What do you women take?
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Morning all. I would like to know what over the counter product do you take to help with all the strange and weird symptoms of perimenapause and more importantly do they work?
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tina00239 bev66
bev66 tina00239
tina00239 bev66
Mars777 tina00239
Hi tina if you don't mind me asking what HRT do you take? As I was think of taking supplements as you do ? Thanks
tina00239 Mars777
maria_03422 tina00239
mary27278 tina00239
tina00239 mary27278
mary27278 tina00239
tina00239 mary27278
vicky77852 bev66
Takingtime bev66
Hi Bev, I really think in this case it is not a one size fits all.....coming from someone who has tried absolutely everything....spending so much money......there were things that's worked....for a short time but symptoms always come back or a new one arises. I have seen many specialists, as well as alternative professionals and I can give you a list of what healed or fixed some, but like I said a new symptom would come. When I started. The bioidentical progesterone it took away all my pms symptoms and shortened my period, however over time I developed acid reflux...(which is common with progesterone) so I stopped that, and I am still recovering 5 months later....acupuncture helped with back pain and bladder burning, but after $1600. I had to take a break.....supplement are great as long as you know you are deficient......for me ferritin was low so I took that and I felt my energy come back. At the moment I am dealing with sore muscles, rib pain and back pain.....and I have been to the doctors so many times in the last two years, my dr....thinks I should time for an anti anxiety med.....but I am trying to explain that is I am anxious it's only because I am getting these weird symptoms and we don't have a medical reason for it.......so going by forums I say it is perimenopause and hope for the best.
bev66 Takingtime
Thank you linda12939 for your reply. I think I'm just looking for something to rid me of these horrible scary symptoms but like you say different ones pop up. At the moment it's the pain in my left breast up to my shoulder and neck and the feeling like I have a brick at the top middle of my stomach I know anxiety makes a lot of the symptoms worse I just wish there was something I could take that would stop it all !!!!! X
maria_03422 bev66
Hi Beg
I've had the pain on my left breast shoulder and neck for 3 years , it's been a few months that it stopped!!
The full feeling on top of the stomach i still get ..i try to eat small meals because it gets worst if I eat alots all at once!! I just had blood work done and an ultrasound of the stomach, pancreas, gallbladder and liver . Everything came back normal.
It's so stressful! Everyday i wake up and afraid what symptom i have to deal wirh!!
mary27278 Takingtime
Hi Linda im just reading what you post about symptoms coming back or new ones, you are so right. Its like i just cant get rid of totally no symptoms. I was gaving major stomach issues last year and it went away and now its back. But just reading what you said about the progesterone, im taking progesterone cream, i definately ciukd not do the capsules (Bhrt) it made me so bloated and like you said acid reflux worsen. Now im wondering if the progesterone cream could be making my stomach issue worse. My stomach is constantly palpitating lime a heart beat inside, and i am bloated and gassy alot. I tried CBD oil because on a fb forum many women swear by it but for me it worsen my anxiety , and heart pa
mary27278 Takingtime
Takingtime mary27278
Hi Mary, I wish I had an answer for you. I have been experiencing this on and off for 8 months...I bkame the progestrone cream because I had been on it 2 minths when it started. After researching I read that progestrine can cause acid reflux.....so after a few minths I stopped it. Of course all my other symptoms returned and the stomach issues and pain remained. I had heart tests done, an upper bdominal ultra sound and a modified barium swallow. I had blood test for hpylori and a fecal test all is normal.....I still have an upper gi xray left to do....but my doctor thinks it will be normal too. Seeing acupunctureand chiropractor hasn't helped a whole lot I am going to see an osteopath in a couple weeks.....I will let you know if I get relief.
katyD211 maria_03422