What herbal supplements should I take?
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I have been researching taking Vitamin B6 and/or St John's Wort during peri-menopause and wondered what people's experiences were with these? What dosage of Vitamin B6 should I be taking if I go down this route? Thanks everyone.
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didi0613 samantha2702
jeny86397 samantha2702
Hi Samantha, I'm taking a tesco menopause tablet, one a day, I've only been on them for 9 days now, I was advised by pharmacist to take these, haven't really noticed much difference yet. I'm putting of going to my gp as he's not very helpful at all. I'll let you know if I start to feel any different, but at moment still really tired, not sleeping,, very aggy, emotional, you get the picture. I'm six or seven months in to peri and am sick off it already, I know there a long road ahead and some days are gonna be better than others, just wish this would go away. Off to gym in an hour, let some steam off and hopefully knacker myself out, I would give anything to sleep properly. Hope you find your answer, sorry not much help,x
samantha2702 jeny86397
Thank you, I went to my GP yesterday for something else and decided to see what he thought. With my symptoms he agreed it was peri-menopause and suggested B6 or St John's Wort but there are pros and cons of both so a bit confused! I am evil a lot of the time, both at work and at home and I'm trying my best to control it lol! Something we have to deal with I guess!
jeny86397 samantha2702
You and me too, controlling it is really hard, I find the gym really helpful, gets all my aggression out, mind you the amount of agg that I have most days I should probably move to the gym, I think my family would like that, keep your chin up, us ladies are bloody hero's, wot man do you know that could even handle a period let alone this bs, x
Sochima822 samantha2702
I don't understand what you're concern with taking st. John's wort or b6. Are you on medication that may cause a reaction, if so what are they?
samantha2702 Sochima822
I'm not concerned, I just wondered, in people's experiences, was better?
Sochima822 samantha2702
What are your symptoms? I took both, the b vitamins didn't do much for me as far as controlling my symptoms. St. John's wort did, but only for certain symptoms.
samantha2702 Sochima822
Fed up, angry, short tempered - the physical symptoms I can deal with, it's the others that are getting me (and everyone around me) down! Did you take the vitamins and St John's Wort together or try them at different times?