What is Anxiety ? How does it make you feel?
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Happy Sunday ladies, I always hear the term "anxiety " as a symptom of menopause. I even diagnosed myself as having it sometimes. Others have said I have it as well. However, I know many symptoms can take form as other things. So with that being said has anyone had a diagnosis of anxiety? How does your body feel internally when it surfaces? What are the thoughts in your head when you have an episode? Lastly, what do you do during an episode to control it? Are you on medication or are you doing something else to calm it down?
I am taking rx flonase and I notice sometimes when I use it I feel a wave of nervousness about 5 minutes later. Its weird. Other times I spontaneously feel nervous, rapid heartbeat but i notice when i get stressed or worry to much I feel anxious. Menopause takes on so many different feelings, forms and experiences because of the inbalance of hormones its very frustrating at times. I am trying to focus on de-stressing and having harmonious thoughts because I am learning where the mind goes the behind follows.... 🙏🙏🙏 for all of us going through the "change"...
Best to you all,
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Does anyone suffer from anxiety?
laurie19311 jessica60993
Hi Jessica! Yes, I have horrific anxiety and panic. I have had it since I was young, but it seems to have ramped up during perimenoupause. My symptoms are: Fast/irregular heartbeat, dizziness, lightheadness, shaking (especially internally), jittery, I want to jump out of my skin, sensitivity to light and noise, intolerance to many things, but especially crowded places, getting overwhelmed easily, jumpy (even the doorbell startles me), pressure in head, disassociation/derealization, always worrying, thinking of worst case scenarios, health anxiety, and honestly my list goes on. Now some of these are also symptoms of perimenopuase, but I think they just bounce off each other. I don't take any type of medicine for it. I have tried and it doesn't work well with me. I do try meditation and yoga. The meditation seems to help more. I feel like I am always anxious, so I feel like I am always in meditation, lol! You need to find time to focus on you and rest when your body is telling you. As women we go, go, go and take care of everyone and everything! Thankfully I have a wonderful husband and children who make sure I rest even when I am stubborn! It's REALLY hard and it still is difficult for me, but I am trying to listen to my body more. I have worn myself down to nothing and I don't want to get that way again. I know it's such a difficult time for so many of us, but please know you are not alone! Hugs and prayers to you! Let me know how you are coming along!
jo67532 laurie19311
what Laurie19311 is saying is exactly how I would explain it. I have always had anxiety here and there, but 2 years ago was the first time I ever had an actual panic attack. My doctor prescribed me with a very small dosage of alprolozam. I have only had to take 3 in the past 2 years. As soon as I knew it was from perimenopause I have been able to manage the anxiety without having a panic attack.
jessica60993 laurie19311
thank you for your kind words.
jessica60993 jo67532
thank you for responding back. i think i suffer from anxiety. i have same symptoms
jessica60993 laurie19311
hi thank you for responding. it makes me feel better to know im not alone. im glad you have a strong support system. mines isnt so strong. but i know better days await me. thank you for your kind words. prayers for all of us.
jessica60993 laurie19311
hi thank you for responding. This forum makes me feel better about menopause because it lets me know im not alone. im glad you have a strong support system. it helps a lot. Better days await us all. thank you for your kind words.
wendy94366 jessica60993
hi everything laurie said i have but the only difference is i'm 7yrs post meno had no problems up until 12 months ago and i have had everything on a daily basis it's horrible doctor wont send me to menopause specialist as he says i'm to far into menopause all he wants to throw at me are antidepressants which i wont take as i cannot tolerate them i'm on propranolol 30mg for anxiety it sucks
jessica60993 wendy94366
hi thank you for responding. I dont want to take meds. im trying to deal with it and pray it goes away for good. im thinking about seeing a therapist to learn coping skills for it.
ImagineOneDay wendy94366
Hi, I didn't know if there was anything like menopause specialist. Is there such specialist in the UK?
Sassyr12a ImagineOneDay
Yes there are GP specialists around the country. I'm in the UK and saw a private GP a few years ago who specialised in women's health and menopause. She has retired now, but if you Google menopause doctor, you should find a site with a loads of info from Dr Louise Newton. They do private appointments It's was well worth the money when I went xx
ImagineOneDay Sassyr12a
Thank you Sassy
christine-Perim jessica60993
for me anxiety is like my brain freezes up on me thoughts of doom and gloom, most of the time its a 'what if' senario. fear consumes me and my brain is useless. the thing that helps is to change my surrounding. i have to force myself to go outside or leave the house. that usually grounds me and snaps me back. its hard when it happens at midnight. reading this forum helps.
hang in there.
jessica60993 christine-Perim
hi thank you for responding. i notice if i drink water and get some air it helps calms things down some. prayers to all of us.
Sassyr12a jessica60993
Hello Jessica
The anxiety has always been the worst symptom for me. I had suffered before meno, but since its much harder to deal with. So the feeling of anxiety can vary so it always keeps me on my toes! I can get : waves of fear and adrenaline head to foot, dry mouth, dodgy stomach, fast heartbeat, dizzyness, feeling of being really scared, sweating, sick. The thoughts are usually on a loop: mind just racing, thinking its something serious, frightened etc. I've tried lots of things: mindful meditation, kalms, rescue remedy, herbal tea, homeopathy, hypno therapy, diazepan, exercise.... Phew! Exercise works really well for me, and hrt can make it more tolerable but I've just started taking sertraline a few weeks ago to see if that helps. I hope you find something that works got you xx
jessica60993 Sassyr12a
hi thank you for responding. thank you for your kind words. maybe exercising will help. still on the fence about HRT.