What could this be..Varied Symptoms

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For the last few weeks, I have been having some strange symptoms. I have not been to my GP (3 week waiting), and I am just wondering if someone on here can let me know if they had any similar symptoms and if so what diagnosis they got.

Symptoms are:

Upper Left Abdominal Pain - Heaviness as opposed to acute pain. Under left breast around ribcage. Slightly lower there is also a small lump, same side that is painful to the touch.

The pain radiates to my left shoulder blade and the left arm is intermittingly numb.

The symptoms are sometimes worse after eating but not always.

I am not losing weight and my blood pressure and heart function are fine. No problems with breathing, or anything like that.

As I say this has been going on for quite a while now, so any help would be appreciated.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi there smile that sounds a little strange.

    I've had a similar problem this last month with a heavyness under my ribs, but no lump. Also my heavyness is sometimes better or worse with eating its so annoying.

    Apparently I might be affected with this famous H. Pylori crap. But I've been having nausea as well, have you at all?

    Have you been to see your GP yet? If so whats the story?

  • Posted

    Hi there smile that sounds a little strange.

    I've had a similar problem this last month with a heavyness under my ribs, but no lump. Also my heavyness is sometimes better or worse with eating its so annoying.

    Apparently I might be affected with this famous H. Pylori crap. But I've been having nausea as well, have you at all?

    Have you been to see your GP yet? If so whats the story?

  • Posted

    Hi Andy, Thanks for the reply.

    I didnt have any nausea and the symptoms are still persisting, I have had an x-ray done and it came back clear as did the blood tests.

    Worried though as there has been some blood in my phlegm, only small streaks but enough to be concerned.

    I dont think it is the H Pylori as this does not seem to come from the stomach, but more the chest.

    But thanks again for your reply, and I hope that you feel better soon.

    Keep me posted.

  • Posted

    Hello again smile

    I was wondering earlier & thought I'd ask a question, & that is how active are you? Do you exercise much?

    Because I mentioned this to my dad (hope you don't mind) He's 61 now & he's forever had near perfect health (I'm really jealous haha). He said that sometimes he used to get an odd feeling of pressure under his ribcage on his left side if he exerted himself too much after a period of doing no exercise.

    He said he panicked one time and thought he was having a heart attack! But it wasn't so.

    Just food for thought maybe, courtesy of my dad smile

    We thought maybe you have some kind of small hernia..? The fact that it hurts is GOOD! Think on that smile if it was a painless lump then you should worry. Anyway hope it clears up for you, just thought I'd update you.

    Stay positive!

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