What does it feel like to have Klinefelters' syndrome?

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Another contributor wishes to discuss what it feels like to have Klinefelters' syndrome, so I thought I'd start a discussion on that topic, see what comes of it?

I'd like to be able to choose XXY as a place to put this discussion, then we can chat about what it feels like to be fat, or to have gynaecomastia, or to be sterile, and any other disease associated with being XXY.

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    If having KS has a feeling associated with it I'd say it was TIRED.

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    Belly fat lets put it this way all thru growing up the only things i use to hear from mom and dad was do situps , your lazy etc and that was from dear old mom . Now dad was much harsher and i heard this till i moved out " when are you due " i looked like I was pregnant and going to deliver at any moment, I hated it growing up and now that i am 60 1/2 i still don't like it but it is what it is, I still fat and pregnant must be the longest pregancy on this planet

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      I have pictures of me when I was 43 mowing the lawn with my daughter and I have a sleek muscular body, no wide hips, quite well proportioned I do say, and when I was a child I was skinny like almost everybody else.  Today, at nearly 60 I have a bit of a pot belly, simply because I don't exercise as much as I used to.  Childen are not responsible for being fat, their parents are, as they're in control of their diet.

  • Posted

    hi dear. please listen to my story. i was born a genetic male and my physical appearance do reflects i'm male. i do have all male physical attributes like no breasts, presence of working testes and dick, little beard growth and kind of man voice,  but problem is i have a feminine shape. like an hour glass shape of a woman. i do have curves like a woman, i also have hips, my thigh gap is closed like that of woman, my head hair type is similar to female. most times people are always looking at me and asking if ''im male or female''. most times i snap bikini pictures i do pass as full woman that people find it hard to believe i''m male. its worse when i look in the mirror, when i look in the mirror, it as if i'm seeing a woman. the shape soo much like a woman. please i'm not hullunicating, i'm seeing it real and do snap lot of pictures as proove. another thing is, i feel soo much like a female, i never seen myself as a guy, i behave and think like a female, walk, sit, stand, all body languages i display is female. i also do catwalk, i can relate to females more, i see myself as a female, i want to be made love to as a female not as a man, i don't feel sexually attracted to women at all. i love men and i'm attracted to them. i don't know what is wrong with me and each time i wear tight trousers, it brings out my female shape and people get confused, they think i'm gay but no, i don't feel gay, i don't feel like  man. i don't want to be a man. i love being a woman, i wanna marry a man and have a home. also i do experience lot of acne, i have tried all medications to treat my acne but it doesn't seem to heal. these acne on my face are just too damn much and ruining my face.i don't know what could be the cause. i don't have enough money to do a chromosome test but doctor said i could be klientfelter, i don't really knoow. i could show you my pictures to make you understand more on what am saying. i'm so confused. what could be wrong with me? pls help me

    • Posted

      hello , i relate to your story as my shape is of woman and i have breasts that doctor even sent me to mamogram for breast cancer check  after i had cancer near my eye. i have waist many women would be proud of and have trouble buying clothes as most small mens are still way too bigespecially tshirts so have to buy size12 in womens. my hobbies include dress making and lingerie design and making. as for attraction i am only interested in women but seem to attrack bye women mostly. i was born with pussy which doctors sewed up at birth as peed from penis. last blood test showed 75% female 25% male. my attitude is i am how i am and if any one has problem then it is their problem . some people cant handle how i am but i just get on with life


    • Posted

      I don't understand "last blood test showed 75% female 25% male."  How does a blood test show this result?

  • Posted

    hi dear. please listen to my story. i was born a genetic male and my physical appearance do reflects i'm male. i do have all male physical attributes like no breasts, presence of working testes and dick, little beard growth and kind of man voice,  but problem is i have a feminine shape. like an hour glass shape of a woman. i do have curves like a woman, i also have hips, my thigh gap is closed like that of woman, my head hair type is similar to female. most times people are always looking at me and asking if ''im male or female''. most times i snap bikini pictures i do pass as full woman that people find it hard to believe i''m male. its worse when i look in the mirror, when i look in the mirror, it as if i'm seeing a woman. the shape soo much like a woman. please i'm not hullunicating, i'm seeing it real and do snap lot of pictures as proove. another thing is, i feel soo much like a female, i never seen myself as a guy, i behave and think like a female, walk, sit, stand, all body languages i display is female. i also do catwalk, i can relate to females more, i see myself as a female, i want to be made love to as a female not as a man, i don't feel sexually attracted to women at all. i love men and i'm attracted to them. i don't know what is wrong with me and each time i wear tight trousers, it brings out my female shape and people get confused, they think i'm gay but no, i don't feel gay, i don't feel like  man. i don't want to be a man. i love being a woman, i wanna marry a man and have a home. also i do experience lot of acne, i have tried all medications to treat my acne but it doesn't seem to heal. these acne on my face are just too damn much and ruining my face.i don't know what could be the cause. i don't have enough money to do a chromosome test but doctor said i could be klientfelter, i don't really knoow. i could show you my pictures to make you understand more on what am saying. i'm so confused. what could be wrong with me? pls help me,. also i put a profile picture of myself. thats is me on profile pic. pls help me dear.  i will be pleased to hear from u or u email me.

    • Posted

      Well I agree with your doctor, you could have Klinefelters' syndrome.  Just the physical appearance and acne would be indications to me, but there's one more indication that a doctor is well positioned to check, that you don't mention, the size and texture of your testes (balls).  

      When I was first diagnosed as a teen I had terrible acne, as a result of testosterone therapy.  Before therapy I had mild acne.  There is a pharmacy only medication to treat it, you'd have to see your doctor for a prescription, but you say you've tried everything, maybe you just have to  persevere?

      KS, the symptoms of the disease seminiferous tubule dysgenesis, is caused by imbalance of sex hormones testosterone and oestrogen, which are in fact very similar chemically.  Many men, even young men with KS do have that pear shaped body, as their imbalance was pronounced soon after the onset of puberty.  So, first I think you need a full medical examination, and a very close look at your testicles by a doctor.  

    • Posted

      On this site there is a symptom checker.  I just typed in my symptoms as they were when I was diagnosed, and the first possible disease was Eating Disorder,  that's interesting as I was suspected as having Anorexia when I was in high school, but even though I was very thin, I didn't like it and wanted to gain weight, and that's not Anorexia.  The second given disease is Klinefelters syndrome.  biggrin

      So you could type in your symptoms and see what pops up, I bet you'll see 'Intersex'  which is also in mine, but 5th on the list of 10 possibilities. 

    • Posted

      yes i typed in all the symptoms i have and indeed ''intersex'' did pop up. they were lot of endocrine conditions i also saw. but let me clerify somethings to you. as a child, i suffered from ashtma. my mum said i was sick due to my breathing problem but then i was cured of the asthma. i hardly fall ill agian after my asthma was healed. or add weight. my height is 1.77cm. only time i experienced heart problem were on 2 occassions. i wanted to buy something, then suddenly there was this burning and painful sensation in my heart, its as if something was burning inside but it stopped, i experienced this on another accassion but till then, i haven't experienced this again. yes, i did meet my doctor. all he did was just to use a torch light and examined my testes and said it look like normal penis and testes. he did not do any measurement. he also confirmed i do have hips, curves and slightly feminine physique and i do have beards but its mostly on my upper lip area and jaw  area. around my cheeks, it doesn't grow. i also observed my head hair is similar to female. my sex drive isn't high. although i have a penis, i have never felt like penterating anyone. i have always felt like a female which makes think i may also be tarnsgender. but prior to many transgender female i have seen, i saw their before and after pictures. in their before pics, (when they used to be men, they looked all man with no feminine attribute), but after being placed on hrt, they start getting feminine attribute on their body. that's contrary to my body. because i do have some feminine attribute on my body naturally, most transgender will loak at my pictures and ask me whether i ahve started taking hormones, i will say no and they think i'm lying. and yes, many people do say i look like a shemale or a transgender. they always get confused asking if i'm male or female. like i said, i have always felt like a female and i did have some feminine attribute on my body naturally which makes me think i'm intersex but since i was born genetic male and i feel like a female, that's what makes me think i'm also a transgender. i also have sexual preference for men, i feel nothing for females. i only look at females, the way a woman will look at here fellow women. i look at men, they way a woman will look at a man. i do talk a lot, i love drama a lot, i find it hard to read and understand things. for me to read and understand things, i have to go through them like 3 times. and i'm very good in memorizing, i'm emotional, i display lot of feminine traits. i will say i look more of a man in my physical appearance and less of a female but in my charater, thinking, talking and other behavioural pattern is more of a female and less of a man. i do see myself as a female and i will wanna tranistion fully to a female. hope you read all of this. please tell me, what you think? thank you

    • Posted

      Well I still think you need a proper physical examination of your testes.  Men with KS have small firm testes, and when I say small I mean small, like pea size. sad  Some males with KS have larger balls and they tend to be mosaics, 46XY/47XXY, they can also make sperm, but they won't have balls that could be described as 'normal.'  When I was examined by my endocrinologist he determined my balls were less than 1.0 mls in volume, but the orchidometer only goes down to 1.0 mls, so 1.0 mls was recorded in my notes.  That's about as big as my little finger nail.  That's tiny.  I was a typical XXY male, physically speaking.    

      As for other XXY males, well they almost always identify as male, and of course we can only speak of those diagnosed, but we can make assumptions about those who are not.  If not feeling male was common, or virtually universal, then all those undiagnosed XXY's would be diagnosed and they'd be turning up at gender clinics repeatedly.  Being XXY would be the most common reason for Transgender.  In reality, the most common reason XXY's are found is inability to impregnate their wife. So most diagnosed XXY's are heterosexual.  They want to have children.  They like being male and they like females for sex.  They are happy with their masculinity. Even the gay XXY's are happy with their masculinity.  


  • Posted

    i just checked on google and found some intersex males, who also identified as transgender, like Caroline Cossey and Kimber James. so definitely, you can be intersex and also transgender , and i bet that's the category i fall into. thanks for your humble and helpful replies so far..

    • Posted

      Carolyne Cossey, former Bond model, fired because she transitioned, who was diagnosed with Klinefelters syndrome.  Klinefleters syndrome is not intersex.  Intersex is a natural formation of sex development and Klinefelters' syndrome is the symptoms of disease.  By definition Klinefelters' syndrome cannot be intersex. Oh but there are plenty of people who say it is, they're just wrong.   Intersex didn't include Klinefelters' syndrome until 2002, when a man with KS, what is his name????   Anyway, I have it on the tip of my tongue, it'll come back to me, eventually!  redface   Anyway that XXY man said "that my genitals are different to other mens genitals is reason for me to say I'm intersex"  or words to that effect.  OK?  So what he was referring to was the major symptom of disease XXY males experience AFTER the onset of puberty, small firm testes.   He's gay, if he didn't have male looking genitals no gay man would look at him as a sex partner!  He has to have the required parts to be seen as male, so he's not intersex.

       I just looked up the ISNA newsletter, he's David Strachan, who said "“Knowing that my sexual anatomy is not like other males is sufficient reason to call myself intersex.”

      Well good for him, he's not me.  Anyway the person who was relating the tale said "Does that mean if ISNA succeeds in its mission and these conditions are ultimately treated as variations rather than inherently pathological we may have to reconsider our definition of intersex? That would be fine with us!"

      Well it's not fine with me, as KS IS pathological.  We have a disease that needs therapy, and David himself has therapy too!  He dosn't have therapy because he's not sick.  And doctors don't treat well people.  And this site is called "Patient"  where people with illnesses go.

      If you want to read the newsletter I'm reading from search "ISNA Fall 2002 Newsletter"  cheesygrin

      Yes I think you are intersex, but I don't think you have KS, your balls are too normal.  If they were tiny your doctor ought to have picked that up right away, they're very obviously different in XXY males.

  • Posted

    do you use facebook? if you do, i will like to be more in touch with you. if you don't mind, you can send me your facebook i.d, so i can look you up and send you friend request. if you don't feel comfortable disclosing it, then no worries dear. once again, thanks a lot for your kind replies..

    • Posted

      Oh you want to know my real name.... ohhhh.... I thought everybody already knew my real name? cheesygrin But I don't know your real name, how do  know it will be you who sends the invite?  You might send my real name to all manner of nutters that I'll have to defend myself from?  I can be attacked endlessly once a site like this which is publicly available has my real name?  I think it best that we just communicate here, in public, where all is open and can be seen.  

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