What is happening??
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I’ll try to keep this as brief and concise as possible, but it does require some detail so please hang in there.
When I was sixteen, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, PCOS, and prediabetes. I tried everything to lose weight and nothing worked. When I was 21, I got desperate and found a doctor that prescribed Phentermine (although my endocrinologist objected). After four months, I was down 40 lbs and sent all of my conditions into remission.
Within a year and a half, I gained all of the weight that I’d lost back along with all of the symptoms of PCOS and hypothyroidism.
Over the next couple of years, I struggled with severe depression and anxiety and I didn’t have health insurance, so my health conditions went untreated.
I’m now 26, overweight, have PCOS, was recently diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, and have all of the symptoms (and then some) of thyroid issues.
Within the past year, my symptoms have gotten much worse, so in my annual OBGYN appointment, I asked my doctor to do a thyroid screening. She only tested my TSH which came back “high-normal” (3.4, ref. Up to 3.7). She told me that although it’s the higher end of “normal”, it’s still “normal” so I’m fine.
Frustrated, I ordered a full thyroid panel and all of the tests came back normal. I feel like I’m losing my mind, but I know that something is wrong because I feel it. Here are my symptoms:
-Mental fog: hard time concentrating + remembering
-Severe headaches + migraines
-Ear pain
-Neck pain, tightness + swelling
-All over muscle pains + weakness
-Stiff joints- back, neck, knees, arms
-Diarrhea/constipation (when I don’t have one, I have the other)
-Stomach cramps
-Chest pain
-Fatigue (constant)
-Hard time falling asleep + staying asleep
-Extreme sensitivity to cold (experience pain + shaking)
-Night sweats
-Thin, dry hair
-Hair loss
-Dry skin
-Rash on stomach
-Irregular periods
-Infertility (four years of not trying/not preventing with one early miscarriage in 2016)
-Prone to illness + infections (strep/flu/virus: min. of 2x/yr, eye infections, skin infections)
Also, I recently went to the dentist for the first time in about 4 years and was told that I had six cavities. A fill-in dentist filled four of the cavities in one appt and I was supposed to return to have the remaining two filled. When I returned, I told my regular dentist that I was experiencing a lot of pain + sensitivity in one of the teeth that had been filled.
He looked at it, drilled it + refilled it. About an hour afterwards, I had to rush back to the dentist because I was experiencing terrible pain. He drilled my tooth again to remove the filling and replaced it with a temp, sedative filling. When I returned the following week he said that I had “irreversible pulpitis” and he proceeded to preform a root canal.
Since my root canal, it seems like everything has become even worse. I go to see my dentist (for an unrelated chipped tooth) where I plan to ask him about jaw pain, teeth pain + cold sensitivity) and I am currently on the hunt for a decent Primary Care Physician.
I just wanted to get an opinion while I wait because I feel like I’m losing my mind.
Thanks for the feedback, in advance.
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Cris.Leggs Guest
Guest Cris.Leggs
Thanks for taking the time to read my post and send some advice! I’ll definitely do some more research and ask some questions when I see my new Primary Care doc next week!
Anxietyasf Guest
Hi hk08949
How are you feeling these days? I’m hoping a lot better.. I am experiencing these exact symptoms all except infertility & rash.. scheduled to see an ENT DOCTOR in two days an i am extremely worried.. please tell me you are doing much much better, would love to hear it.. all my test have also came back “normal” although I feel crappy waiting for the ent has been so dreadful for me I feel trapped in my own body..