What next ?
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Hi everyone i am new to this site and wanted to talk to people that are going through the same thing as me.
I suffer with PTSD which is down to things that have happened in my life from being a child...but the main thing thats getting to me is the depression which is really bad this time around to the point of i dont go out for weeks at a time or even open the curtains and i have no one to turn to due to the fact my partner left me and all my so called friends have done the same after i had a episode some 9 months ago.
As for meds i have been through all of them and i am currently on Cymbalta 120mg which i must say doesnt do anything for me,i am thinking of going back and asking the doctors to review my case ? but after they told me that this medication was all they had left as i had tried all the rest....which in other words meant that they had no more ideas on what and how to treat me. Can anyone tell me if or what experience they have had with Sertraline ? i did try this one but gave up after a couple of days due to being sick and not sleeping (does this go away?) and has this med worked for many others ?
I am at my wits end and just want to feel something because right now i dont feel anything at all and i am sick to death of feeling down and crying.
Thanks for reading take care
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helpful. I'd have thought that simply medicating PTSD is not the answer anyway - go back to the GP and insist on getting some CBT or other counselling help. I am now with Health in Mind (in the South East) - as I know a talking therapy is the only way to get to the root of my problems, as medication alone will merely help me to live with the problems, rather than making me deal with them and move forward.
thanks for your reply and your advise....i do know that meds are not the whole answer to my problems (this has been a very long road well travelled) i do have a caseworker at the moment through the mental health people (she is the only one i open up to)....I wish that i could of got where you are but i have already tried Cbt twice and also a few different types of talking therapies over the years and i am now awaiting Trauma Therapy but up to now none seem to of helped me,believe me when i say i wish they had as all i want is to have some sort of normality to my live instead of just surviving day to day.
The thing is now even though i have gone through the system,jumped through their hoops and constantly been told that people will understand i have found out that most people dont in truth and that the stigma of suffering with mental health problems is still very much alive and kicking hence why i am totally on my own now. My trust,belief and other such things i should have in people are no more as i did what i was shown i opened up to people i trusted in them (which was very hard for me to do) only to have it thrown back in my face and told that because of my mental health problems they didnt want to know any more so my wall is up and much higher than before.
I had a really bad bout of depression last year and attempted suicide. I was in hospital for several weeks and eventually after a couple of months of Sertraline 150mg and Mirtazapine 30mg, I recovered and went home. I also have had about 50 sessions of private therapy which has cost a fortune but has transformed my life. How can you put a price on that? My feeling is that any NHS therapy is a box ticking exercise and nothing more. I have been helping to run a local group for people who have or have had depression and not one person has had a good experience of NHS "help". My advice is to seek out a good private therapist, it will cost but they don't have to tick any boxes, just help you to get well. Ask around for recommendations from people you trust. Good luck.
Going private is something i have not thought about i will look into it but paying for it could be a problem as i am unemployed and money is very tight but thanks for the idea. I do agree with you when you say about the NHS ticking boxes that's why i am on my fifth so called "expert" because of that exact problem and like i say they have given up on me meds wise and i have been waiting for the next therapy for nearly a year now so who knows when that will happen if it does at all ??.