What's going on with my digestive system
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Hi all, first time hear and hoping someone out there may shed some light on whats going on with my stomach. I have had bouts of indigestion and heartburn for many years, probably due to always working unsociable, shift work, but they were sporadic and very mild bouts. However, since December last year I have been suffering with allsorts of problems, which seem to be digestive tract linked. Prior to these problems I injured my back at work in September, and have not been able to go back as yet. Before, the symptoms started happening I was put on Naproxen (an NSAID), to help relieve my back pain, so I could do Physiotherapy. I took Naproxen for about a week, until I had to stop due to getting severe stomach cramps. This then led to all the symptoms I am experiencing right now, which I will list in a bit. I saw my GP, who put me on 40mg Omeprazole, 20mg twice a day, which relieved the symptoms for a while. However in recent weeks the symptoms are getting bad again, I have been to and fro from my GP, who has put me on Domperidone as well as the Omeprazole. My GP had my blood tested for a total blood count and Helicobacter Pylori. The blood results were all good, except for a slight raise in platelet levels. I am having more blood tests done, and have been referred for a scan, I have heard Pancreatitis and Gallstones mentioned recently, but thought I'd mention my problems on here, just in case someone has experienced the same as myself, and can help enlighten me.
The main symptoms I get are bloating (and associated random sharp stabbing pains all over abdomen, chest and back), burping, stomach churning, frequent throat clearing, 2 specific frequent dull aches that can get sharp (one on left side of upper abdomen, and one just to right of centre of upper abdomen), raised heart rate, nausea, hot flushes, bouts of dizzyness, pale coloured stools (sometimes loose, but generally firm). It hurts more when I move and I also get this sharp pain, right across the top of my abdomen, where I'm guessing my diaphragm is, when I bend over.
These symptoms aren't daily, I can go 2 - 3 days and feel ok, only experiencing very mild symptoms, but then the symptoms flare up and it leaves me not being able to do anything cause I feel so rough. The pains and discomfort I get do hurt, but I'm not in severe pain, so I'm just having to deal with it whilst my GP investigates. I'm hoping the scan will reveal something, but if anybody can help with any info on the reasons why I'm getting all these symptoms, I would be very grateful to hear it. I've been struggling for a couple of months now, and totally fed up, just to know what is going on would be a help in itself.
Thanks in advance.
BTW. Forgot to mention that I can't eat bread, or high sugar content foods, these flare up my symptoms. I had a Rhubard and Custard boiled sweet the other day, I thought 'surely one will be ok', I wish I hadn't bothered, that hurt. I've never been a heavy drinker, and I do smoke, but again not a lot, on average about 7 - 8 a day.
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Hi Everyone
Just an update for you all.
I've had a confirmed diagnosis for all my problems, well almost confirmed anyway. When I go back to see the Rheumatologist in 6 - 8 weeks time, I will more than likely be diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. This all depends on the most recent bout of tests I've had done, some of which are quite obscure tests, for example blood tests for AIDS, Hepatitis and Autoimmune disease. I've also had chest and back X-Rays and due to have an ECG in a couple of weeks. If all these tests come back normal, which I'm pretty sure they will, then I will have a diagnosis confirmed as Fibromyalgia. I've been told that once this has been confirmed, I will start a treatment program to help me cope better with my symptoms, and get me living as normal a life as I can.
Not really much else I can add to this really, it's sort of helpful to have got this far and have a diagnosis at last, although it wasn't the one I wanted. I know now that I have to accept this will be my life for a long time, and that there won't be that miracle cure I was hoping for!
Take care everyone and I wish all of you suffering with your problems a speedy recovery back to full health as soon as possible. Thanks to all of you for listening and for all the advice you have given me since I started this discussion, I really appreciate it!
jonmg87 paul75665
Hi Paul, I'm glad you're on your way to getting a diagnosis.
I was wondering what your current symptoms are, as I also have constant upper abdominal pain and yellow stools. All test results so far have been negative (blood, stool, urine, ultrasound, MRI, CT scan, and upper endoscopy). Also, from what I've read for fibromalagia, pain is present in 4 quadrants?
paul75665 jonmg87
Hi Jon
Nice to hear from you, and sorry to hear you are going through your problems, its not nice I know, and I can sympathise.
As for your query about Fibromyalgia, the Rheumatologist I saw about my issues explained to me that they used to do the tender point tests, pressing various areas of the body to see if pain was present, however this test has proved to be inconclusive and now they rely on blood tests, physical and medical examinations and patient descriptions of symptoms they suffer. Random, generalised muscle and joint pain is the main symptom of Fibromyalgia. I mainly get pain in my hands, arms, shoulders, neck, back and legs. On top of that IBS, or IBS type symptoms and/or food intolerances/allergies are common with Fibromyalgia sufferers. The main symptoms I get are, including the ones I just mentioned, headaches, fatigue, tiredness, dizziness, disorientation, brain fog, palpitations, extreme bloating, IBS, abdominal pain, nausea, frequent urinating, sleep disturbance and exercise intolerance.
With regard to your symptoms, you should take some comfort in the fact that you have had all those tests done, and nothing has been discovered. When I started to become ill, I constantly worried that something bad was going on, and wasted a lot of my time worrying. Now that I've had extensive testing done, I do feel more at ease than I did. One test that you could push for that you haven't had would be a Colonoscopy, just to be 100% sure. How would you describe the consistancy of your stools? Do they appear greasy or leave a greasy film in the toilet bowl? Do you get any other symptoms? I know that when I started getting ill, my stools were always loose, tarry and very dark in colour. When I was put on Omeprazole, my stool colour started to get lighter, but still loose in consistancy. Its only since my diet changes, and being on the FODMAP diet that they seem to have become normal, although I do get some constipation now and again. I don't know what your eating habits are like, but it might be worth trying some changes to your diet to see if that improves your issues.
I have to say that abdominal pains, and changes in stool colour and consistancy can be caused by so many illnesses that it is hard to pinpoint what the actual problem is. It could also be caused by something as simple as you becomming intolerant or allergic to a foodstuff. I'm pretty sure my bloating isn't totally linked to Fibromyalgia, but thats something to investigate for another day.
If you need any more advice or help, let me know, and I'll do my best to give you some info. And answers to the questions I've asked you in this reply, could give a clearer picture of possible causes for your problems.
heather67217 paul75665
I am having very similar symptoms and I'm scared to death. The other day I was hospitalized bc I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. I have pain under my left ribcage (more like fullness then pain) and the middle, lower back pain, a ton of gas, light colored stools. I had a Ct and blood tests in the hospital and everything was clear. I'm now going to a gi for further testing, but the er said their biggest concern was my pancreas. They suggested an upper scope to my doctor which I have coming on Tuesday. So I was just wondering if you ever had your pancreas scoped to check the ducts and make sure there's nothing abnormal inside? Are you better ? How are things going for you?
paul75665 heather67217
Hi Heather
So sorry I didn't reply to your message, which is saying you sent about a month ago, for some reason I've stopped getting notifications so had no idea you got in contact.
I don't know whether this reply is any use to you now, but I was wondering how you are? Any news as to what might be causing your symptoms?
In response to your questions, I'm not much better really, still suffering with the same symptoms, although the severity of them aren't generally as bad as they were. I had an abdominal ultrasound which came back as my pancreas looking fine, and everything else showing ok, I also had the faecal elastase stool test done and this was also ok too.
After more visits to the hospital, X-rays, blood tests, etc, I have now been diagnosed with having Fibromyalgia, IBS, Gastritis and an anxiety issue. On top of that I have developed lots of intolerances to food, and am on a very bland, strict and limited diet. I still bloat a lot, get frequent bouts of nausea, and get very dizzy / faint at times. I'm very tired and drained all the time, I still get palpitations and general muscle / joint pain. My next appointment with my doctor I will be requesting my B12 levels are checked, as well as testing for SIBO, these are a shot in the dark really, but I'm desperate to find a cause for some, or all of my symptoms. Other than that, there's nothing else the doctors can do or test for, and so I'm now left in a state of limbo.
I am sorry for not replying sooner, and I do hope a cause for your symptoms have been found and the doctors are dealing with it. Take care and all the best for the future!
laurab1317 paul75665
I have acid reflux,heartburn even while drinking water. I get the worst gas(mostly non stinky,unless I eat chicken. My digestion is also rough and I either have to instantly use the toilet or it builds up without any signs of having to go. Im experiencing this bad bad sharp radiating pains on my left side,directly below my rib cage and feels it could be in my back at times..I'm really starting to think it's just had trying to bypass, constipation .. My two kids and I have all been check for fiber levels. They all come back normal. But we all have always seem to either have constipation & or diarrhoea. My kids and I are both short/petite. My son is 9 and weighs barely 40 something pds and my daughter turns 11 on tax day and barely weighs about 55pds. Our torsos are even litle and everything pushed together..
AllisonShaffer paul75665
1. Bloating all day and night. Feels like i am pregnant but i am still a virgin.
2.Sharp Stabbing pains all over my abdomen, chest and back.
3. Constipation (Laxatives only seem to work for 2 days)
4. Diarrhea
6. Stomach Churning all day and night, none stop. I lay my hand on my lower stomach and pelivic area and can feel the bubbling and it feels like liquid just moving around, The noises are so loud.Â
7.Frequent clearing my throat. Mucis has gotten to bad and thick and I get over it and a week later its right back doing it again. I keep getting sore throats so bad.
8. Two specific frequent dull aches that can get sharp (one on left side of upper abdomen, and one just to the right of my lower pelivic.Â
9.Raised heart rate
10. Nauseated all day and night everyday. Havent thrown up yet no matte how bad i feel like it.
11. Hot flashes, like omg I am freaqenlty burning up, sweat is dripping off me and i dont have a fever but i can feel the heat coming from my body.
12. Dizzyness
13. Lost of appetite. (I dont feel good at all to eat, just looking at food makes me feel sick. I only wieght 97 pounds and I dont want to get any skinnier but....idk what to do. I try to eat but its only little by little.
14. Lost intrested in drinking anything. ( I use to drink more then I would eat for a long while in my life, but now I can seem to get myself to drink anything. I only take small sips and thats it, when i use to jug the like 4 big swiges out of it. Sodias and tea i have lost all feeling for. I never drink Alcohol.
15. Headaches that wont go away for over 3 days. I take ibuprofen and nothing. Every little sounds gets on my nerves i want to be left alone.Â
16. Cant sleep because stomach is feeling blahhh
17 Fatigue. My body is done, i am tired all day, even when i sleep i wake up and it feels like i havent slept at all.Â
18. Shortness of breath. (I am not a smoker and never had been but my grandpa does and he smokes in the house. It feels like my nose it closed up and I just cant breath. I am always sighing trying to get more air in my body.
19. Stools, long skinny dark brown sometimes black, have like mucis string attach to it. Only comes out like to tiny peices never a lot, Constantly feeling like i have to go and when i do nothing comes out other then watery mucis that is like brownish.Â
20. Shaken so bad.Â
21. Chills. Its summer and I am freezing when i am not hot flashing.Â
22. Stomach on left side sometimes feels like it is twisting.
23. Ears numb all day and feel heart beat in themÂ
24. Sharp pain that comes and goes in throat and chest.Â
25. Anus is killing me. Swollen and red. Itches so much. I guess from whiping to much.Â
26. Very strong musty smell and a lot of disharge coming from my Vagina.Â
27. Freaqently going to pee and feeling like i have to go to the bathroom but nothing is coming out. Straining is hurtning my back. I took over 8 constipation medications and they only help for 2 days.
I cant think of anymore but i am sure that is not it. I feel like i have been hit by a bus, I been on depression medication for in the morning and one at night to put me to sleep, I want to just lay down and die. I cry every night. I been to my doctor and the emergancy room got diagnosed with GRED. I am on Zantac. Few days later back to the doctor and then back to the emergancy room and got diagnosed with IBS because X Ray was clear and blood test was clear, urine test was clear. Gave me medication for that and few days later back to the doctor and he put me on depression medication telling me its all in your head, your going crazy and just need to be put in the emergancy room for depression. I never cried so much. I waited a while and nothing has change so I went to the womans clinic and got check for ovarian cyst and everything was clear. They checked my discharge and told me everything looked fine. I went back to the doctor because I couldnt pee and my back hurt so bad and he told me i had a kidney infection and gave me medication for that, which really helped at some point, then weeks later boom, everything came back.
its not in my head is it. Pls tell me im not going crazy. I need help really bad. I dont know what is wrong with me, doctors dont know what is wrong with me, I been droped from my insurance so i have over 3000 dollars of doctor and hospital bills to pay. My grandpa is the only one who works but is unable to because of his leg was bothering him and we hav to draw social secerity which is only a 1000 dollars. My dad is not in my life and more because he is a alcoholic, I never knew my mom, so money is tight, I am tried of going to the doctor paying for bills when nothing they seem to do is working.  My body keeps getting weaker and weaker each day and i can feel it, I know something is wrong with me. I am on Probiotic-8, daily enzymes pills, iron tablets, vitamin D and i just dont know.
Pls help me.
paul75665 AllisonShaffer
Sent you a private message!![wink](https://patient-info-assets-hdd5b7gscpejgqd3.a01.azurefd.net/forums/emoticons/wink.gif)
Ms_Jones AllisonShaffer
I am glad you got treated for kidney infection and it is better.
Where do you live? Are you eligible for Medicaid? If you are broke and sick and 19 years old you are likely eligible for some assistance with medical bills. Ask the social worker at the hospital or clinic what medical insurance program you might be eligible for.
Also, try to see if you can find a great gynecologist who can check to see if you have endometriosis. I had it and had many of the symptoms you describe. Look it up on the Internet. There are not many great Drs that are very knowledgeable about this and it doesn’t always show up on ultrasound even if ovaries and uterus look normal.
Endometriosis is a Female condition and has nothing to do with sexual activity. Any menstruating woman can have it.Â
Good luck.
Good luck.
tig1995 paul75665
Hi Paul,
This is my first time on a forum. I have pretty much all the same symptoms that you've mentioned throughout the discussion. I get nauseous, dizzy spells, hot flushes and incredibly bad stomach pains on the right side and occasionally a weird 'lump' on the right side below my rib cage. I also am constantly bloated. I've had numerous blood tests, X-rays, stool samples and ultrasounds and they've always came back normal. I've been on so many different tablets that have not helped at all, and all my doctors have said is to calm down and not stress. I've felt like this for a year and it's really getting me down. The severe abdominal pain seemed to go down for a while but it's back again. They initially thought it was appendicitis but I was tested and it wasn't that. I get a burning feeling or uncomfortable aches/pains in my side, back etc and I'm just getting fed up. I'm really getting upset about it and feel like doctors are treating me as a joke because I'm 21. I've had IBS ever since I was little and they keep passing it off as that, but I've never had pain like I have the past year. It's good to know I'm not the only one but sad to know that there's so many people suffering with this problem with no cure. It's ruining my life - my relationships, my job, seeing family and friends etc. I feel completely hopeless. I hope you've had good news from your results
paul75665 tig1995
Hi Tig
So sorry to hear about all your problems, they sound terrible, and at the age of 21 too, when you should be able to enjoy life, instead of having to deal with all these symptoms. I know its not much consolation to you, but you are not alone in having your life turned upside down by problems like this, and for the doctors to treat you like you're being a nuisance doesn't help. Some doctors I've seen can be very patronising, but luckily I found one who, even though he's lost on how to make my life any easier, he is very sympathetic and keen to listen to any thoughts and ideas I might have, and act on them.
As for good news on my results, I'm afraid there is nothing to report there. Since I first started this post, I've now had confirmed diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, CFS/ME, IBS and Anxiety. These diagnosis are basically telling me that although the doctors are aware that there is something wrong with me, and know why I feel so bad all the time, they don't know what's causing it and how best to treat it. Right now I feel like I've been left on a heap to fend for myself, with regular check ups just to satisfy the system, well thats how it feels anyway![frown](https://patient-info-assets-hdd5b7gscpejgqd3.a01.azurefd.net/forums/emoticons/frown.gif)
From all the research I have done, and talking to others who suffer with IBS (which I believe is the biggest factor for me feeling so ill all the time), IBS can make you feel severely ill at points, and the symptoms you and I get are not uncommon ones that accompany IBS. The reason why this happens remains a bit of a mystery, but I've read that its possible IBS sufferers bowels are hypersensitive, sometimes become inflamed and go into overdrive every now and again. Stress, worry, anxiety and other negative thoughts and feelings seem to be linked to play a part in IBS sufferers problems, and I have to say that since I've tried to control the negative side of me, and relax a bit more, my IBS symptoms are less frequent and don't feel as bad most of the time. I still get really bad flare ups, that leave me with nausea, dizzy spells, hot flushes, etc, but I can deal with them better.
Have you had a colonoscopy / endoscopy yet? If not, it might be worth getting your doctor to refer you for one. It's not the most pleasant procedure, but its not too bad, and I was petrified by having one, but more than likely you'll be knocked out for most, if not all of it by the sedative. Just try to lay it on thick with the doctors to influence them to get this procedure done for you, or else they won't take your request seriously. The only other advice I can offer you is perhaps play around with your diet, stay away from lactose, gluten and yeast for a bit and see if your symptoms improve as certain foods might be causing your problems, drink just water (I drink 5 pints a day at least), do try to relax and keep yourself as calm as you can, and when you feel really grotty, get a hot water bottle, lie down and curl up, and ride it out as best as you can.
So sorry I can't be more help than that to you. I do hope you can get some control over your symptoms so you are able to enjoy life a bit more. Stay strong, fight it and don't let your problems get the best of you, and maybe you can take control of your life again. It all takes time so patience is the key, think of it tis way, even if it takes you 2 years to get back to a sense of normality, you'll still only be 23! Plenty of time to enjoy life again.
Please keep in touch to let us know how you are getting on, and you can private message me if you need any dietry advice, or coping techniques, should you be keen to try these routes.
All the best for the future and take care.
tig1995 paul75665
Hi Paul,
I plan to go to the doctors again tomorrow and push for more tests. I'd not heard of fibromyalgia until I stumbled upon this discussion so I'll mention to my doctor and see what they say.
IBS has always impacted my life and whether I'll do certain things and I'm still yet to find anything that settles it at all - I've been put on so many tablets for IBS soothing and anti-spasmodically and not a single one has worked. I tried the low fodmap diet and I've cut out lactose, gluten, wheat and yeast for about a year now. Is there anything you can recommend for the pains?? And ways of relaxing? Doctors told me to 'chill out' but we all know that's easier said than done... when they've got results back from tests they just joke about and call me a 'mystery' which hasn't been very reassuring!
I've not yet had a colonoscopy but it's come up in my appointments with my doctors but they've never took it any further so I'll make sure that gets arranged when I go back tomorrow.
It's hard to find time to go to the doctors lately and to have time to myself as I currently work 50 hours a week, I've tried meditation, yoga etc and nothings really relaxed me. I've had several people mention trying hypnosis if it is caused by my anxiety but not sure how I feel about that yet.
Thank you so much for your kind words. I'd love to hear some coping techniques because right now I'm really struggling at finding any success! Thanks again!
rachel94769 paul75665
Hi. I have been having the same symptoms but not some much the sharp pains. Sometimes but sounds like yours might be more severe although I have had them many time before through out my life. Lately what I ha e been experiencing is nausea, lightheadedness, dizzy spells , flush and cold sweats and mostly at night after I'm asleep. It will wake me up. Very scary and uncomfortable. I went to the ER a week ago and they said acid reflux and or a possible ulcer. Put me on 20 mg. Of Prilosec a day and it helped for literally 3-4 days and now it's back last two nights. Glad I'm not the only one.
paul75665 rachel94769
Hi Rachel
So sorry to hear about your problems, I do sympathise, it's no fun at all, and you are not alone.
I get Acid Reflux, along with the other problems I have, and its an illness that can mimic heart problems, which scares the life out of me. But after having these problems for 3 years now, I'm sort of getting used to it, but do still worry sometimes, even though if it was something more serious I'm sure I would have known about by now. Like you I get woken up at night with these symptoms, and I think its made worse by suddenly waking up and feeling awful, whereas when you are awake and get symptoms, there is usually a warning sign and you are more perpared for it.
With your Acid Reflux and possible stomach ulcer its no wonder you have bouts of feeling awful, but by the sounds of it you seem to be on top of the situation and getting treatment you need.
Take care and wishing you a very speedy recovery.
Hi All
Thought I'd update this discussion as it's been a while now, and inform you all of some recent tests that have shown 'positive' results which could be the reason for me being so ill over the last few years. I'll explain what has happened, but I'll also point you to another discussion I started with the title 'Farting Blood Stained Mucus', which also explains what has been discovered.
Anyway, I was due a colonoscopy a couple of months ago as I had been getting a lot of rectal bleeding with constipation. Incidentally my doctor gave me Anusol suppositories whilst waiting for my colonoscopy just to try, and I have to say I hardly have any bleeding anymore, and if I do it happens rarely after wiping myself clean after the 2nd or 3rd wipe, after a bowel movement, and only presents itself as a very small amount of blood on the toilet paper.
Well, I couldn't attend my colonoscopy as I was having a very bad Fibromyalgia / CFS flare up the week I had to start the bowel prep, so it was cancelled. However, as a precaution I asked my doctor if I should have a stool sample tested for blood. He said he'd actually get 2 samples tested, one for blood and the other for Inflammatory bowel markers. I had the results of these tests a couple of weeks ago, and the sample tested for blood was fine, no blood present. The sample tested for inflammatory bowel markers was not so good, apparently a result of 100+ of these markers means a referral to hospital, my result was over 1400!!! According to my doctor these are the highest results he has seen. The result could still be negative as there are some medications and even some foods that can mimic these results, but this is rare and the result is likely to indicate inflammation of the bowel, which my doctor says is likely to be either Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn's Disease. Further investigation will reveal what is going on, which for me starts on Tuesday with a hospital appointment and discussion with a Gastroenterologist.
Two things worry me concerning my treatment over the last three years since becoming ill, firstly was the fact that if I hadn't requested stool tests to be done, these results would have gone unnoticed and would have had my problems blamed on IBS for I don't know how long, probably until some serious implications arose. My doctor did ask if I'd ever had these tests done, and when I said no he was very surprised they weren't done in the beginning of my treatment, when I was being treated by another doctor. My second concern comes from my very first sigmoidoscopy about two and a half years ago, where I distinctly remember, and saw for myself, the consultant performing the procedure telling me and showing me signs of inflammation and bleeding on the wall of my colon. The consultant said this was the reason for me having bouts of being extremely ill, yet it was never followed up. There's also no mention of this discovery on my medical notes according to my doctor. This makes me wonder if my problems could have been treated a long time ago.
So for all of you suffering with the same symptoms as I have been getting, and having troubles with your digestive system that have been diagnosed as IBS, I strongly recommend you ask your doctors to get this simple inflammatory bowel marker test done just to be on the safe side, you never know!!!