What do I do?

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I was prescribed sertraline 2 days ago, for my anxiety and a little bit of depression. I wasn’t nervous about taking them as didn’t read the side effects before taking them (I wish I did) I feel like I’ve been on drugs or something? My pupils are huge, I’m just genially really scatty. I don’t want to feel like that but I’ve read it gets worse before better. It also worry’s me I have my driving test in a month, I don’t want to feel like this on my driving test. I rang my doctor this morning and explained how I felt and she said that’s normal and encouraged me to continue taking them but to take half a pill. 

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Rosebud,

    Honestly you're not alone in feeling like this, you should check out my post about it a couple days ago. My pupil's were dilated, sweaty as anything and it felt like I was coming up on ecstacy. It took me by complete supprise as it was the first day. I'm now 3 days into it and still feel wired as anything but these are all normal side effects of the pill. So don't worry about it and keep on going, it's gonna get rough before it starts getting good ?? x

    • Posted

      I’m glad I’m not the only one, allthough I wish we all didn’t have to experience the bad side to these tablets sad just worry’s me I have my driving test soon I can’t drive feeling like this. If I didn’t have a test then I’d just continue them whether I felt like this or not just don’t wanna feel like this while driving, thank you so much smile 
    • Posted

      Yeah I get exactly what you mean, I'm normally a pretty bubbly active person, but I'm generally scared of leaving me house just in case people think I'm taking recreational drugs because of all the side effects I'm having 😅. I'm refusing to get behind the wheel too until this passes, give it a few more weeks then either postpone it or ask your GP for something else. The road to recovery is a long painful one, but we're all in this together hun 😄

    • Posted

      I’m exactly the same! Had to leave work yesterday cause I just felt like I was on drugs and I thought everyone else thought that! It’s so awful how we have no control over our own body sad ❤️
  • Posted

    Hang in there. Give it a couple if weeks. I was a zombie on lexapro and quit after 6 weeks...but i knew i had to give it time. I am on this zoloft now, my pupils after 3 weeks are just getting smaller. I'm feeling a bit better, not myself yet...but I'm giving it the 6 weeks to 8 weeks to effectively either rule it out or to let it work

    • Posted

      I hope it works out for you! Thankyou for your comment!
  • Posted

    Hello rosebud, 

    Hope your hanging in then, I also felt the same on my first few days but found it helped to just take things one day at a time threw this initial start up stage 

    But your not alone, and it will get easier...

    Ive been on them 21days, and like Kmom I too am also starting to see some glimmer of hope 🌹

    • Posted

      Thankyou, I feel abit better knowing I’m not the only one! And how long does the scatty drug feeling take to calm down? A few days?? Cause I can’t cope with any longer than a week as I won’t be able to do my driving lessons and my test is in a monthrolleyes thankyou for your comment!!
    • Posted

      Everyones different...?? Some a few days some a few weeks from what Ive read. (Me personally... the first few days) But don't let that discourage you... I know it feels awful at the time, especially when we have other things going on that especially need our full attention. 

      I relied on a small dose of Xanax for those first few days just to give me that little bit of relief from my side effects... (but as your driving If you wanted to do this, Id advise you take it the day before) I found with me a small dose would help take the edge off and carry me threw to the next day at least. 

      Hope this helps 🌹

    • Posted

      Thanmyou so much, would you advice 25mg?? My doctor said to try that, so I’m gonna take it tonight before bed so I kinda sleep through the bad side effects...
    • Posted

      In my opinion... If your finding 50mg too much at this stage... then yes, do what suits you, and what you feel comfortable with to tolerate. Some people like to power through and get to the end goal quicker, but I was more than comfortable to take baby steps and get there when I felt ready... (everyone has there own personal preference, so it really is up to you)

      I previously had a bad experience with Citalopram years ago (2 tablets, sent my anxiety sky rocketing, vomiting, insomnia - put me off ADs for a very long time)

      I was also extremely nervous to try these and explained my concerns to my doctor, she advised starting low at 25mg for the first week to see how I reacted, then increase to 50mg the second week.

      But due to my previous experience, I just played it by what I could tolerate... and think as you go threw, you just know when you feel ready to increase... I started my journey with 50mg tablets like this... 

      1st week - 25mg - 1/2 tablet

      2nd week - 37.5mg - 3/4 tablet

      3rd week - 50mg - Full tablet

      All morning doses (10am)

      I always try to stick to the exact same time aswell, dont know if it makes a difference... but works well with me. On the whole, even though I experienced side effects... (and these still change daily as Im also only on Day 21)  they were tolerable, annoying... but not overwhelming, which helped for me. 

      Hope my experience  helps 🌹

    • Posted

      Could you message me please??

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