what going on with me im having shortness of breath and wierd chest burning?

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i was at the doctor already. he thinks its just an asthma flare up.but inhalers on not helpinmg much. im having shortness of breath that gets better and worse at random times and i also noticed some chest burning and maybe some very mild pain the comes and goes. im reading online this could be problems with the heart but im only 21 years old. im not sure. im thinking of going to the emergencry room?

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5 Replies

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    sorry i think i posted it in the wrong section. i just joined this forum.
  • Posted

    Ask your doctor about getting your inhalers changed to a stronger medication and ask if your currenr dose should be increased.  Chest burning along with pain can be signs of acid reflux which can occur if you are under stress.  Worrying about your asthma may well have triggered this,  i have acod reflux and have experienced burning and chest pain with it when feeling anxious.  Don't google your symptoms; this will make them worse. Instead, take the advice of your doctor.

    • Posted

      No, I never get short of breath with acid reflux.  I only get burning, occasional chest pain that can be tender to touch or nausea. Often the acid makes me cough if it is silent heartburn.
  • Posted

    ok so update. ive got so tired of this. i ended up going to the emrgency room. after a chest x-ray they told me i had some inflammation on my lungs. they diagnosed me with acute bronchitis and send me home with antibiotics and an inhaler. i will get the antibiotics tommorow since i came back from the mergency room an hour ago. hopefully these antibiotics help.

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