What's going on?
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Hi I'm 56 soon, haven't had a period for very close to a year & I've had so many horrid & frightening happen to me in the last 2years...lightheadedness, off balance, weird heavy/woozy head, low blood sugar feelings, spacey & not feeling well, out of the blue strange sensations flowing through my body which send me into a sense of doom anxiety with floods of tears which then slowly pass & I sort of come right again...I am so scared I will never be ok again, is this normal? most of these symptoms almost follow some sort of pattern, I can sort of feel ok for a few days then the weird horrid sensations start again & its doom gloom mood & tears etc it passes....a few days ok then I'm off again.....am I normal, will it go away? will I ever have non dizzy/heady unwell days? am I at a late age for this menopause? Trying to live a normal life is so hard when I don't feel normal anymore 😥 I don't work but endeavour to keep my hobbies going which give me some distraction & my marriage has deteriorated. Whenever I might feel ok I think I have gone through meno & it's over, finished but then it starts over......
1 like, 11 replies
pam1313 NuttyNan
Go to your GP and explain.....I was afraid of HRT previously as you hear such conflicting stories, but believe you me I will now kill the person who tries to take me off it lol! Good luck.
susan21149 NuttyNan
Like on Wednesday had a nose bleed left nostril heart beating fast when i got to my appartment building heart was beating fast with palpitations felt really dizzy was scared because i couldn't get upstairs to my place by myself had to have someone help me up to my place i waited until boyfriend came home i laid down and just put on my c-pap machine and listened to my relaxation music
I was really scared that there was something goig on don't ever want to go through that again
susan556 NuttyNan
Sue x
lulu25419 susan556
jo92050 NuttyNan
I havent posted on here for quite some time. I am 54 and approaching 16 months since my last period. My nightmare began just over 2 years ago. I went to bed a normal weirdo and woke up the next morning a different person and not for the better. Your last 2 years sound very much like mine, I also started getting food intolerances, horrid reflux, IBS and the anxiety that I had something terminal was off the charts. I lost 25kilos in 6 months, also due to taking naturopathic meds that my body did not like. I had blood tests March last year and all that was wrong was high FSH and high cholesterol, (dr said cholesterol due to peri/menopause). My hubby is a diabetic and we started taking my bloods as I felt like you do, the highest it got to over the years was 7.2, it can be so random, sometimes if I felt shocking and think they would be high they were perfect. Normally they are perfect but can still have little blips for no known reason. I have tried many things to help me over the last 2 years everything made me sicker, my body would not accept any natural help, I tried to stay away from chemicals and the drs won't give me hrt (family history) so have basically gone cold turkey through this. I have had to introduce my body to food again, still cant have dairy but just about all other food. At about the 11 month with no period the anxiety went through the roof and depression set in and I had in me such a bad anger that I dont want to experience again. I ended up giving in and getting antidepressants when I was about 13 months no period, tried them for 2 months and they made me worse so went off them. I am now trying vitamin D, my body seems to be handling it and hopefully it might be doing something. I truly thought that once I hit post meno everything would be back to normal, unfortunately at the moment that hasnt happened but I am alot better than I was, so I can only hope that soon life may get back to some normality, I so agree that trying to live a normal life when you dont feel normal is hard and at times we just have to push ourselves to get through. My face also can get really hot like its combusting from inside, I have taken my blood pressure and its fine, I must say though that the hot flushes are getting better as time goes on. Hang in there, hopefully once our bodies adjust to the low level of hormones some normality will return..wishing you good health and happiness...Jo
brendababy NuttyNan
I worry all the time and have been telling myself I can't cope especially with the dizziness and terrible anxiety and panic, I know I should try and be more positive but I don't seem able to.
I'm 51 and will be 52 in a few months, the worst symptoms I'm suffering from started in January this year when I started to suffer from insomnia, anxiety,agitation and other weird symptoms. I took dizziness in March this year and it has never went away, I have it everyday some days worse than others, I was suffering from stress at the time when I took it so I blamed that but reading all the other posts on here I realise that it may be another awful symptom of meno.
This past couple of weeks have been terrible for me, the symptoms are really bad and I feel I can't cope with it, I don't know how to deal with them any more. I've became scared of everything, even panic when I take tablets which are meant to calm me down
I've been on livial - tibolone HRT for 3 months now and don't feel any benefit, I haven't had a period since January this year just some breakthrough bleeding from different kinds of HRT I've tried
Thanks for posting NuttyNan and I hope we can find some peace from this hell soon!!
Please any other ladies reading this could you let me know how you cope and is there a life at the end of this. I'm also wondering why some of us get so severe symptoms while others have some hot flushes but can get on with their life?
Take Care
Brenda x
jo92050 brendababy
I feel for you so much, I can relate to what you are experiencing. I becme scared of everything as well to the point that I couldnt cope with life, I still don't know how much was anxiety and how much was the fluctuating hormones and yes some days were worse than others but every day there was something. I became scared of everything I put in my mouth, food and anything I tried to take to help with the symptoms, scared to leave the house and at times scared to get out of bed cause I felt so ill. I tried many things I read about to try and lessen the symptoms, nothing worked for me and some natural products made me sicker. I basically ended up giving up and just went with the flow, dr was pretty useless only suggestion was hrt or antidepressants. Hrt was ruled out (family history) so it was antidepressants or nothing, at that time I chose nothing cause I was scared that everything natural made me sick so I wasnt prepared to see what a chemical medication would do to me. There is some light at the end of the tunnel, 2 years ago I thought I was not long for this world but now nearly 16 months since last period things are better, alot of the symptoms have passed and I can have really good days, unfortunately the anxiety has not gone but the last month it has been alot better. The hot flushes have calmed down, I still get hot but not as severe as they used to be. I wish I knew the answer as to why some get such severe symptoms, I never really had PMT nor experienced anxiety or depression previous to just over 2 years ago. As I said in my answer to NuttyNan I am trying Vitamin D now, my tummy is so much better now that I thought to try it, so I don't know if that is helping with the aches pains and other symptoms or my body is finally getting used to the low hormones. Things will get better might not be as quick as we would like and probably a gradual process, as you will start having alot more better days than horrid days. I hope you find something to help you if the HRT isnt helping much...take care Jo..
RhondaS NuttyNan
Trish123 NuttyNan
susan21149 Trish123
The 40grams of grounded is better used to treat menopause symptoms