What if anxiety is taking over
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from young, i was always paranoid of "what if"
situations but it was managable.
however, since my mum passed a few years ago of cancer, it suddenly began getting worse over time.
every lump and bump, i am planning my funeral - even after having a scan and told all clear, i then think they have missed it.
planes are rarely heard in my area, but when i do, i am panicing that something bad is happening.
I panicked after a family break in because im suddenly thinking we can be targeted next because they could have found our addresses in the house.
I am a nervous driver and a horrific backseat driver
at night, it takes me ages to fall asleep because im imagining how i might fall ill and not be there for my baby.
i can find ways to calm down thankfully by cutting off the bad thoughts but has anyone had this and managed to beat this or control it.
i used to be such a positive person but i am feeling so drained with all these thoughts going through my mind.
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jan34534 gemmaf81
just remember that most likely none of your fears will happen. The mind and the thoughts that come from it are just fleeting and don’t mean anything at all.
When I get those thoughts I don’t get freaked out about them because that makes them worse and more frequent. I just calmly acknowledge the thought and then watch it float off. Every single time.
Now it’s getting easier because my brain is automatically doing that for me most of the time.
having awareness of that is important.
You can also speak with a therapist and have some CBT therapy.
don’t drive yourself crazy with the thoughts. The main thing to remember is do not follow the thoughts. let them go.
don’t make mental movies in your mind of things that could happen. It’s not based on reality. Don’t torture yourself for nothing. Take care
gemmaf81 jan34534
thank you so much for this,
ive not heard many people having similar feelings so it really helps go know someone else has felt the same.
last night i just felt so broken down, every scenario ran through my head of what could happen and i drained myself out but I am agreeing with your words, I need to stop playing out these ideas in my head because it will never happen, it sounds easy but years if having this ill make it tricky but im going to try.
i have been reading on options for self care before i start looking into professional help to hopefully see if i can fix this myself
thank you for responding, i felt like i was going crazy last night x
joaquin00537 gemmaf81
Hi, I have also been going through the same thing and always believe that something bad is happening to me even though doctors have also done scans and blood test to reassure me that i am ok. I just feel like something is wrong and i always am looking for answers even though i know sometimes that nothing is wrong. I am currently going to do an mri scan to see if anything is wrong with my nerves or muscles. I just want to accept that i have health anxiety but cant accept it until i have all test done to reassure im ok.