What feel like heart palpitations

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good afternoon all,

suffering bad from anxiety recently and finally got it on me to reach out for help so its much appreciated.

i can feel and see my heart beat in my stomach, chest (when beating hard) neck and throat.

has or is anyone else experiencing this? cant stop noticing it from the moment i wake up at the moment. Its the worst when im out with my wife of friends, i can feel it so much and just brings me down. When im home i check my apple watch and says my heart was around 90-110 throughout the day/night which is possibly normal when eating etc?

would love some help or support. thank you!

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4 Replies

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    yes Matthew it sounds like you have some anxiety going on. Think about what may be causing this in your life. It’s very common to have a faster than normal heartbeat with anxiety as well as see it pulsate in the stomach area. but the actual faster heart rate is due to a release of adrenaline when you have anxiety. It will eventually wear off. Mornings are a common time of the day to notice an increase in heart rate and anxiety.

    you don’t even have to feel anxious to have the rapid heart rate because there could be an underlying anxiety that we are not even aware of sometimes.

    I’ve had anxiety for over 30 years and have had every sensation you can think of related to that. None of these sensations are harmful.

    Of course I always recommend that people get their yearly physical check up with their doctor. If that’s OK then work on decreasing the anxiety and stress in your life. , possibly get some counseling to help manage the anxiety.

    one thing that I recommend is do not obsess over the heart rate or constantly check it because that will increase your anxiety and thus your heart rate.

    there Are ways to relax the heart rate. One that works great is learning proper breathing for anxiety. That is the key to lowering the heart rate.

    You can find many videos on YouTube related to mindfulness breathing or breathing for anxiety etc.

    It’s not so much the sensations we get with anxiety that are the important thing, it’s getting the anxiety managed so that you don’t get these sensation of rapid heartbeat etc.hope this helps a little bit. Feel free to message anytime! ❤ .

  • Posted

    you mentioned it’s worse when you are out with your wife and friends. Is it a possibility that you might have a little social anxiety? I also notice it is worse when I am with other people. my heart rate tends to go up in those situations.

  • Posted

    thanks so much for coming back to me!

    i have had ECG and all blood tests all were absolutely fine. Its just the feeling that is really getting me down.

    Sitting here now my heart is at 61 which is good but i cant stop catching myself feel each beat. this is what i do when im out and feels so strong. of course when youre out drinking and eating your heart is going to increase, i just cant process it!! so fustrating. i dont believe i have social anxiety i just think this one thing is creating so much more.

    i have and still am trying the breathing techniques. Its just sitting or lying down breathing all i can feel is my heartbeat, stomach neck chest! i will keep trying though

    thanks again

  • Posted

    yes I know the feeling when you can feel your heartbeat in different areas of the body.

    Are you staying hydrated? Sometimes when we are unknowingly dehydrated, it causes the heart to beat faster and feel more like it’s a bounding sensation .but it can also be caused by anxiety.

    Somehow there’s got to be a way for you to not notice it as much.

    Are you hyper focusing on it?

    Also, what if any are your concerns about the way it feels?

    are you staying busy enough or do you have a lot of time to think about it?

    I ask these questions because I used to do those things a lot.

    What helped me was turning my thoughts around and just letting it happen. I told myself that my heart is in great condition which is true, I feel very fortunate that my heart is beating even if it’s a little faster or stronger.

    When my heart was racing I would just say to myself that I recognize its happening and it can continue for as long as it wants to.

    when we resist something it hits us even harder. If we take more of a relaxed attitude towards it, and just breathe, it will eventually relax.

    so when we feel anxious about it, we are telling our brain that something is wrong. So the brain will shoot out adrenaline in the fight or flight response and that raises the heart rate.

    you tube has some great relaxing meditations made for anxiety that can lower the heart rate. I use those all the time. ❤

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