What is life anymore
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im 16 years old and i dont know whats going on with me but for my whole life i have been suffering from anxiety . and this past year it got worst to the point where i started developing weird symtoms and i linked it to real life diseases like MS or something. i did this for about a couple months until maybe around december i had a huge panic attack. and basically i was walking to my class and while jn the hallway i was blacking out and building up panic and then i just felt so weird that all whole . it felt like my soul or my body is asleep or else where whike im here . its febuary now and i feel so bad . like its to the point where i dont feel like im living my life anymore. like im someone and somewhere else . and what makes it worse is that i get weird physical sensations like for example me today .basically i would be doing anything and then i feel like the surroundings around me arent real and are see through like i can wave my hand through peopke and not feel anyrhing. and that also adds onto my stress because now im question life and reality itself and no docter or anyone has answers . and im questioning where i am . im questioning what is this place , why i am suffering and it dosent add up . i feel like im slipping away
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cherie44572 james62920
Hi James I'm 28 and I've had Ptsd for 6 years now it's alot.. Very overwhelming for day to day life so I can understand some of your symptoms the problem is for a medical health professional alot of them don't have mental health problems so it's very hard to diagnose you properly or really tell you how to help yourself. But from someone with a very hard condition much worse than what your going through, I promise you it does get easier you will find coping mechanisms and day by day things will get better. There will be Good days and bad.. But don't feel so hard on yourself when them bad days come about because 1 in 4 people suffer from mental health so more than likely even your close friends or family could feel exactly the same as you and know what your going through. I know when I started to speak to my friends and family I found out this and it got a little easier to deal with realising I'm not alone in this world and what I'm feeling may be real but its OK because if others can come through it so can i.... I hope this helps cherie x
james62920 cherie44572
yeah it just feels like im not at home . like i am spiriling out my life in my own head or right now what im expericning is hell or something else
Badluckj james62920
hey bro! just wanted to say, this happens to me usually every time im sick, or get a sickness that limits my ability.
first bout was 13, after viral pnuemonia.
i remember telling my mother i felt like i was in a dream, nothing is real. "do i even exist?" "is this what life is now?"
youre experiencing something called De-realization, depersonalization.
the good news is you can beat it, i've gone on 10 year streaks with no symptoms.
the key is consistent activities that force you to be present. for me its intense exercise. my brain has to think about the physical action and then i cant think about the anxiety.
and if i dont die from a heart issue then it reinforces the belief that i actually dont have anything wrong with me.
Breathhelp Badluckj
so did you feel like you cured the hyperventillation from just accepting it and doing other things to distract yourself?