What is best to take?
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Afternoon ladies,
another peri symptom has come out from the woodwork well 2 have all of a sudden in the last few weeks I have been bombarded with symptoms hitting me!!.
this time it's the itching crawling skin and also my head????
and now added with extreme Tiredness..... I get 8 plus hours sleep each night but come the afternoon I'm knackered!!. I know that B12 helps but wondering what other people take?
It just seems all I do is pop a pill for some symptom off peri that I get acid reflux, migranes, mood swings so I take Sertline,Propanolol as a prevention for my migranes.....
So what do u take to help with the tiredness?other than B12 which I already know about??.
1 like, 12 replies
BugglyBot Shelly0069
Snowbell1975 Shelly0069
MoodyNoire Shelly0069
chriselora4321 Shelly0069
I've had the itchy skin, the tender skin when I touch it.
The bloating, stomach pain, heartburn, IBS, depression, panic attacks.
The worst are the headaches, joint pain, head, neck, shoulder and back pain. Really so very painful and I'm just so fed up with it all.
I'm on a low dose of vaginal oestrogen for problems down there.
I've had enough. I just want it all to be over with. I feel I've been menopausal for years and years. I fear it's never-ending.
chriselora4321 Shelly0069
Forgot to mention the rash under both breasts. So itchy, irritating, physically and mentally.
Seems to come and go. Always comes back though. Had enough of menopause. Want to end it all. So f*****g fed up.
You can bet your life if men had to go through anything remotely like we do there would be so much more done to help.
Sorry, rant over. Just in so much pain.
Shelly0069 chriselora4321
hey chriselora,
it isn't nice at all what we have to go through hope your feeling better soon...big hugs to you....
Zigangie Shelly0069
I used b12 methycobalmin 1000mg sublingual lozenges. Take about an hour before the crash.
Shelly0069 Zigangie
thankyou for replying to my post,
can I ask what are Methycobalmin Sublingual losangers?
as you mentioned them as a B12?
Zigangie Shelly0069
Methycobalmin is more natural.
You can get both in pill form or sublingual but much is lost through the digestive process so you get more into your system by using sublingual types. I get mine online.
elaine33371 Shelly0069
Shelly0069 elaine33371
Hi, many, many thanks for that reply off you.
Water is the only drink I drink through the day or glass or 2 of diluted orange juice......don't like tomatoes juice......and probably my weakness is a glass of wine or two each night..... I know bad, IT'S BAD for you,,,,LOL.
and I work and have 3 children so don't get ME time very much?
What would you reccommend B12?
do u know if there is anything else? Or is B12 about the best thing on the market??
its so confusing when you have to keep asking or researching because the doctors at the surgery I go to either have no time for you or just NO nothing about peri/ or menapause?!!!!!!!.
thaks Hun for that info.
elaine33371 Shelly0069