What is A-fib like?

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Hello everybody! I'm trying to figure out if I have afib or not. I was diagnosed with a heart arrhythmia called SVT when I was 14 and have had it for about 5 years now. Over the years my palpitations have got worse and they won't go away. After looking into it most people with svt don't really have skipped heart beats. They are really bad at night and after I have an svt episode. I've been to the cardiologist multiple times but they say I'm fine.

So I guess my question is what does afib feel like? My heart skips beats constantly and my chest is always tight and uncomfortable. It'll skip beats when I'm laying on my back, taking a deep breath and they happen really bad after svt eps. Like every other beat is skipped. Can someone help me out?

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Micaela, atrial fib  is like your heart is beating all over the place.U  sometimes get short of breath and get dizzy it’s a very unsettling feeling. I have SVT also along with the atrial fib and get premature beats flutters all the time laying down at night on my left side is not an option  and like you said when you take a deep breath. he brings it on but atrial fib is in a whole class of its own .It mostly happens to me at night and sometimes I am up all night long because of the skipped a beat it’s very uncomfortable I hope that explains it a little bit if you can ask me any questions and I’ll answer anything you need to know because I have it all. I’m sorry you have to go through this at such a young age .. God bless you🙏

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      Does anything relieve your symptoms? And is there anyway I can get rid of this?
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    have you been checked for anxiety? Because when I have anxiety I get all kinds of skip beats missed beats when I take my medicine I get nothing
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      Yes, I've been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and a panic disorder but the palpitations happen even when I'm not nervous or anxious.

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      Just cuz you don't feel anxious doesn't mean anxiety isn't there I'm 51 I know I've battled at my whole life A-fib is an arrhythmia a lot of people never even know they have afib my afib my heart bounces around a lot like there's a bird in my chest for other people it might be different you probably should see a cardiologist and a psychiatrist to see if you take Xanax or an Ativan if it relieves your symptoms I'm going to bed at anxiety but I'm not a doctor but I have done a lot of trial and errors on myself and I'm telling you the anxiety makes my heart beat and skip beats and especially if you've been diagnosed with anxiety and panic disorder

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      Try to figure out some of them words cuz I don't have my glasses on laugh out loud

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      Thank so much! I did set up a cardiologist appointment within the next 2 months. Do you mind me asking what your afib feels like to you or how it starts?
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      there's a lot of things that makes it start triggers for me are Coca-Cola but not Pepsi kind of strange if I lay on my left hand side when I'm sleeping alcohol root beer and lemonade sometimes but my biggest one is stress anxiety I usually feel Skip Beat or two I'll start coughing a lot I can usually stop it if I don't get too worked up it feels like your heart is flopping around in your chest continuous irregular heartbeats I usually get dizzy real exhausted I have to urinate a lot but if I feel it coming on I will take a Xanax or Ativan and it helps

    • Posted

      There's a great support group on Facebook if you're a member it's called atrial fibrillation support forum... there's all kinds of information there symptoms doctors everything you need to know you make a post and there are a ton of people that comment on it a ton of people just like you and me.hope you feel better

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