What's going on with my digestive system
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Hi all, first time hear and hoping someone out there may shed some light on whats going on with my stomach. I have had bouts of indigestion and heartburn for many years, probably due to always working unsociable, shift work, but they were sporadic and very mild bouts. However, since December last year I have been suffering with allsorts of problems, which seem to be digestive tract linked. Prior to these problems I injured my back at work in September, and have not been able to go back as yet. Before, the symptoms started happening I was put on Naproxen (an NSAID), to help relieve my back pain, so I could do Physiotherapy. I took Naproxen for about a week, until I had to stop due to getting severe stomach cramps. This then led to all the symptoms I am experiencing right now, which I will list in a bit. I saw my GP, who put me on 40mg Omeprazole, 20mg twice a day, which relieved the symptoms for a while. However in recent weeks the symptoms are getting bad again, I have been to and fro from my GP, who has put me on Domperidone as well as the Omeprazole. My GP had my blood tested for a total blood count and Helicobacter Pylori. The blood results were all good, except for a slight raise in platelet levels. I am having more blood tests done, and have been referred for a scan, I have heard Pancreatitis and Gallstones mentioned recently, but thought I'd mention my problems on here, just in case someone has experienced the same as myself, and can help enlighten me.
The main symptoms I get are bloating (and associated random sharp stabbing pains all over abdomen, chest and back), burping, stomach churning, frequent throat clearing, 2 specific frequent dull aches that can get sharp (one on left side of upper abdomen, and one just to right of centre of upper abdomen), raised heart rate, nausea, hot flushes, bouts of dizzyness, pale coloured stools (sometimes loose, but generally firm). It hurts more when I move and I also get this sharp pain, right across the top of my abdomen, where I'm guessing my diaphragm is, when I bend over.
These symptoms aren't daily, I can go 2 - 3 days and feel ok, only experiencing very mild symptoms, but then the symptoms flare up and it leaves me not being able to do anything cause I feel so rough. The pains and discomfort I get do hurt, but I'm not in severe pain, so I'm just having to deal with it whilst my GP investigates. I'm hoping the scan will reveal something, but if anybody can help with any info on the reasons why I'm getting all these symptoms, I would be very grateful to hear it. I've been struggling for a couple of months now, and totally fed up, just to know what is going on would be a help in itself.
Thanks in advance.
BTW. Forgot to mention that I can't eat bread, or high sugar content foods, these flare up my symptoms. I had a Rhubard and Custard boiled sweet the other day, I thought 'surely one will be ok', I wish I hadn't bothered, that hurt. I've never been a heavy drinker, and I do smoke, but again not a lot, on average about 7 - 8 a day.
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Gwenn1120 paul75665
Good luck with it all, I didn't have any ill effects post-scopes.
I had to had 4 ducolax tablets at 10am, then start the pico prep at 3pm. Second satchet at 7pm and a third at 9pm (because I "wasn't running clear enough").
Drink lots of water and clear gatorade in between really helped me.
It depends who you see to what routine they want you to do. A friend had hers done and the specilaist basically had her on a bland diet for three days prior, then the day before on clear fluids only.
The only thing I will say that by the end of it, "dabbing" was in and "wiping" was out! lol :-)
My update is I'm currently pain free but still having stool colour changes. I get the results of my second ct this week (my appt was postponed by GP) but think I will be up for more bloodwork and am going to ask for a HIDA scan. I'm secretly hoping it will be a gallbladder functioning issue and not a more scary issue involving the liver or pancreas. I spoke to a friend who told me when she had gallbladder issues, there was no sludge, stones but hers had 'crystalised miniscule formations' thoughtout it and it was functioning poorly. She also found through trial and error to hone her diet. @Gem1384 I haven't read all your posts, so you may have already had it done, but have you had a HIDA scan done?
I've also read elsewhere that gyno issues can cause a lot of referred pain and even bowel issues depending upon the disease (eg endo/adenmyosis)
As I read these forums, it seems as though some people find answers and some poor souls are still none the wiser after years. I have gleaned some helpful info off other people's experiences, especially diet related.
I've started myself on a low fat, lactose free and gluten free diet ad touch wood, the chronic low level pain has subsided. Whether it's just a co-incidence or is diet related will remain to be seen.
Anyway, do let us know how you go Paul, I gather you will have to wait several weeks for any biopsy work to be done?
paul75665 Gwenn1120
Thanks for your kind words and info, they are much appreciated. I have been put on the same preparation plan as your friend was, with only clear fluids now allowed until after my scopes, which should be around 4pm today (I really hope there isn't a delay). The Picolax certainly kicked in last night, and kept me up until 1am, and then woke me at 6am. Not as bad an experience as I was expecting, and considering I've not eaten since 4:30pm yesterday, my tummy isn't doing too bad, just feeling quite drained and tired, and some slight nausea. My biopsy results for my Sigmoidoscopy took just over a week to come through, so I'm presuming it will take roughly the same amount of time. I just hope after all this they find out whats causing my probs, don't want to go through this too often.
So glad to hear that you are pain free right now, it can certainly improve mood and mind set, I'm always thankful for pain free days, and I've been having quite a good run of that lately. Fingers crossed it continues for both of us. You mentioned changing your diet to a low fat, gluten and lactose free. I'm not sure if it is co-incidence you know! This is exactly what I have done, and if I deviate from this, my symptoms seem to flare up. I guess its more a case of whether fat, gluten and lactose are the cause of our problems, or whether they just aggrevate another underlying problem.
Sachet number 2 of Picolax taken so I'll be quite busy in a bit, but I will update as soon as I can with any results found, if any!
Take care all!
Gem1384 paul75665
I hope everything goes aswell as it can and you get the answers you want.
paul75665 Gem1384
I hope you are ok. Look after yourself!
Colonoscopy and Gastroscopy all done. Got to say the majority of the examination was good. I remember being aware of the set up, and then being given the sedative, but after that nothing. No recollection of mouth guard being put in or the Gastroscopy at all. However, I came around for the latter part of the Colonoscopy and I have to say that bit hurt, to the point I was shouting 'Ouch' a few times, that wasn't pleasant. But all over now thankfully, and all in all, including the bowel prep, the whole experience was good. Even got a welcome sandwich whilst in recovery. All the staff were brill, and that helped calm me a lot. If anyone is due either or both of these procedures, and are worried, don't be, the benefits of having them done and getting piece of mind, far outweigh not having them done.
As for results, during the Colonoscopy I had 3 polyps removed in the rectum area, but rest of Colon is fine. However, I have a very mobile and long Sigmoid, which the consultant seems to think could have been caused by having a Volvulus (twisted colon) in the past, but not twisted now.
The Gastroscopy showed a normal Oesophagus, normal Stomach and normal Duodenum????????? So happy that no real nasties were found, but there seems to be nothing conclusive that can be linked to my symptoms, so again I'm now left in limbo wondering what on earth is causing my problems. Not sure if any biopsies were taken, but I'll question my GP about that the next time I see her. Ive got this dreadful feeling this is going to lead to the IBS diagnosis, when I'm sure it isn't.
For now though, its a case of recover and recuperate from todays antics. Thanks to all of you for your words of support and encouragement lately, you have certainly helped me get through my scopes, for which I am very grateful.
Wishing you all the best, you are all stars and I hope you all get better, and soon
Got a bit of a query I need some advice on.
Its now been 2 days since I came out of hospital from my Gastroscopy / Colonoscopy and all seems well, other than my inability to have a bowel movement as yet, and an almost constant dull ache type pain in my lower left abdomen.
Im not too worried about the ache pain in the abdomen as I had this now and again before the scopes. My concern is not being able to have a BM even though I feel the need to go now and again. When I get the urge and try to go I either get small amounts of red blood, which I was told probably will happen, or dirty watery stuff, both are accompanied by wind. The Picolax treatment did clean me right out, so I'm assuming there has to be a certain amount of time before the colon fills up, ready to pass stools again. I don't eat huge amounts of food, and its all quite low residue types of food too.
I was just wondering what other peoples experiences of this are, and whether this is sort of normal after having a Colonoscopy. Is there anything I can do to help get things moving, or is it better to let nature take its course in its own time.
Any info and advice on this would be greatly appreciated, as always.
Been some time since I've updated this thread, so I thought I'd give you all a brief heads up on whats been happening over last couple of months.
Had my colonoscopy and endoscopy, not a bad experience at all until the last 5 minutes or so, when consultant kept getting me to turn on my back, then on my side, then back again, so on and so forth, that did hurt quite a bit. Endoscopy revealed a normal oesophagus, stomach and duodenum. Colonoscopy revealed a long and very mobile Sigmoid colon, and 3 polyps were removed. According to my doctor the long and mobile sigmoid colon was probably anatomical, and should cause me any problems, as I get older there may be an increased chance that it could twist, but unlikely. The biopsies performed on the removed polyps were completely benign.
I had a follow up appointment with my doctor a couple of weeks ago, and we talked about the results of my scopes, and the only conclusion she could come to was to print me off some literature (from this site funnily enough) about IBS!!!! (I don't believe this is the cause at all). She has also advised I stay on a FODMAP diet for 3 weeks, and then to introduce the foods from the FODMAP avoid list, one at a time, to see are the trigger foods. As I also experience problems everytime I eat bread, I have been told to go Gluten Free. Since following the plan that she has set out for me, I am generally feeling better, however the symptoms are still there, allbeit just mild and not as intense as they were.
I am still taking Colofac and Omeprazole, and on Friday I had to get another prescription from my doctor for Omeprazole. The only doctor I managed to see was a new doctor at my surgery, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to get a sort of second opinion. He must have had a good look through my recent notes as he seemed very informed on everything I have been through lately. During our conversation he said to me that the physical stress of being overworked, the mental stress of not being listened to by my employer and taking Naproxen was a 'lethal combination', basically admitting that these events have triggered something to cause my digestive system to become messed up. This info has made me believe that the popped disc back in September last year was a complete misdiagnosis, and that the problems were in fact all stress related, which I have always made my doctor aware of from the beginning. In fact there were two occasions, before the popped disc incident, where I went to see my doctor as I was getting this fluttering feeling around the centre of my chest. The doctor said that this was likely to be Acid Reflux, but could it have been the start of my digestive problems? I personally think it was! I also maintain that at some point since the popped disc (mis)diagnosis, that I had stomach ulcer(s), likely to be caused from the stress I was under.
Well thats all the info I have for now, I've just got the long process of trying out different diets, but as I said earlier, my general health has improved, I just feel like I'm not getting the nutrients I need, and missing out on a lot of vitamins and minerals. But I am grateful that I have more of a life now than I have had over the last 8 months or so.
Cheers for all the help, advice and support you all gave me, and if there are any developments, I will update this thread. Get well soon all! Take care and best wishes.
Gem1384 paul75665
How are u finding the fodmap diet? I've got to start it at the end of August (first available app with the dietician) I'm sticking to a low fat diet at the moment.
My symptoms are all over the place. Just had another huge round of bloods done, all normal. Apparently from calcium. If you think your lacking vitamins due to digestive troubles them I can recommend D Lux vitamin sprays. I have all of them, multivitamin, vitamin d and vitamin b12. They go straight into ur blood stream and avoid the digestive system. My blood showed them all as normal so they must be working. I get them from Holland and Barrett.
I've got another re-scan on 22nd (just ultrasound) and I've got my se-chat scan at end of August. My stool have been white, yellow and orange over the past few weeks. Pain is still bad
Anyway, keep us updated, as you do
Gwenn1120 paul75665
This is on the wrong thread, but I've lost the post you wrote not too long ago with your updates. Hope things are going well and improving for you.
All the best
nataliefranc paul75665
Becka35 nataliefranc
How have you been feeling any relief from your back pain. How long has this been going on and is it everyday that your ribs hurt you?
nataliefranc Becka35
Becka35 nataliefranc
nataliefranc Becka35
Becka35 nataliefranc
Becka35 nataliefranc
nataliefranc Becka35
Becka35 nataliefranc
nataliefranc Becka35
Gwenn1120 Becka35
I had pain that would shift from left ribs, front and back, then shift over to the right ribs where it seemed to stay longer and suffered gastritis as well. For a while it was a daily chronic condition and I had stool colour changes as well, but that hideous rib pain was what nearly did me in.
I had ultrasounds; ct with contrast; gastroscopy, colonoscopy; cholangiogram and blood pathology done.
The gastroscopy showed inflammation of the stomach (but nothing too hideous) and the bloodwork showed a slightly elevated count of white blood count; slight anaemia and vitamin d deficiency.
It was making me miserable. I saw two specialists, four Doctors (finally found a great one but relocation saw that one go) and contradictions between Doctor's opinions.
The oh had left over antibiotics a broad spectrum and anaerobic, in desperation I took the broad spectrum first and noticed a bit of improvement, then I ended up taking the anaerobic ones and I improved 80%! After nine months of more or less chronic pain and being dismissed by the last specialist (who felt my improvement had nothing to do with the antibiotics) at this stage I am no longer in daily discomfort or pain.
Things I asked for consistently were a hida scan, stool tests and antibiotics were deemed unwarranted. The last specialist wanted me to chart a diet and felt changing stool colour was due to that, even though my diet had never changed (until after the trouble started).
I feel absolutely terrible for everybody here who has problems because it's no joke to not have a day where you don't feel unwell or in pain.
I felt the whole thing started with a gallbladder attack and perhaps shifted to pancreatitis then a residual infection. I too had an almost panic stricken feeling it was pancreatic cancer and expressed this to several Doctors seeking at the time some reassurance it wasn't that nasty cancer, but I have to say one in particular made me feel like what I was experiencing was pyschological. I can tell you it wasn't and pyschological conditions do not cause changes in bloodwork and stool colour!
It was a good thing that I took the antibiotics because it finally enabled me to feel well enough to go through with a hysterectomy that I badly needed. At the very least, if this "thing" flares again and I really, really hope I don't have to experience it again, my gyno issues will not be able to be used as a reason.
Becka35 Gwenn1120
Gem1384 Becka35
My symptoms are like yours. I will list everything for you. So you can compare and also see if you haven't had any of the tests I have so you could possibly ask for them.
My symptoms are:
Left sided pain - under my ribs at the front- side and back. Pain in my upper back (it's like a tingling, cold burning sensation which aches aswell)
Pain to the left, right and top of my belly button.
Pain in left kidney area.
Sore area around my spine in line with my ribs.
Heartburn, indigestion and reflux
Sore throat, ear pains, floaters (eye) and tinnitus.
Fast heart rate 100+
Dizzyness and lightheaded
Loud digestion and bloating
I did have loose stools of large volume but the fodmap diet has made them solid again. But they are yellow/light brown with undigested food.
I bruise easily and have none pain in my collarbone, sternum, fingers and knees.
My original issues were right sides pain which was under my ribs and radiated into my back.
I've had the following stool tests:
H-pylori and faecal elastase.
I've has the following blood tests:
FBC, Liver Function, GGT, hepatitis, bone profile, Vitamin A D E K, calcium, magnesium, vitamin b12 and folate, ferritin, glucose, thyroid, kidney function, CRP, CA-125 and CA9-19. (I might of missed some)
I've had the following diagnostic tests:
Ultrasound x4
Endoscopy and sigmoidoscopy
Endoscopic ultrasound
HIDA scan
Ultrasound showed debris in gallbladder. But EUS showed it as normal. HIDA scan had my ejection fraction at 30% so that accounts for my right sided pains.
My sigmoidoscopy showed a polyp. Which was removed and non cancerous.
My endoscope took biopsies for inflammation, h-pylori and celiac - all normal.
My bloods were normal appart from vitamin d (now normal) calcium (still low) and my ALP level keeps going up but then goes back down.
Now from my readings an EUS is the best/gold standard test for chronic pancreatitis. Which mine was competley normal. But this pain doesn't quit. Today it's bad and it's because I had chocolate yesterday. I cannot tolerate large meals or hardly any fat or I'll be in agony all night.
My symptoms all point to chronic pancreatitis yet all the tests say no.
My faecal elastase was 460 and then 470 so nothing wrong with my pancreatic enzymes.
I have read about something to do with the nerves coming from the stomach getting trapped and causing pain? That's the only other option I've got to try to look into.
I've tried omperzole (doesn't work) And I've tried all the IBS treatments. I'm also on amtriptiline at the moment and I take turmeric and grapes seed extract.
The fodmap diet has made my pooh normal but my pain worse? Lol! So can't wait to stop that.
Anyway, I hope some of that will help you in some way. I am still undiagnosed and it's horrible but I'm trying to stay away from my phone and get on with my life before it goes.
Gem1384 Gwenn1120
I've read your comment with interest!
Can I ask what exactly were the antibiotics you used?
I'm thinking about asking a trial at my Drs. I'm willing to try anything at this point!
Becka35 Gem1384
Gem1384 Becka35
nataliefranc Gem1384
Becka35 Gem1384
It's so frustrating I have had an upper GI and abdominal ultra sound, Ct scan of abdomin and pelvis blood work and nothing is what's going on with me. Still having the random stomach pains to the left and the right of my bellybutton a stabbing pain on the top of my bellybutton and a dull ach on the upper left and right under my sternum random pains in my left and right ribs mostly left I get a slight stomach ach every time I eat when I drive in a car for more than five minutes I get carsick right away and then I feel carsick all day long . My ear goes out and I can hear my heartbeat in my breathing through my ear this has been happening for years. my blood pressure is always low. Upper back ache all the time this could be from hunching over or it could be related not sure. It's driving me crazy not knowing what is wrong.
Gem1384 Becka35
nataliefranc Gem1384
Gem1384 nataliefranc
I did message you on Facebook. Did you get it? I haven't drank a drop of alcohol in nearly 4 years. I'm too scared to in case it is my pancreas and starts something I can't stop. Also I've been pregnant and/or breast feeding so haven't had the chance! Lol!
nataliefranc Gem1384