What does my blood test result mean?
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Hello, I am 53 and have just had a blood test to see if I am menopausal. When I rang up for the result the Receptionist said it read "normal - no action required. I don't know if that meant it was normal for anyone or for someone through the change. She said it was below 0.5. I don't even know which hormone it would have been. I wasn't able to speak to the Doctor. Do any of you know what it might be?
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carol111 newtoit
My guess is that they are talking about your FSH levels
Take a look at this link
newtoit carol111
jayneejay newtoit
try and get in to the Doc .. or phone receptionist again..
could she mean FSH was normal and FH was 0.5 ?
my last blood test which was 3 years ago for peri / meno was
61.3 mUI/ ml total.. i have results i live in spain and they give you all your results, i just checked ... jay xx
lube62 newtoit
I had the same result and feedback from a blood test about 18 months ago.I thought I was menopausal but now know from how I am feeling these days that I wasnt.
Take care
jayneejay newtoit
I am age 49 and in peri, have been for almost 9 years...
the meno blood test is the FSH ( Follicle Stimulating Hormone ) not sure of what 0.5 means... at first mine came back as normal, although the Doc said I was deffo Peri, thing is as the hormones are so erractic you vary day to day, and when I had my earlier tests that was the case and in normal range... the home testing meno sticks are good, you can monitor yourself at home at different stages of month... ebay have them i had the cheap ones and they worked great, i had a blood test ages ago it said normal, then did tests later in month and said positive for menopause..
hooe that helps Jay xx
newtoit jayneejay
carol111 newtoit
danne newtoit
jayneejay danne
how are you finding your natural progesterone, ? i used that a few years ago use to rub in skin, but had to stop as caused very tender and lumpy breasts, so only used it as stated for a few months, I had like a big lumpy cyst and it stares after using the cream .. so was advised to stop it, it was natural progesterone, two months later the lump had gone and all been okay since... just wonderd how you get on with it ..
i have to use the other ways now. 😏.. Estroven Maximum etc... natural still.
jay xx
danne jayneejay
jayneejay danne
i hope you get on with the cream okay..
Estroven Max i actually get from ebay a US shop... its the cheapest on there, hes a good seller and ships world wide..
i also got many things including my natural progesterone when i tried it from Biovea web site, they are good for Vits etc ... including Maca, Vit B6, Vit B 12, etc etc ... Jay x