lack of these hormones changes and effects every cell in our bodies, and all other hormone systems as well.
debra16694 gailannie
juanita93228 gailannie