what can I do against abdominal pains?

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Firstly, I want to apologize for my bad English but it's not my native language sad

So I've had tummy aches since I was a child. I always thought they were what "butterflies in your stomach" felt like, cause I only got them before events or out of the ordinary things. Anyway, in 8th grade I started having annoying abdominal pains really often and I actually didn't know why so i kinda brushed it off. Although sometimes i would get quiet scared because I thought i had some kind of cancer or something because I was smoking but anyway after a while i realized they would go away when i got home and layed in bed by myself. Again, i brushed it off and after a while I even got used to it and I knew pretty much when i was going to have another hit of pain but nothing really helped. So now i'm technically in 10th grade, I moved to Germany only one year ago and the pain got so so so bad. My anxiety got like 100 times worse. There's barely a day that goes by without at least 30 minutes of pain. Once i had those aches for 3 days straight. Day and night so I got pretty anxious and I went to the doctor to check it out. I got ultrasound and he said everything's fine, except that there's a bit too much air in my belly and he also told me to go make an appointment for endoscopy but the lady there told me that i'm actually not allowed to do it because i'm under 18. So pretty much i've got nothing done and the pains are too real. Also my parents don't want to hear about it, i only get yelled at when i bring up this subject. Is there anything i can do by myself to calm the pains? Pills only work if i'm home though. sad

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Nameless,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your suffering!  I'm not a doctor, but growing up with anxiety, it does sound like your pain is anxiety based.  

    I've gone to several doctors for my own pain and one of them thought it was anxiety.  He said that on rare occassions, some people's anxiety is presented as body pain.  Common occurences of this are in people's shoulders, but he said that it is quite possible for the pain to present anywhere in your body, even your feet!  (Now my test results showed that my anxiety levels are too low to be the cause, but I wonder if this could be the case with you.)

    If it is anxiety, I feel so bad that you are dealing with this at such a young age and that your parents don't seem supportive.  Are you able to ask your doctor to take an anxiety questionnaire?  I think there is one on this website too.  Maybe you can look at ways or exercises you can do to reduce your anxiety, such as relaxing breathing methods.  

    Although, if your anxiety is a disorder, I'm not sure if these will help, so ask your doctor if this is a possible cause of your pain and if he has any suggestions.

    There's no shame in seeking help from a mental health professional either.  Your brain, like any part of your body, can become ill, or not function the way it should. If you got the flu, you may see a doctor, or take medicine for it, and the same is true if you experience mental issues. It's best to seek help from a doctor that specializes in that field.  (IF your doctor determines that this is an issue.)

    I wish all the best to you, and hope you find your answers!

    • Posted

      Hello Ruth! Thank you so much for replying. I appreciate it a lot!

      My doctor also said it is most likely stress related and I agreed but then he didn't say anything anymore so i chose to stay silent as well but that didn't turn out that great so i'm trying to gather up the courage to go ask again! And at the same time to kinda hide it from my parents because I'm "not allowed to adress these problems on my own" and I cam get in trouble with them sad

      But also I hope you are feeling better now. I know that anxiety can have this kind of symptoms which really sucks sad

  • Posted

    Do you get constipation, nausea or diarrhoea with the stomach pains?  If so, it may be IBS.  Stress can trigger it and the resulting anxiety can make symptoms worse.   I am surprised the doctor didn't ask your age and tell you that you were not eligible for an endoscopy. It may be worth while insisting on this test despite your age, so you can get a diagnosis. You should also ask for celiac and stool testing and possibly a CT and colonoscopy.

    By the way, your Engish is great.

    • Posted

      I rarely get nauseous while i'm having the pains and also not that much diarrhea. But I get bloated kind of all the time and have like a lot of "gas" inside which usually results in weird sounds coming from my tummy :o and also the doctor asked me twice where I work and I kept telling him i'm going to school but he apparently kept forgetting and yeah. Thank you for the advice though! i appreciate it a whole lot <3 i might insist on the endoscopy, you are right.

      and also thank you for complimenting my english..languages are a huge insecurity of mine! i="" might="" insist="" on="" the="" endoscopy,="" you="" are="" right.="" and="" also="" thank="" you="" for="" complimenting="" my="" english..languages="" are="" a="" huge="" insecurity="" of="" mine!="">

      and also thank you for complimenting my english..languages are a huge insecurity of mine! >

  • Posted

    Go back and ask for a blood test for h.pylori bacteria.  It is a very common stomach bacteria that causes bloating and pain.  It is eliminated with antibiotics.
  • Posted

    Hi NamelessAnxiety

    First i want to compliment you on your english..even the english people have bad english so don't fret about it.

    How is your monthly menstrual cycle?....do you get pain around this time of the month along with bloating..if so this is quite normal at that time of the month......i would suggest you keep a check on your calender to see if the pain councides with your periods. You could get the pain and bloating about a 5 days to a week before you get your period. Keep a calender check on your menstrual cycle. Also, if the pain and bloating does not councide with your menstrual cycle you are not too young to have an ovarian cyst which causes pain and bloating and can be disgnosed via an ultrasound scan so ask your doc if he can refer you for an ultrasound.

    I do hope you can get a diagnosis soon its not good for a young woman to be going through this you should be enjoying your life...best wishes...

    • Posted

      Thanks a lot for saying that about my english ;u;

      I thought it could be related to the menstrual cycle as well but i get the pains regardless of it + my cycles are not constant at all. Sometimes I don't have it for 3 months and sometimes i have like half once every 2 weeks. I've never asked anyone anything about it though sad

      Thank you so much for replying and I'm happy to hear that you're feeling better now!

    • Posted

      Hi NamelessAnxiety

      I would suggest you go to your doctor and discuss your irregular periods. It doesn't matter that you have pain outside your period time it still needs to be addressed..especially as you do not have periods for three months...your pain and bloating could well be connected..make another appointment with your doctor as doon as you can....best wishes....

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