What does it feel like to have Klinefelters' syndrome?

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Another contributor wishes to discuss what it feels like to have Klinefelters' syndrome, so I thought I'd start a discussion on that topic, see what comes of it?

I'd like to be able to choose XXY as a place to put this discussion, then we can chat about what it feels like to be fat, or to have gynaecomastia, or to be sterile, and any other disease associated with being XXY.

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    What's up XXYGuy! You're not alone man...I found out I had KS when I was 25 and now in 39 it's affecting me like no other. Mistaken identity, obesity, producing children, breast tissue. I feel your pain. I'm finally focusing on me bc it has ruined a relationship I really wanted with this woman.

    • Posted

      Klinefelters' syndrome is a form of male hypogonadism cured by the adminsitration of testosterone, or if the person feels female, no therapy at all, or maybe oestrogen?  

      XXY on the other hand has variable affects depending on several  parameters such as, which parent provided the addition X, what concentration of that additional X is activated, and in what tissues it's activated in.  If it can be ascertained which parent proivided the extra it can only be assumed the other is meant to be there. however it too needs to be inactivated in a uniform manner for the person with it to function properly.  

      So, KS is merely an outward sign of the additionbal X,  Why give outward signs more value than they deserve?

      You feel what, my pain?  What pain?  You're not me, you've not lived my life, you have no idea what I do or do not suffer.  Your genes are not aligned on chromosomes I share with you.  We have completely  different parents.  Did not live in the same household, did not attend the same schools, did not live in the same society. Were not influenced by the same friends.  Do not have the same siblings.  If we share anything, we share the same chromosome count, provided of course, you are an XXY male?

      I didn't produce any children, but I am a father. Therefore infertility has become no issue.  Once a problerm is solved why revisit it?  I don't suffer infertility as I have children.  It would be stupid of me if I choose to have a fertile mans view, (as I've often seen), of children created by another mans sperm.  The only way I'd be having a family is by another mans sperm, whether by adoption, or  HART, or Surrogacy, another mans sperm was always going to be used.

      Going back neven further, did you hate yourself because of your appearance?  Did you attempt suicide after surgury to fix that appearance when you didn't look the way you wanted, the way you thought you were going to look?  

      Did you save lots of money to pay for the surgery to be done again, and luckily find a surgeon and an anaesthesiologist  who donated their services for free, as when they look upon what you regarded as ugly, deformed, bizarre, they agreed  and wanted you to look as normal as they looked?  (Obviously they were both male too).

      Do you really feel my pain, really, truthfully, how can you?

      Of course I'm alone.  Everybody, from a certain perspective, is alone. And I just happen to view life from that perspective.       

    • Posted

      What do you mean by "Mistaken Identity" are you referring to Faceblindness" not recognising people ? If so,it's a form of  Prosopagnosia associated with Anxiety. Google is your friend.

    • Posted

      Wow,,,,, good example,,, everyone has a different life story . I was diagnosed aprox,, 30 years old,,, trying to conceive,,, was not working . Doctor diagnosed me with 47xxy mosaic,,, . Yes life was tuff,, as a child,,, I was different,, lazy, low energy,, tired,, yes my teeth rotted out,, and i wear dentures . I am overweight and cant seem to lose weight . Well having a mobility issue,, doesn't help . I have hereditary spastic paraplegia,, which is a crippling disease,, and there is no cure . My feet, get quick random ramps in sole,,, which brings me down,,,    and, and, and . But klienfelters syndrom sucks, and so does HSP,,,  I ask myself and my wife,,,,,,  WHY ME,,,, WHY COULD'T I BE NORMAL .


  • Posted

    I have suffered my whole life and as I age the frustration is difficult. I have

    Everything associated with ks and no one to talk to.

    • Posted

      Only you can tell me what you have suffered.  Fixing everything associated with KS is easy, what have you done so far?  I think about getting old, getting old and being seen as being old has filled my life.  Most people actually get old, and appear older,  as a natural consequence of living.  XXY guys with KS tend to have to wait somewhat longer to be seen as they are.

      Finding someone to TALK to about XXY/KS and associated topics might be somewhat difficult,  have you considerd seeing a counselor, they're trained to talk to people.

    • Posted

      I am way over being frustrated. I can't have kids but now at the young age of 60, I am over that too. I am 5'7" I weigh 150. I'm very small for my age. Maybe due to smoking for all those years. Other than that I don't really watch what I eat. We don't get out of this life alive. My condition is where it should be. I get shots of testosterone every 3 weeks intermuscular. In my ass. It doesn't hurt other than the years of scar tissue the needle goes into. Quick and painless. I have tried in the thigh. I suggest not doing that as the testosterone accumulates in your knee. Other than the shots, I lead a good life.

    • Posted

      YOU CAN TALK TO ME, FRIEND,,,,,,,  I feel same way,,, why did this happen to us ...


    • Posted

      God has a plan for us and in some way I know why he chose not to give me kids. It hurts but putting a child into the mix that I have chosen for myself, well they would have disowned me. In a way I'm glad I could never have children. Yes I want to call you my friend. Thank you.

    • Posted

      I dont get on this site 2 often,but thanks 4 responding  Friend . . . . . 

      So tell me a little about yourself,, age, I am 53,, are you married, are you socailable,, what part of country you from .  I have 47xxy mosaic,, not as bad as some,, but still not normal ..

  • Posted

    i have always known some thing was noy right from time my brother used to tell me i was diferent to him when we were in bath together as kids. i always played with my sister and her friends and when i asked my parents about the fact that i had to have operation at age 10 to make some minor changes as they said then i come home with sewn up inner vagina and small set of very sore testicles. i did manage to have 2 kids with heaps of hormone treatment much to doctors surprise.as i got older and this hormones wore off my breasts started to grow again and now at 60 i have had to have  bag removed due to problems and testicles are up above my penis and basically i have female appearing genitals with very short penis above it.


  • Posted

    What do I feel like?  I thought I was born with KS from diagnosis to 1994, then I changed my mind.  Better information came into my hands and it made sense.  When I was born I didn't have a syndrome.  

    I recall odd and ends, snippets of memories, being lost in a forest.  Looking at dead birds under a tree, the smell of stagnent water in bird baths at the end of a large garden.  Winter, snow, finding a roast of lamb under my arm in bed.  Stealing my baby brothers bottle, he was asleep, he wasn't thirsty.  Rolling down a flight of stairs, or was I pushed?   I think I was thrown more like.  Never knowing if I did something wrong or what the right thing is to do?  Forever losing things that to others were so important, but to me they were only important to find, save me another hiding.  

    Years after an event has occurred worrying about it, but at the time not even considering it.  Years after being pushed around realising it, years go by and there's nothing of seeming interest, then I remember it in a flash and wonder, did I do that right?  As if my question can change an event  long forgotten by everyone else.

    Worrying, forever worrying.  That's what being XXY is to me.  What does that feel like, it feels lost.  I'd bite my nails if I had teeth!  Pain of biting down to the flesh of my fingers, that's a loss sensation.  A grief. Not being to do what I uswed to do foir relief.  Not finding that cubby hole to hide in, the worst thing about getting bigger, harder to hide.

    Will life be better for the next generation?  

    • Posted

      Wow that sounded troublesome. Your problem out of respect is something more along the lines of bipolar or depression. Kleinfelters never gave me any real terrible conditions to do with my mental state. Yes I'm smaller than most guys at 60. Yes I have no real chest hair( not that I want it). Small testicles. Average penis. Nothing seriously wrong. Not being able to have kids has always been a sad issue but I dont think about it. A few things I have to do different than most men but it works for me. I don't act like a woman atoll. I dont have hormone issues. I find it strange that other men have other issues that may be tied to this or may not. I guess the jury is out on all we know about it. I guess all in all I just deal with it like a mosquito bite. I think we need much more research on it. Most doctors never heard of it. Which I find strange. Oh Dr. Phil? Dr. Oz. Someone help us. Please

    • Posted

      I wasn't born with KS, I was born XXY and it's that pesky little extrra X that caused the problems.  KS didn't develop until sometime after I started puberty, which I was told nothing about, not even that it was going to happen.  My mother said years later that she was willing to answer any question we might have, only I never asked any questions, so that plan failed dismally.

      Additional X's causes LD's in males and females with it/them. It all depends on which parent provides it/them, and what their concentration is in the affected organs.   It seems the brain is the first organ affected. so if you never had moor disorders that's becasue your mood centre in your brain wasn't affected, or if it was it wasn't affected severely, or your additonal X was inactivated as regularly as the one that's supposed to be there?  It's all a matter of chance how wee each are affected.

      I got over infertility by having  children, two of, a boy and a girl.  It wasn't pure luck, we set out to have 4 children, but only managed 2.  If our son wasn't severely mentally retarded we would probably have had more. But once that has happened who wants to take the risk again?  It wasn't like we were both young parents, we were both 40 when our daughter arrived.

      I got over tiny testicles by having bigger balls fitted.  For every problem there is a solution, except getting rid of the extra X.  So if you could take a pill today that did just that, got rid of the extra X in every cell, would you take it?

      As for hair, well I shave my entire face when I can  be bothered.  Body hair I've got a bit, it never did grow all that much, and my pubic hair grows straight, so I tend to shave it off.  It just doesn't look normal.

      I take testosterone, have done since I was 18, I have no intention of stopping.    

    • Posted

      Hey Tom,,, I was diagnosed,, with 47xxy mosaic . So I guess I got it easier than some .... OMG,, if I was born a woman, with a penis,,, and or,,, I would of killed myself by now . But my teeth rotted out quick,, I have dentures,, man boobs,, nothing real bad,,, but still embarassing . I am fat,, OBESE,,,,, due to lack of mobility,, cant walk to well anymore . Due to crippling disease diagnosed, and fiured out turning 50 . Yes not being able to father children was very depresiing for my wife and myself . But here I am,,, yes I also feel as I am anti socail,, I am not a person that is comfortable to jump into a conversation with people,, I dont have any friends,, wish I did,, but this is my life .


    • Posted

      Life is what you make of it. I was diagnosed when I hit 38. I was molested at 12 by a person I trusted. I turned to pain pills later on in life to deal with everything that had happened to me. Too much to mention here. Yes life is how we make it. I'm sorry about your condition. None of us get out of this alive. I tried suicide but failed miserably. I guess I didnt really want to at the time. Glad I didnt or I wouldnt be writing this. Hang in there. Make some friends. My soon to be wife is very shy around new people and I tell her to ask them questions about themselves. People will talk all day about themselves. She has alot of friends now. Have you tried anti-depressants? They work pretty good. Hang in there. Thank you for replying. I'm off the pain pills, never going to try suicide and I pray alot. Life has dealt me some rotten cards but I make the most of what I have.

    • Posted

      Hi Tom,

      I guess by your 1956 we are about the same age! I'm not sure of others with this extra X but i have delved into hell quite a bit thru the years! But i am thankful for my wife staying as long as she did and giving 2 kids, I a not biological but I did raise them and I'm most thankful the dogs in my life that have kept me sane and an old girlfrieeckig in on me when I almost did the unthinkable to most people , but most don't have an extra x, c'est la vie. i'm hanging in there and i hope you do the same

    • Posted

      oh and i take a anti depressant every day without fail.

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