What financial preparations has anyone done?

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Cost of sustaining each of us with Dysautonomia drains all our saving. Given that, how many of us are able to attain sufficient medications for our chronic pain and suffering?

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18 Replies

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    Hi Terry, this is something one just can't prepare for. We put money in savings, have 401 and other retirement assets but but when chronic conditions kick in, all bets are out the window. Thank God VA supplies my medications even if they do nothing to find cause or cure. My wife and I have used up most of what we had and my wife has a small amount stashed for her existence if I go before she does. We have prepaid cremation set up so our children don't have to carry that burden. We live on a tight budget and rely on God to see us through (which He certainly has). I was totally disabled in 2002 at 54 years old and we didn't finally get the dysautonomia diagnoses till 2017. With so many years of suffering and doctor visits our savings was pretty much eaten up. Where do you live Terry and what kind of medical assets are available in your area? Many of the drug companies have programs that will help with medications if your doctor will help with the paper work.

    Blessings and wishing good for you, Ken

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      Kin. I live near Clarksville TN. If you were under near age 45 I know how to pass on big assets! Like movie 'Enemy of the state', I was saving a girl life for 2 years her doctor tried to kill. If I were able to attain an atty on contingency I'd deal with the doctor and after I'd hire a corporate atty to help me launch a powerful med malpractice business.

      I after 1 year of learning all my illnesses and talking to pain doctors, I'm told most oxy I can get for my chronic degenerative pain be 10mg 4 times per day. This is because our country is publicising the drug addicts who take street drugs either because pain doctors will not prescribe them enough meds which some people give up trying legally or simply 25% of pain patients commit suicide! News media only reports drug overdoses as abuse of medication. I believe pain doctors have too much power and put money over the welfare of their patients.

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      Ken. This chat decided to edit my response.
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      Ken. Only Christ governs or chastises Terry within my life. Since my good wife Paula passed while under my wonderful non ending care, I now own no fear! I have a need within me to protect the underdog from doctors and lawyers choosing money over the welfare of their patients.
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      Ken. Clarksville. Medical assets pain doctors are highly controlled at min meds per day, half what be needed.
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      Ken. I literally saved a girl life 5 times from her extinction by a greedy doctor afraid of jury trial.
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      Ken. It's impossible to hire a medical malpractice atty to take a doctor down for lieing on record because doc has millions income stream plus he goes low road with the power of his license which without millions and time to stop this doc from putting money before welfare of his patient, I can't win to expose to this country premeditated attempt m. Harm

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      Ken. My illnesses are overehrlmomg too. God last 2 month's has multiplied what cannot occur to help me barely be able to get out of bed each day plus Christ yesterday done impossible only God's children can see and be humbled by. Pain patients are so controlled by media and president and on down because it is newsworthy when people have no control while in pain and choose unwisely to find more releaf elsewhere which having no self control do themselves in newsworthy. Therefore pain patients like me must continue to suffer.

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      There be a way to attain a quick large estate if you were under age 45 in life insurance to benefit your loved one. Too expensive with us old folk. The right person young enough with maybe 5 yrs left is perfect candidate.
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    and suffer we do Terry. I self medicated with illegal drugs and alcohol for many years till I quit in 1981 and called on God for mercy. The VA put me on pain medication so I could work. I was on entended release morphine, immediate release morphine, methadone and Oxycontin all at the same time. When I crashed in 2002 and could no longer work, I went to my pain doctor and said I didn't want anymore drugs. His response, "then there is no more I can do for you" and discharged me from his care. My wife and I weened me off all the narcotics and since 2007 I have been under the care of Jesus Christ, to the glory of God. I have some powerful testimonies of what God has done for me but the doctors don't believe much of it.

    The difference between a doctor and God; God knows He is God! To many doctors have the god complex.

    I wish you well Terry and may God bless you

  • Posted

    It is a vicious circle Terry. The pain management situation is fueling another Black Market industry and it will get worse. When a person in real pain can't get the help they need from their doctor, they turn to the street vendor. Heroin and crack are the starters then move on to the synthetics and you have a recipe for disaster. I was fortunate and had the help of my wife and the desire to be drug free. I am very, very limited in any physical activity but I have a refuge where I can rest. I am using massage therapy, chiropractic, yoga and ti chi to try and rebuild damaged joints and muscles. My money is gone so all these therapies I am using are on a very limited basis. By the way I spent 6 omonths at FT Campbell in 68.

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      At age 62 after my good wife passed I was so depressed and began looking for a new young good wife around fort Campbell. I'm well known by all police in Clarksville as the wealthy old man who plays with young girls she rob me afterwards or they grand theft auto. I'm always the innocent victim. Girls who worship white powder only, no loyalty to me. Lord has one wild one realizing I'm worth her effort to keep me stable. Tools that help in my quality of life be world class warm water bidet attached on top of toilet. Plus 12 inches of memory foam by itself. Benadryl spray a must for my skin itches. Again I attempt to seed a million investment each year over time.

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      Hello Terry, I hope you are well. At just on 72 years of age, I realize God has blessed me with a loving wife. My main source of enjoyment is feeding on the word of God and fellowship with like minded believers. I have found as Solomon stated in Ecclesiastes, there is nothing new under the sun and everything we pursue in this world is only vanity. I am poor and in poor health but wealthy beyond measure because Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. He will supply my every need and with that assurance, I am able to enjoy life as it is and not strive for what the world has. You sound like a loving and caring man who is ready to lend a helping hand. The problem is,  there are always those who know how to work on the heart to get what they want. I wish you well Terry and send blessings, Ken
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      Ken. You're absolutely right girls working hard to get what they want residency in great future with super promise and a very kind of your loving heart at their side like Samson God birth with a desire for the Sumerian girls got his eyes gouged out with Delilah somehow my wife pass at 56 and I think girls Die Young and therefore I choose young girls that either don't know the Lord or deny the Lord and I am a that's profit I teach like no the church can in four dimensions as a sitting beside Lord looking down upon God's creation as he so intended man to read his word and to grow and knowledge showing some insane challenge voluntarily hits my plate I know I need to be the breadwinner and make the million-dollar investments in order to cover us and especially life insurance since that's the easiest way off for a spouse since she Lord willing pass for you to get tax free money being responsible for both of us sometimes is the best protection for both of us and it's best protection and since I'm flipping out the Bucks that I own the policy so she's getting cared for I got if something happens to her I get paid back and I can move on

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      Life insurance for me is out of the question. At my age and with my health, insurance is untouchable. We save what we can and rely on God for tomorrow's needs. After my expenses I have $92.00 for the month. We are happy and praising God for our shelter, food, cloths and enough money to help support  our church and missions work. My wife and I work with an group in overcoming life controlling issues; drugs, alcohol, sex, trauma, personal loss, etc. It is good to disciple and mentor anyone who will listen but I don't believe we can force, coerce or buy their salvation and love for God. I see far to many Christians today who are there for what they can get free. Our country is in peril today because the church dropped it's guard and let apathy and slothfulness take over. I believe every word written in the bible and that is what I live by. I try not to be judgemental of others but I do judge my own actions, reactions and motives. I wish you well Terry and hope you find peace in all your hard work.

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      I wish you well to Kim and everything you do I also have a rare breed where I live by every word of God and all 66 books written by 40 authors over 4000 Thousand Years I sure the word with those who have an ear like no church can because I have no motives other than to Sheraton four dimensions width length height and time in history if you know any people her age 45 another good or bad health it's a good way for them if their bill to pass on money to the kids

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      A girl I knew moved next door and only want be close friends!, asked and highly persuaded me to purchase $500 tickets for us to go see live Cher concert on freezing Jan 31, ignored my plee that my health cannot take sitting in hard seat or cold weather or loud noises, pushed the send button costing me $500, which I could have easily romanced her with many flowers plus chocolate. Instead my budget for such house cleaning to help her out is now used up. Not only are such tickets non refundable and I'm angry at myself for allowing my emotional need for girl company to continually make me do foolish purchases for ungrateful or non caring girls about my delicate health because these girls know well that I do anything to get constant play to fix my depression and to help me overcome my fibermyalgia pain so I can get out of bed.

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      I am so sorry Terry, this young lady obviously knows you as an easy target. During the depression my grandparents would feed anyone who came to their door and would hire transients as workers on their farm. They fed well and paid well and furnished clean sleeping quarters for their workers. There was always a line of men looking for a handout. During the depression a rag would be tied on the mailbox of an easy mark so those coming after would see and know they could get a feeby. It sounds like you have been marked. To easy my pain and discomfort, I spent most of my tikme in church and in fellowship with other believers. I hope you can shake this thing Terry because these TAKERS will use you up, they don't care about you only what they can get from you.

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