What does it feel like to have Klinefelters' syndrome?

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Another contributor wishes to discuss what it feels like to have Klinefelters' syndrome, so I thought I'd start a discussion on that topic, see what comes of it?

I'd like to be able to choose XXY as a place to put this discussion, then we can chat about what it feels like to be fat, or to have gynaecomastia, or to be sterile, and any other disease associated with being XXY.

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    All I know too, living with KS just plain sucks, plain and simple, none of us r supposed to be this way, but we r, and it just sucks, I absolutely hate being like this, feeling of being stuck n the wrong body, and know what u should have been ,it never gets any easier knowing about this, but I'm beginning to think like u, can't b a god, cause was supposed to be perfect, well news flash, I'm not, and far from being so, I'm trying to cope with this, but I'm reminded everyday I'm not who I'm supposed to be, I've had cancer 3 times and I would rather deal with it, than deal with how I feel and look, cause my cancer can b treated, and n most cases cured, but KS can't, I hate it, plain and simple.  

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      I tend to get hooked into a topic, and often I don't make any discoveries, but I try anyway.  So the latest one to catch my eye is the incidence of - well the incidence of what?  How can the incidence of KS be greater than the incidence of XXY?  So the Americans are claiming KS occurs at 1:400 live male births, when only 30% are diagnosed.  However the incidence of XXY is from 1:500 to 1:1000 live male births in the rest of the world.  How the hell can KS be more than XXY and how can KS be an exact number?   Is it that the Americans just have to be different, they can't express what the rest of the world says as they think being different makes them great?  rolleyes    How did they arrive at their exact 1:400 number when there have been NO new cytogenetic studies done, and I've looked, even the Americans haven't done any new studies! 

      I don't know what it feels like to have KS, I haven't had KS for so long I forget!   I know what it feels like to be XXY from my perspective, and it's not anybody elses perspective as there's only 1 or me.  It doesn't matter that I'm sterile, I have a family, that problem is solved.  It doesn't matter that I learned to be happy with my own company, I've been happy with my own company since I was 5.  cheesygrin   

      Got a visitor!  

  • Posted

    Posted March 21, 2018 -

    I am a Single, White Male, 6 Feet, 6 Inches Tall, Age 48, 446 Pounds (202 KG) I am from Michigan, United States and yes I have Klinefeltors Syndrome (XXY), I was diagnosed at age 10. I was a skinny child until puberty around 9, Where I gained about 10 pounds per year. By

    Age 09.......175 Pounds or 079 KG,

    Age 14.......225 Pounds or 102 KG,

    Age 18.......325 Pounds or 147 KG,

    Age 48.......446 Pounds or 202 KG,

    I was bullied as a child due to weight gain, braces, glasses, (typical nerd), Times I would feel I was smarter then the average male then other times I felt I was very stupid (ADD) I feel like I was on a Roller-Coaster Ride of emotions. At age 15,I was suicidal due to failing the 7th grade (Algebra & too many tardies, thanks to mom taking me to school late always) and Age 28 due to having to file for Bankruptcy being over $45,000 in debt due to credit cards and 3-days in Emergency Room with No medical insurance. I was a workaholic and worked 52 jobs in 15 years, I loved the money vs the social life. I am Disabled and on Social Security which I receive (Government Aid) for life due to my permanent disabilities. Since then I am now Debt-Free with a Credit Report Score of 578 (Needs Work) and 978 Auto Credit Score (Excellent).

    I will list all my diagnosis that I had, so maybe we can all relate and see if we all have the same problems or not as I am curious to know:

    My Conditions:


    ¦ Depression 

    ¦ Anxiety

    ¦ Panic Attack Disorder

    ¦ BiPolar Disorder

    ¦ ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)

    ¦ Suicidal (Age 15 & 28)

    ¦ Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 

    ¦ Chronic airway obstruction 

    ¦ Chronic kidney disease (CKD)

    ¦ Swelling of the ankle, feet, or leg  (Cellulitis, Dermatitis, Edema) 

    ¦ Coronary artery, anomalous origin (Sudden Death)

    ¦ Underactive Thyroid (Hypothyroidism)

    ¦ Seizure Disorder (Epilepsy)

    ¦ Kidney Stones (Every 9 months or so)

    ¦ Gallstones at Age 47 (Dr refused to remove gallbladder due to 475 pounds)

    ¦ Sleep Apnea

    ¦ Insomnia

    ¦ Snoring 

    ¦ Acid Reflux

    ¦ Iron Deficiency (Anemia)

    ¦ Vitamin D Deficiency (Severe - Age 48)

    ¦ Muscle Spasms (Mid 30's)

    ¦ Back Problems

    ¦ Dislocated Hip (Due to Seizure in 1980)

    ¦ Enlarged Prostate (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)

    ¦ Motion Sickness / Vertigo

    ¦ Gout

    ¦ Constipation

    ¦ Hemorrhoids 

    ¦ Flu (Yearly even with Flu Shot)

    ¦ Pneumonia (at Birth and age 25)

    At Age 14 I liked Girls and Guys, But due to gay discrimination and the society not acceptive of it, I hid it for years until about Age 28 and only dated women. I have heard on here that guys with XXY are Straight, Bisexual or Gay. I would consider myself Bisexual. I been with a few guys but never gone all the way. I been with more women then men. I am also Catholic. My religion also plays a factor since catholic church is against gay relationships. One day, I left a message on my bed and told my father that I was spending a night with a guy (Yes, I am Gay), So I opened up to him by message, He confronted me within a few days, he was ok with it as long as I don't bring anyone over and he told me about the dangers of Aids. 

    I moved out of my parents home at the age of 44 (2014) and moved in a few places until I moved into a Section 8 (Government Housing) in 2017. I have met many women thru-out the years most relationships would last 6 months to 1 year as I would get bored with them (I probably was looking for a reason to break-up with them). I dated one woman on and off for 10 years. She had similar mental disabilities as me however when I proposed to her at first she said yes, But when it came time for reality to set in and look for a place to live together, She would rather like Single Life. We are still friends but see other people. I graduated in 1988 with a Diploma in General Studies and attended Community College in Criminal Justice and Business. I had a seizure which ended my chances to become a law enforcement officer. I had odd jobs since. I been a member of a Clubhouse for 10 years.

    What is a Clubhouse - A Clubhouse is a community intentionally organized to support individuals living with the effects of mental illness. Through participation in a Clubhouse people are given the opportunities to rejoin the worlds of friendships, family, important work, employment, education, and to access the services and supports they may individually need.

    I have 3 Older Sisters and 1 Older Brother, 1 Younger Brother. My Mother had 2 Stillbirths prior to having us. 

    My mother told me my older brother had same condition I had (Man boobs) he had cosmetic surgery to remove that in the 1970's. He was able to have children 2 boys and 1 girl. (none seem to have any disabilities)

    If anyone wants to respond to my message, just click "Reply to BigBoyMichigan" 


  • Posted

    Before I was diagnosed in 1997 with 47 xxy intersex,  I was weak, couldn’t build muscle mass, small penis n testicles, shy, emotional, sensitive, bad memory, learning difficulties, enlarged breasts, etc. Once diagnosed, started T hrt patches & began feeling 100% better. Now after 21 years of taking T my body can no longer accept T & in process of going on estrogen!

  • Posted

    My husband  and I are 63...we married at age 18 and 2 years after found out he has Klinfelters. We of course were never able to have children biologically, but have raised 5 adopted children. I know that growing up and puberty was difficult as a young man..but I do not think that is exclusive to Klinefelters Syndrome. Growing up can just be hard...period. I think getting the diagnosis really rocked his world. At that time they were reporting that Klinfelters Men were antisocial and a large percentage ended up in prison, and had lower IQs. 

    So how is life at 63 with an XXY guy? We are both Christians and trust God....so that covers so much! Life will always be so imperfect and we certainly go to God for strength.

    My husband has always had that "protector provider" towards me...and I consider him a masculine man...not feminine at all. 

    My husband is tall and yes, he is over weight (But hooray! he has lost 40 pounds!). It is a continuing struggle...as it is for about 40% of Americans without Klinefelters. 

    Treatment? through the years off and on, from time to time he was on Testosterone. We discontinued that some time ago due to the heart attack risk.

    We remain sexually active with one another. 

    I just had to post....so many posts that I read are all doom and gloom. 

    You can live and live well with Klinefelters...get past the diagnosis and begin living!

    • Posted

      That’s great to hear you’ve learned to adapt to your condition & are satisfied!!!

      But for many of us whom are both XXY & Intersex there’s no simple solution, it goes way beyond being spiritual &/or being religious. I’ve taken just bout every T med that’s out there due to what insurance would cover at the time. My body’s so ripped apart from T I’ve developed IBS, ulcerative colitis, intense rectal bleeding that I wear maxi pads 24/7. This was side effect of too many T meds & doctors constant push to raise T levels by increasing dosage! Fortunately I’ve been accepted into NIH clinical study where I’ll finally get numerous scans & tests done. Continuous use of T not good especially since it’s synthetic hormone. My body only produces 5% T & 95% estrogen, I was born with 80% female internally with male genitalia. After first of year I’m going on estrogen n saying goodbye to T for good!!!🤤😩👽??

    • Posted

      That's amazing Jennifer! I'm only 40 and I'm trying everyday something new to help with this. What do you recommend for a young guy involved in a serious relationship that struggles with identity issues when I'm out with my woman?

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    HELLO FOLKS . since i was on here last i have under gone many tests due to things the govt medical for 60 yr olds [ which was later due to inept doctor ]. i was found to have extremely high level of iron 2000ppm and this triggered many tests. i told the new doctor that i was XXY so that brought up more tests and a full body scan to see what i had inside me. they found full female anatomy , woumb and ovaries. then they continued to find that i had the full female anatomy and but for doctors sewing me up as baby i had vagina and all . then they went further to find retained testicles above my penis.  blood tests confirm that i am 80% female levels. going back on medical records it appears that i was having bad back cramps on regular basis which was put down to having had broken back . now the specialist thinks i could have possibly been having periods.  so now more unanswered questions than answers. 


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      Wow... I'm speechless! How do you feel knowing something else had been discovered?

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      i half suspected this many years ago as i had what i thought were period pains but i didnt have the money for the scan then which was $2500 but now it is much cheaper and the medical association did it .  what will be will be  i think but im happy with my decision not to keep taking T after i turned 18.
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      I think ur uniquely amazing to have body like that!!! Minus pain of course!
  • Posted

    I was diagnosed in 1997 with XXY & been taking T up till now, I’m 50yrs old & will be switching to estrogen by December. It’s been long n difficult road! But last year I found out that I’m Intersex as well, how about you?

    • Posted

      yes i had full body scan and they found i have both male and female sex organs and internals . ovaries womb testicles [very small] size walnut and penis  so technically the doctor said i am XXXY he thinks not the XXY i was supose to be.
    • Posted

      it explains many things like the fact that i am dress maker and many women have said to me that i dont have the same smell as normal man. i have always related to women more than men but still strickly hetrosexual. the fact i was fed male hormones from age 8 to 18 and my father taught me all male things was probably another thing . i have just been happy with my life as there wasnt any thing i could change apart from remove breasts and i wasnt fazed about them at size B. 
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      I found at age 23 after I'd been married 2 years. Started with T patches because we wanted to do IVF for kids. Now at age 40 trying again and it's been a rough road.

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      i didnt remove them but that was an option the doctors gave me. my thoughts were why go through surgery just for looks. i still go to nude beaches when im in europe even though i do cause bit of interest from others.
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      I would go to nude swimming pools but never got the looks for my man breasts, but my dermititus I had in both of my legs at age 31, which is permanment leg damage.
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      Last year when I was diagnosed with gynecomastia I asked my Breast doc what she recommended I wear to control movement of my breasts. She measured them then had me try on several samples. I started sweating like fool!!! But thanks to her, I now wear with confidence Playtex front close satin sleek bra & oh whatta difference it makes. I’m truck driver n my body’s shaken all day but since I’ve been wearing bras, they don’t hurt so much! Plus she recommended I start wearing women’s open bust shaping torsettes & WOW what difference that makes too!

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