What is the relevance of diastolic numbers?
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although my systolic numbers are in the region of <120> with the diastolic usually averaging around 70 - 75 both of which I'm happy with. Just occasionaly I might get <155> and sometimes the diastolic reading can be over 100.
When filling in risk questionnaires such as Qrisk2, they only ask for the systolic reading and never the diastolic reading. Why is this? Once or twice I've had diastolic readings of over 100 which is alarming but how important is this.
When I was originally diagnosed with hypertension and before I bought my monitor or even went on medication, my regular trips to the surgery gave me very high readings causing the dr to say that I had hypertension of both systolic and diastolic numbers. Should I be worried? 155>120>
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AlexandriaGizmo jane243
Secondly why are you doing q risk, your bp is under control so try to be positive and notsscare yourself any more or you bp will go up
top number seems to be all they ask for on q risk
jane243 AlexandriaGizmo
As for the Qrisk, it's interesting just to play with the figures. Given that NICE recommend a statin be given if you have a 10%> risk and given also that that risk increases year on year just because of birthdays, you just wonder they don't put the stuff in the water supply and have done!
My BP is currently well under control at <120 5=""> on the lowest Losartan dose. It's just the occasional high number that I find alarming. And I wondered at the significance of the diastolic numbers given that Qrisk etc tend to ignore them.120>
helen_07568 jane243
worry about it if only some one could pat us on the back and say you are fine suppose we should listen to our own voice in that case sometimes I get 165/ 110 if I really get anxious about it.... this mild weather relaxes the blood vessels just taking it puts it up and as long as it does.nt stay up that is the point says she who is always taking her bp lol
jane243 helen_07568
derek76 jane243
Guest jane243
AlexandriaGizmo Guest
derek76 jane243
I sometimes get very high diastolic readings in the morning that have been as high as 124. One 'very junior' assistant registrar airily said that doesn't matter.
jane243 derek76