What is wrong with me? Constant unexplained nausea and other symptoms

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So I have symptoms and have done for several years which have got dramatically worse over the last year particularly last few months. It's really bringing me down as I'm fed up of being ill all the time.

It first started four years ago when I began waking up at around 3-5am every night to suddenly have to run to the bathroom to vomit. After I vomited generally I felt ok and was able to go back to sleep. It stayed like that for about 2 years. Eating a big snack immediately before bed resolved that to a large degree. However 2 years ago I started experiencing nausea, dizzy spells, shaking in the day time too. If I didn't eat quickly I would feel like I would vomit or faint. Life started to revolve around food and snacking. I couldn't say have lunch late without symptoms if I was out.

Over the last year, as well as these dizzy spells that are resolved by eating I've started to develop a nagging feeling of nausea and being completely put off my food to the point the thought of it makes me feel sick sometimes (still eat it though) In the last few months I have become very pale (people are commenting) and have also had constipation and diarrhoea regularly for weeks now despite not changing my diet. Because of all this, I've gone up three clothing sizes. I eat three meals a day plus snacks in between.

Doctor has tested me for diabetes, thyroid, deficiencies, coeliac, h. Pylori, tried omeprazole for potential acid, I've been off the pill as a trial, tried a lactose free diet and all are clear/ have been ruled out. I will be having a laparoscopy to test for endometriosis though.

Any thoughts? I'm desperate for answers. I can't cope with this anymore. It's taking over my life.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Your symptoms sound more like a stomach or bowel complaint like IBS than endometriosis which causes severe stomach pain and heavy bleeding in between periods and during them.  I would try keeping a food diary to check for intolerances other than lactose. Ask for an endoscopy, colonoscopy, CT, ultrasound and a fecal calprotectin test for IBD.  IBS can cause nausea, stomach pain, changes in Bowel habit and food intolerance.  Worry makes it worse.  Ask your doctor about IBS.


    • Posted

      I have symptoms of endometriosis too though like pain during activity and prior to the pill, I had severe period pains that mimicked how I imagined an appendicitis would be (very localised intense pain in lower right abdomen). Vomiting, fainting, being unable to walk with agonising pain etc so I think it could be endometriosis of the GI tract.

      However wanted suggestions in the event it's discovered it's not that because I don't know what else to think. I want answers so I can at least feel understand but more importantly can hopefully be treated. I just feel like I'm getting nowhere.

    • Posted

      Apart from lactose and gluten, what are other possible common intolerances I can watch out for?
    • Posted

      Fructose (Breath test for fructose malabsorption)

      Glucose (Breath test for small bowel/intestinal bacterial overgrowth)

      Lactulose (Breath test for Hydrogen production and intestinal transit time)

      Sucrose (Breath test for sucrose malabsorption (sucrase-isomaltase deficiency))

      Sorbitol (Breath test for sorbitol malabsorption)

      Mannitol Breath test for mannitol malabsorption

    • Posted

      If you have IBS, very painful periods are common because hormones can make it worse.  I thought I had endometriosis because my periods were extremely sore.  However, I was diagnosed with IBS.    My period pain has gone back to normal. Other common food triggers are cabbage, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, onions, wheat, potato, fruit, sorbitol,  if you google the Fodmap diet, it will give you a more extensive list.

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