What range should your blood pressure be after eating?
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They say BP goes up when you eat but how much is too much? For example, if you digest a bowl of ice cream then take your BP how high would it be, as a ballpark figure, like 140/90? I know sodium will raise it everytime
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Scotgal Keystone
Ice cream won't necessarily raise your blood pressure, unless of course you eat a large quantity. Believe it or not, carbs can raise your blood pressure as well. Most peoples' blood pressure will still remain in the normal range after they eat, unless, of course, they've got diagnosed hypertension. And if you're treated for that hypertension, it will remain in the normal range.
mike92384 Scotgal
jx41870 Keystone
Yeah it's not even which food you eat so much as your stomach is working hard. It probably raises BP ten or twenty points, for about thirty minutes. That's not harmful in itself, you just don't want to test then because there's no standard.
jason1098 Keystone
Asking for a friend? How big is the bowl?
As I understand it there are many factors that can push your BP up or down through the day and ideally you should be able to sit and relax for 10 - 15 minutes before running a check also why it's ok to ignore isolated abnormal spikes in the readings (I love a spreadsheet me)
Keystone jason1098
You got me, I just ate the biggest bowl of ice cream I've ever made
jason1098 Keystone
mike92384 jason1098
jason1098...the info you wrote is very accurate. BP fluctuates from minute to minute, & it's so important that a person relax 10-15 min before taking readings. Isolated abnormal spikes are nothing of concern. It happens.
Keystone jason1098
Definitely not Baskin-Robbins
Bananas, Chocolate Syrup, Chocolate Chip Cookie Sprinkles
mike92384 Keystone
Keystone mike92384
mike92384 Keystone
Keystone...the comments here are just guidelines from us to help one another or to offer advice. I don't think any of us are doctors. Any printout that's provided when buying a bp monitor states that people should not take bp readings within 30 min of a meal, bath, shower, smoking, etc. Also, bp readings shouldn't be taken if one is upset, worried or anxious.The same is true if one is not feeling well. As jason1098 wrote..isolated abnormal spikes are nothing of concern. It happens. My very own doctor told me the very same thing.
The biggest pitfall we fall into is worrying about readings. If you're anxious or nervous before taking readings, the numbers likely will be higher than they should be.
Quite some time ago, I was always nervous about taking bp readings, the the Dr. I had back then didn't help any, & neither did his staff. It got to the point where just looking at the bp monitor made me nervous, or the site of a bp cuff, for that matter. Finally, I decided that I wasn't going to be intimidated any longer by bp readings, or the machine for that matter. It was a machine,nothing more, nothing less. People can take readings far too often, & that too can spark unnecessary anxiety. There's no need for anyone to be taking 6 readings/day. How ridiculous.
Keystone mike92384
Lately I have become obsessed with taking my blood pressure since I haven't been feeling so well. I read there is no connection, but since my G.E.R.D. is under control, my blood pressure seems on point. Let's hope it remains. Thanks for your help.
mike92384 Keystone
Keystone...If you are not feeling well, a bp reading WILL be higher than normal. It stands to reason. The body reacts to anything that's not normal, resulting in elevated bp. My doctor informed me of this. There IS a connection. You've got your GERD under control, & the bp is on point. Notice what you wrote. GERD is under control. GERD is something wrong, yet you've controlled it, therefore the body is reacting as it should..by bp being on target. Stay confident. Again, don't take readings when not feeling well, anxious, upset or worried.
med_jersi Keystone
It happens to me almost everyday , specially if i eat salty food. I don't take medication and i don't believe I have BP problem..Sometime my BP reach 160/100 after meal, I just relax for a 2 hours and it's back to 120/85.. it will stay that way until the next day....Trust me Food will do it for you
mike92384 med_jersi
Keystone med_jersi
It's good to get other people's perspective of a problem. Sometimes you learn more from patients than Doctors
jason1098 Keystone
It's nice sometimes to know there's others out there that have been through the same thing and can just say "don't worry, it gets better" or "that happened to me so now I don't eat pickled herring"