What is the likelyhood of both moles having melanoma?
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So I went to the GP today, I have been concerned for a while over a few moles I have, mainly 2. A GP a while ago told me to get one checked as it was quite red but couldnt refer me because I was moving so advised me to get referred once I moved.
I completely put it to one side and never done anything.
Then seen another GP who said it was a skin tag... it is not a skin tag haha! so got a 3rd opinion and I am being referred to a specialist which is 2 weeks away. She mentioned it was just to rule out cancer because it can be common.
One mole on my arm has definitely changed shaped completely, almost like it had dispersed in the middle and changed colour.
The one on my back has risen more, and almost changed direction like it’s dropping down and is red and irritated and she said it is of more than 1 colour.
Both of them can get quite itchy and sometimes the slightest graze of my bra can make it sting.
I am just anxious about how common melanoma is?
I’ve read about it and it seems likely but I’d like to hear from someone who’s experienced it or knows about it.
What will happen at my referral also?
I’m such a worrier i just have to ask!
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shelia22921 chelsea70359
I had a freckle on my right shoulder which was there all my life just under bra strap, this started itching in 2014, I paid no mind to it, 2015 I noticed it was getting bigger and changing color's, I went and got it checked, and yes it was melanoma had removed it was stage was 0 margins were clear, I had to go every three months for skin check, then every six months now once a year, so with melanoma if it itches, gets bigger, change in color its best to have it checked right away, wishing you the best of luck, God Bless
chelsea70359 shelia22921
Reasurred me that even though you left it, it was still treatable and hadn’t got too bad i think thats my main worry!
shelia22921 chelsea70359
mike09523 chelsea70359
When you get to the dermatology clinic they will look at the referred moles and if they suspect anything then they will check you all over. They will then remove the moles that they think need to be removed for biopsy. You will then return in a couple of weeks to have the stitches removed, and your results. If any are cancerous then further tissue will be removed to eradicate further growth. This is all done under a local anaesthetic and you won't feel a thing.
Then, you will have follow up appointments to keep an eye on things.