What is best to take?

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Afternoon ladies,

another peri symptom has come out from the woodwork well 2 have all of a sudden in the last few weeks I have been bombarded with symptoms hitting me!!.

this time it's the itching crawling skin and also my head????

and now added with extreme Tiredness..... I get 8 plus hours sleep each night but come the afternoon I'm knackered!!. I know that B12 helps but wondering what other people take?

It just seems all I do is pop a pill for some symptom off peri that I get acid reflux, migranes, mood swings so I take Sertline,Propanolol as a prevention for my migranes..... 

So what do u take to help with the tiredness?other than B12 which I already know about??.

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    I've just been scratching away at my own scalp, it wears you down after a while. Antihistimines can help, I believe for the itching but I'm not sure which vitamins do. I take B6 and B12 for the tiredness, hopefully someone else will suggest other supplements. I'd like to try them myself if there are any.
  • Posted

    Hi Shelly, Im so sorry, these new symptoms creeping up are so horrible. I have gotten the itch as well. My legs itch so badly especially at night. I bought some anti itch lotion and it helps but does not get rid of it completely. Im on all of the good vitimins and still no relief yet, so I am of no help there. But don't feel alone in this itching thing. Hang in there. 
  • Posted

    Shelly, I experienced that itchy skin issue about 5 years ago, and I know how you feel. It drove me crazy like poison ivy. It was especially bad around my eyes, neck, and between and under my breast. It had a dry, red, scaly appearance and was so bad I wouldn't go out in public! During that time I also had big , painful acne bumps along my jawline. At the time I didn't think it was Peri related, but now I do. I actually had some facial scarring from scratching! For the past couple of years I have used organic coconut oil for my moisturizer and had scars and brown patches disappear. I make my own sunscreen from coconut oil and non nano pharmaceutical grace zinc powder. I use this under my makeup as a primer, and moisturizing sunblock. I also use it on all exposed skin and have never had any burning or discomfort like I do with commercial sunscreens. I love the fact that it's an antioxidant as well. I hope you find some relief!😊
  • Posted

    I'm 61. I'm menopausal. I started having peri-menopausal symptoms when I was 54-55, quite late onset really.

    I've had the itchy skin, the tender skin when I touch it.

    The bloating, stomach pain, heartburn, IBS, depression, panic attacks.

    The worst are the headaches, joint pain, head, neck, shoulder and back pain. Really so very painful and I'm just so fed up with it all.

    I'm on a low dose of vaginal oestrogen for problems down there.

    I've had enough. I just want it all to be over with. I feel I've been menopausal for years and years. I fear it's never-ending.

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    Menopause the second part.

    Forgot to mention the rash under both breasts. So itchy, irritating, physically and mentally.

    Seems to come and go. Always comes back though. Had enough of menopause. Want to end it all. So f*****g fed up.

    You can bet your life if men had to go through anything remotely like we do there would be so much more done to help.

    Sorry, rant over. Just in so much pain.

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      Hi ladies many thanks to you all for your posts

      hey chriselora,

      it isn't nice at all what we have to go through hope your feeling better soon...big hugs to you....


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    That itching drove me nuts and made me so angry.

    I used b12 methycobalmin 1000mg sublingual lozenges. Take about an hour before the crash.

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      Hi Zigangie, 

      thankyou for replying to my post,

      can I ask what are Methycobalmin Sublingual losangers?

      as you mentioned them as a B12?


    • Posted

      There are 2 types of b12 Cyanocobalamin and methycobalmin.

      Methycobalmin is more natural.

      You can get both in pill form or sublingual but much is lost through the digestive process so you get more into your system by using sublingual types. I get mine online.

  • Posted

    Try drinking water, and pace yourself with your chores, but dont over exert as that will make you worse, try swimming, or hourly walks to bring your enery levels back up, difficult to pace if your working though!! make sure you get up same time each day early, and go to bed same time every night, fatigue makes our clocks go out, which inturn knocks our sleeping patterns out, this is when we get our neurological symptoms, when your going through peri try and drink 2/3 litres per day no more, then drop it back as normal after peri, you wont need to take it in as much then, also, our higher inner temps cause us to dehydrate, if you dont rehydrate, it also knocks our electrolytes out, so, you could try magnesium, and potassium, but you can get that from certain foods.  If you take in too much water, you will dilute your salts, which can be bad, so do not take in anymore than 3 litres per day and sip it every ten mins, if the water makes you feel worse, then it is because your  salts have dropped and along with that causing more neurological symptoms you will wee more, so stop taking it, and then put some salt on your food instead, or, try drinking tomato juice which is loaded with salt, everything in moderation, if your sugars have dropped that will also make you feel tired, so eat little and often high protein low carb meals, avoid sugar as much as possible during a flare also. We only need to take everything in during our flares, you will find you wont need it, or, it wont work once our hormones have settled back. hope this helps shelly.
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      Hi, many, many thanks for that reply off you.

      Water is the only drink I drink through the day or glass or 2 of diluted orange juice......don't like tomatoes juice......and probably my weakness is a glass of wine or two each night..... I know bad, IT'S BAD for you,,,,LOL.

      and I work and have 3 children so don't get ME time very much?

      What would you reccommend B12?

      do u know if there is anything else? Or is B12 about the best thing on the market??

      its so confusing when you have to keep asking or researching because the doctors at the surgery I go to either have no time for you or just NO nothing about peri/ or menapause?!!!!!!!.

      thaks Hun for that info.


    • Posted

      yes.............Try B12, but you can start with any you like, just take one type at a time, so you know whats working for what, if it doesnt work for you go onto something else, Vit D helps for achy joints, iron incase your aneamic, B6 another good one for nerve strength, Omega oils as well, Magnesium, menopausal ones, are Macafem, Black Cohosh, Chaste Berry, Evening primrose oil, star flower oil ive heard good reports of for hormone balance, some things will work for some symptoms, but maybe not for others, so you may have to try more to help with other symptoms as time goes on, taking supplements is about  process of ellimination, because we dont know what supplements were down on for them to work initially, but because our hormone imbalances deplete us with some of our vitamins you should get some benefit from some, B6 was the best one for me, a lot of other ladies have found B12 to be of benefit, like i say trial and error.

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