What if I can get over this without Sertraline?
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Ive just been prescribed with sertraline by my doctor after speaking out about how I feel for the first time since I was around 16/17 and first felt this way. I'm now 23 and can no longer cope with my daily anxiety. I feel really lonely, constant lump in my throat like I'm going to cry (if I'm not already crying) and behave quite obsessively in relationships because my self esteem is so low. I don't know if this is depression or just a low point in my life right now and I'm really scared to take this tablet if this is something that might go away on its own? I've never taken any medication apart from anti biotics and my contraceptive pill so this makes me really anxious. No one in my family knows because I'm too afraid to tell them, despite the fact some of my family members struggle with their mental health, so the potential side effects worry me. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you
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Cuffy Ty90s
Ty90s Cuffy
Thank you so much for replying. My doctor has advised me to go to counselling as well as taking the tablets and I've since self referred to a service. I'm going to call them on Monday to arrange because I think opening up to someone that doesn't know me will help. My obsessive behaviour relates to me constantly wanting to know where my partner is, what he's doing, if he's still interested in me, if he'll end things etc. I don't always voice it with him because I don't want to push him away but it eats me up inside especially because I know I have no reason to doubt him - but can't help thinking like that. I have my good days and bad days sometimes I don't think this way about him but I need a lot of reassurance. I didn't bring this up with my doctor so I hope to discuss this during therapy/counselling
Cuffy Ty90s
Do you do anything to make the anxiety go away and does it only work temporarily, such as check his phone or ring or bombard with texts when feeling at your worst?
Are you in the uk?
Ty90s Cuffy
I've had reason to dis trust exes in the past but no not him. It's still new only 3 months.
I'm not a smoker but I've found that when I do smoke, that can help (both cigarettes and cannabis). I do it on a rare occasion but I know that I need to find a healthier way of dealing with it. I've tried both sleep and normal meditation too but that didn't work for long. Do you have any suggestions? Sometimes I shake, I get a sick feeling almost daily sometimes to the point of throwing up (this is rare but it has happened) and I overthink. Yes I'm in the UK are you?
Cuffy Ty90s
Ty90s Cuffy
Yeah they did say it may take a few months for a referring but where I work offers over the phone therapy so I'm going to try that in the meantime I think. Thank you so much for all your help it really means a lot when you feel you have no one to speak to
dawn0904 Ty90s
Ty90s dawn0904
I take microgynon and I've been taking it since I was 16 so 7 years now
dawn0904 Ty90s
Ty90s dawn0904
I'm sorry to hear that. There may be a connection I'll need to look into it deeper as there's nothing on the leaflets that say it may cause anxiety or depression.
I'm glad to hear you're similar to me in the fact you've never taken any medication before and that it's working for you.. I know that people do react in different ways I just hope not to get bad side effects. I take my first one on Tuesday.