What I'd do to find an end to my monthly migraine hell

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Every month during my period, I suffer a migraine of varying degrees. I have been to the doctors many times when I would happily drill a hole above my left eyebrow to hit the pain. I was referred to a neurologist 3 or 4 years ago who concluded that it had not killed me yet and therefore suffer the pain......... great! I would just like to know what is causing the pain, what is it above and behind my eye that causes the pain and why does the left had side of my face feel odd, I get ear ache too and I sneeze alot with a watery mucus - sorry for the detial.

I have been prescribed just about every migraine pain relief pill but I did find a pill that delays your period, this helps when on holiday and for special occasions which can be ruined by my feeling awful for three days each month. Only problem is, this only delays the migraine until I stop taking the pill. I don't think these are designed to be taken every day so another trip to the dr's is needed I guess. Does anyone suffer similar or know of a cure?

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    The only surefire cure is getting your final period!

    The women of my family, me included have all suffered from this type of migraine. Although my symptoms are slightly different, it is definately hormone related. I know this because of the timing of the attacks and because when I am pregnant or breastfeeding, I don't get them.

    I have tried immigran and if I take it at just the right moment, it can stop a migraine in it's tracks. The downside is that the side effects are quite strong and you probably need to have a lie down anyway!

    I do find nurofen more effective than paracetamol, but again, it has to be taken very early on, at the first signs of a problem.

    Tonight I have tried my first syndol and found it to be effective. Fortunately, I took it early enough and it has definately helped. It does make you sleepy but nowhere near as bad as the immigran.

    I am dreading approaching the menopause as I think things will get worse before they get better, when I stop getting periods.

    I'd quite like to try hormone replacement (oestrogen) although my periods aren't very regular so I'm not sure if it would work for me.

    Hope this helps you feel a bit better,


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    Hi, I too suffer and am fast approaching my menopause (49 yrs and still waiting for it to start!). My mother suffered too until after her menopause when all symptons went and she can now eat and drink (alcohol) what she likes - so bring on my menopause I say!!

    My migraines definitely have increased in regularity and severeness in the last couple of years. My doctor has tried me on all the triptans over the years and I eventually ended up at the London Migraine Clinic (Barbican). They are brilliant - they got me off all the drugs I was taking to try to prevent/get rid of the migraine and I kept a diary - and it established that it is menstrual migraine - I have two attacks on just before/during period, other mid cycle.

    I start on Mefenamic two days before my period and take through to when bleeding stops. On my heavy day (and believe me they are so heavy) I have Tranexamic tablets to stop the heavy bleeding (it works!).

    Then if I still get a mild to moderate migraine I can take Motilium travel sickness tables (20ml) with 600-900ml of soluable asprin in a sugary drink (like coke, pepsi - not diet coke etc) - this usually eases the migraine. It it goes into a full blown migraine then last resort is an Elitripan tablet - 95% of times it goes within half and hour. As you can imagine I can be a bit sleepy - but at least you get a good sleep not with a pounding head and wake up feeling tons better.

    The Motilium and asprin can be bought over the counter the rest is prescribed medicine.

    It's taken me 4-5 years to find this treatment; one right for me so I hope this gives you a head start especially when you approach the menopause.

    The things we women have to put up with!!!

    Good luck

    Sally :lol:

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    firstly i would like to say i sooo symphathise with you, having suffered from severe monthly migraines for aprox 2 yrs.

    unfortunately i don't have a magic answer for your migraines, although i have recently been prescribed a triptan called maxalt. They make my monthly migraines bearable so i dont feel like i want to rip my head off! They dissolve on your tongue so if sickness is a problem when you get your migraine at least you don't bring these up(excuse my description). They do make me quite drowsy but better that than the pain.

    I have no faith in my GP or neurologists anymore having been told there's nothing they can do as i've tried various preventative tablets that they thought might work but haven't. i've only just realised through this site that oestrogen patches might be useful for me to take around my period even tho my GP knows they are hormonal migraines.

    I am going to go back to him now to see if he would prescribe these for me as i belive not all GPs do.

    I find getting a sympathetic friend/partner to massage my neck and head just before i get a migraine and after helps a little with the stiffness i get. my ears and eyes/eyebrows are also very painful, as is the bridge of my nose(a few locum GP's diagnosed ENT and sinus infections as my symptoms are very similar to sinisitus).but i now know its hormonal.

    I will keep you posted if i try the patches and they are successful

    take care


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    I can sympathise with you completley although I dont get migraines on my monthly period I tend to get them when Im stressed. Im only 22 and stillnow to this day I cant find anything suitable for me to take as alml of the above medicines you have mentioned I have become ammune too sad Sometimes I will cry all night Im in so much pain its unreal and Im sure thereis something deep down underlying.
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    I suffered from migraine throughout teenage years, then they subsided once children arrived and have just begun again, at the age of 42. They arrive just after my period - and if I can catch them early with Imigran, they subside...but sometimes reemerge in the middle of the night. Imigran is given in two doses - so I usually end up taking both over 24 hours. They do relieve the pain, but leave me feeling spaced out and fragile, and exhausted. May be worth a try if you have not tried them already.
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    I have had migraines since I was 18. I am now 50. My periods have become very heavy and I have been prescribed Norethisterone tablets to stop my heavy periods. However my migraines have become even more severe. I used to be able to take Imigran and they would stop my migraine in its tracks but these aren't working anymore. I actually had three last week when I had a migraine but they made no difference. I am finding that the aftermath of the migraine is much worse. I feel like I am walking around in a dream. My ears burn and I have a constant runny nose and pain behind my eyes almost like sinusitis. I do not know if to stop taking the Norethisterone as these may be making things worse. Has anyone else had this problem Thanks
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    Hi, I sympathise with you all migraine is horrible and so debilitating. I have suffered severe migraine since is had my third child. They come in the week before my period and in the first few days after my period starts. They last 3 days and during an attack I am beyond useless. I get the zigzag visual disturbances, feelings of sickness, fatigue, feeling hot, extreme pressure and pain in one side of my head and moving around is pure torture. I suffered for years before thinking of talking to a doctor. I'm so pleased I did though, I found them to be very sympathetic and gave me sumatriptan. At first I thought it was no good as I only took one but I found that taking two and then two again in two hours if needed did the trick. I also take codeine and ibuprofen. It's quite a handful of pills but for me it works and in half an hour I go from praying for death to being quite well. For anyone who is suffering I recommend trial and error and finding out what will work for you. There are many triptans to try and doseages also combine a triptans with a painkiller can be very effective. Good luck all x
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    The pill could be the source of your migranes. I felt like I was having a stroke when I took mine and my doctor immediately stopped me taking it. I had Migranes with Auroa's is that how its spelt which is very dangerous and can cause big problems. I'd ask your doctor. I then had the coil fitted instead!
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    HI just read your problem there with your headaches - are you taking the contraceptive pill ? This used to happen to me when I broke for the week off after taking the pill for 21 days - I was advised by my doctor to just take the pill constantly or.....find an alternative.
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    I am suffering from exactly the same pain every menstrual cycle and it's a hell. my left eye ball, eye brow hurts a lot occasionally it happens on the right side. I woke up with stuffy nose and sneezes a day before I got my periods this month and then I had the left eye ball and eyebrow pain. it used to be a just for a day earlier but now it's killing me throughout my cycle for the 5 days.....I will be very happy if any one helps me to get out of this bad pain. I am still suffering from this nasty pain while writing this response.

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