What in the world? These symptoms are getting the best of me.
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I have commented or responded to many ladies on here but today is not a good day. I'm 52 and have been experiencing almost all 66 + since I started at 45. For about 3 months, I begin to feel normal and youthful after coming out of an episode of symptoms from Nov-late Jan. For the past week I have been feeling the severe hot head, sharp quick pains in my head, nausea, appetite all over the place, stomach feels weird, sweats, weak legs, brain fog, and depression. I've lost some weight. All of this is the most horrible feeling and I've cried a few times. I walk about 3-4 times a week. I started taking Ultimate Flora 30 billion probiotic once daily, Fish Oil, Magnesium. I stop taking the vitaminD just for a few days because I was told too much is not good. My thyroid test are good and blood work is good. This is totally ridiculous! Is anybody else feeling these symptoms on a daily or have any suggestions?
3 likes, 10 replies
jamie37119 crystals51917
Yes new ones pop up all the time, it is so frustrating. I am actually 45 currently, the worst of my symptoms started about 18 months ago. The only one I am not having is losing weight...I am the biggest I have ever been.
sunaina1983 crystals51917
hellooo mam
me too suffering all those symtomd u wrote
Head pressure
leg pain
bad dreams
Low mood
Hot flashes
Buzzing in head
neck pain and soooo many others.
I am 39 and started all these from last year...having regular periods ..but eratic flow..
May i know ur periods r over ..R u post meno or in Peri phase ?
tk dear
Wish we all be back to our normal self soon .
crystals51917 sunaina1983
Hello, I spotted for about 2 hours or so Oct 2018 and haven't seen anything else since then. This has happen for 2 years in a role. I'm told if I go an entire year with no period at all I'm done with those. I'd rather have a period for the rest of my life than to go threw all these symptoms. I think I'm post meno but sometimes I'm not sure what I am. 😃 😦 Thank you for responding. It helps to see that I'm not crazy and this is normal and will get better one day. God bless and Wish us all back to noraml as well. Much love to you all!
sunaina1983 crystals51917
Sorry to hear ur suffering alot. Take care dear..
ur not alone .
Dear i have read somewhere that when periods stop for good..its still take 1 or 2 years to harmones to settle down and inbetween this time they show peri symtoms.
Waiting for good days.
sunaina1983 crystals51917
hellooo mam
me too suffering all those symtomd u wrote
Head pressure
leg pain
bad dreams
Low mood
Hot flashes
Buzzing in head
neck pain and soooo many others.
I am 39 and started all these from last year...having regular periods ..but eratic flow..
May i know ur periods r over ..R u post meno or in Peri phase ?
tk dear
Wish we all be back to our normal self soon .
sunaina1983 crystals51917
Symtoms **
I forget to write Off Balance and dizziness which is most scary symtom of peri i am facing..which change my life..i left my job because of this..and become almost home bound
Hang is there
crystals51917 sunaina1983
I'm so sorry. This faze in our life is serious and the Dr's and our loved ones need to understand us. I'm continuing to lift everyone of us up in prayer. Thank you.
sunaina1983 crystals51917
Symtoms **
I forget to write Off Balance and dizziness which is most scary symtom of peri i am facing..which change my life..i left my job because of this..and become almost home bound
Hang is there
kelly55079 crystals51917
Yes me too.. PMS is really bad for me. Today I just felt odd- I'm here and doing things BUT I'm not so I guess it's that foggy flakey feeling. I think today was a good day to stay home and sleep all day-- having this period thing takes a lot out of me as well as dealing with kids and spouses. My weight doesn't help either-- I do try eating clean but then crave the bad carbs too.. I heard Vit D was very important and if your going to take one pill that would be it. IDK.. I guess we all do the best we can.
katyD211 crystals51917
All day, most days i feel like you describe...awful. All 66