what can i take to relieve hot flushes after hysterectomy

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after persistently going to gp and being told my symptons were the menopause i have just been treated for endometrial cancer which thankfully was caught early.

i am bemused why it was not suggested to me earlier that abnormal bleeding could be a cuse for concern but my main aim is to control the flushes. i am not allowed to have anything oestrogen based.

Would it be wise to get my hormones checked out. GP is useless.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    My natural remedy to ease hot flushes and night sweats is ground linseed (flaxseed), they need to be taken regularly, i.e. daily, for maximum benefit (they also contain fibre and omegas which are good for you) - they work for me and are worth trying.
    • Posted

      Flaxseed is high in phytoestrogens (plant based estrogen) so not sure if that is a safe alternative - 380,000 mcg per 100 grams or 38 grams per 100 grams if I have the conversion correct of flax - other foods including soy beans and soy products, chick peas or hummus also are phytoestrogens sources. I to am experiencing surgical menopause after endimetrial cancer and am trying to find alternatives. Paxil was prescribed by my gynecologist which helps because it works on the same receptors in the brain as the hot flushes but it is very expensive, so not affordable. Sugar, alcohol, grains and to much protein can trigger them for me since I am very sensitive, controlling those variables helps. But still trying to find a silver bullet,
    • Posted

      I miscalculated - 38 milligrams per 100 grams of flax
  • Posted

    Hello Alison

    I had a similar operation a year ago and my menopause symptoms all heightened and has made me miserable. I researched every remedy possible to get my health and moods under control and came across a book called, Natural Alternatives to HRT, Cook Book. It's really good reading and full of ideas. Diet helps but doesn't alleviate all my symptoms but at least I know that I'm doing all I can to help myself. Alcohol is a no no for me now, even one glass of wine with my supper will cause me to have hot flushes through the night.

    And I agree with Cindy, flaxseed really helps, sprinkle it on top of porridge for a nice crunchy texture.

    Let me know how you get on.

  • Posted

    Low dose Paxil is showing success at controlling hot flushes, as is natural progesterone alone (without estrogen) there was a study done in canada which you could find if you search online.

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