What is the recovery times free removal of plate and screws from wrist

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I'm having a plate and screws removed from my right wrist (it's over hanging my bone and my tendons are rubbing) in a month and I just wanted to know how long it takes before you can go back to "normal activity" and if you go back in a cast/splint for a few weeks?

I've been told it's the same as having the plates put in (ie 6 weeks and return to normal duties in a few months) but I've also be told there's no recovery and you can just go back to normal duties straight away?

Thanks in advance smile

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    What just to fix the  mistake in the question: 

    "what is the recovery time FOR the removal of plate and screws from wrist?"

  • Posted

    As far as I know it will be less trauma on your body than when the plate and screws were put in originally as you had bone injury, but you will have weakness in the bone when the screws are taken out and that will need to repair itself. So recovery time will be much the same as before in terms of repair as bone takes normally 6 weeks to knit but you shouldn't have all the rehab problems to get mobility back if that's okay at the moment (except for the problems with the plate position) so it should be a quicker return to normal use if there are no post-op complications. 
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    For my ankle it was going to be two weeks of crutches but I chose not to get them out.
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    Normally after having plate and screws removed you would have a further x ray to assess the healing and then,if OK, you should have  physiotherapy so that you are instructed in various exercises to strengthen the wrist. 

     What is "normal activity"? It could be weight lifting for one person or doing nothing for another. Dont rush this healing and recovery by doing too much or you may regret it.

  • Posted

    Just an update for anyone who was having the same surgery and wanted to know...

    I finally had my surgery about 5days ago. They told me before I went in I'd likely just have a dressing but when I woke up I had a back slab secured with a bandage so I can't move my wrist (encouraged to move fingers and elbow). There was no swelling at all and pretty much no pain except for dull ache in my wrist for the first 48 hours and little pain first getting my fingers moving. I have an appointment on day 10 to have my slab and stitches removed not sure what activity level I'll be allowed straight off but I'm hoping to go back to work on light duties after 14 days smile

    Hopefully this helps anyone with similar questions to what I had smile

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    How is your recovery I have had the same op with carpel tunnel repair a few days ago in a bit of pain
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      Hey Welshsue56,

      So after I made my last post I went to the surgeon to have my cast and sutures removed and it turns out I had pretty bad tendon damage from the plate and they had to cut into my carpal ligament to see how far up the damage went (the surgeon didn't speak to me after the surgery so I assumed everything was fine and that I would be normal functioning in a few weeks).

      I was given a wrist brace and told to keep my wrist neutral and non-weight bearing for another 4 weeks, also have not been allowed to work for the last 4 weeks.

      Most of the pain from the surgery was gone by the time my sutures came out. I'm week 5 post op now and the only pain I have is at the top of my wrist where the tendon damage is healing and in the palm of my hand where they cut the carpal ligament. The palm of my hand is still a little numb (feeling comes back more and more each day but) and is still a bit swollen and tender but the surgeon said this is nothing to worry about and will get better over time. Apparently it takes about 4 months from surgery for the tendon damage and carpal ligament to fully heal.

      Next week I go back to work (light duties) and can start physio to get my wrist moving again and build strength. Looking forward to getting back to normal!

      Sorry for the lengthy reply, but hopefully it helps smile and I hope you have a speedy recovery and that your pain subsides soon smile

  • Posted

    Hi All

    17 April 2017 had my plate/screws removed under GA. The reason for this was my wrist was locked in nuetral and I could not move wrist palm up.I had a nerve block put in and physio commenced immediately after surgery i.e. Same day. Result is pleasing so far 40 degrees rotation upward and 75% supination(wrist palm up)also for first time in 4months can make light closing of the fist.I am on pain killers and have to do physio every hour to avoid adhesions according to physio.Only slight discomfort on ulna side.Have also been told first 5 days critical for healing.No pain on distal side.Anyone had similar experience.kindest regards

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      I am  having  my plate and screws removed from my left wrist on May 25th. I hope my surgery and recovery go as smooth as yours. How long ago did you have the plate and screws put in? How are you feeling now? How much can you do with your hand now? I am hoping that after removal I will be better off then I am now. I would really like to talk to you further about this. Please get back to me.
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      I'm having surgery on the 15th august to remove plate and pins as the tendons are damaged due to the plate there saying there going to go through my old scar plus make a new 1 in my hand?

      Can you tell me your recovery time as work are asking how long ?

  • Posted


    I too am having a plate & screws removed after breaking my wrist badly last November.

    I can bareky move my wrist & my fingers are so stiff & uncomfortable.

    Im due for surgery in about 8 weeks.

    Can you tell me how you got on after having plate removed, was it painful during & after removal, how long was recovery time & how are you doing now?

    I trust you have more movement & are near back to normal as possible.

    Many thanks.

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