What's going on with the DWP PiP mandatory reviews.

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Phoned the DWP today to start a mandatory review , I said , ' is it true that if your Pip is reviewed your points can be taken away'. The woman refused to answer just saying 'someone else will look at it'. I thought that had to point out you could lose your award if it was reviewed. At no point has this been said. Anyone know why?

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi pamelaj No not right when they phoned me I got standard and the lad on the phone said u was only 4 point way and he said get a letter from your Doctor or Hospital so I got both so just waiting
  • Posted

    With any review including at the Tribunal, you do stand the real risk of having your points removed as it will be a different decision maker who might think that the original decison maker was wrong in giving you them in the first place.
    • Posted

      I have heard this is the case, but should she have not warn me that is the case? I heard that they do. This lady was being very vague.
    • Posted

      The only time that you would be warned it could happen would be at an appeal tribunal.

      ?When dealing with the DWP and a MR they are generally in a  world of  make believe and not from this planet.

      ?They don't see any reason to warn you - they are all seeing and all being!!

    • Posted

      During a tribunal, at the start based on having read your evidence or while they're speaking to you, if they decide that they're likely to reduce your points and you'll be at risk of losing an award I believe they are supposed to tell you and allow you to withdraw your appeal.  

      I'm not sure that the same applies at MR.  It is possible that your points might be reduced though as Les says. The person you spoke to is likely just to be someone who takes messages and passes them on to the case managers.  They might not know the details and didn't want to say yes or no in case they were wrong.

      Why does it matter that they didn't tell you?  It seems that you were already aware that you could lose points and decided to go for MR anyway.  It's a risk we have to consider ourselves and decide on before we go for MR.

    • Posted

      I just thought it strange, as I heard so many people had said that they did state this. 
    • Posted

      I think you need to lower your expectations when dealing with the DWP!  You could ask the same question to different people on the phone and get a different answer or no answer each time depending on whether the person wants to fob you off or is not willing to commit.
    • Posted

      Too true.

      ​I remember ringing the DWP up in 2010 to ask a question about my ESA. It actually ended up with the lady who answered the phone doing a straw poll amongst her colleagues. Incidentally, the true answer which I obtained months later was totally different to what the lady and the majority of her colleagues came up with!!

    • Posted

      I think you need to lower your expectations when dealing with the DWP!

      Then nothing has changed over the past 51 years!!!!

      ?Even in the mid 60's when a civil servant was offered a promotion and a department that they would like to work in, nobody that I knew would entertain working for what was then the MPNI/DHSS - it was recognised as the end of the line where nobody wanted to be parked if they wanted to get on.

    • Posted

      That is so true, it happened in the eighties too. I was one of those civil servants offered a job in the DHSS choose the dept, of trade and industry instead!!
  • Posted

    Hi Pamela

    The DWP call centre staff are not allowed to pass a personal opinion on your claim including whether you should get more points or lose them. It could be the case something was lost in translation and the call centre person thought that's what you were asking, I have known this before.

    They would face instant dismissal if they did give their personal opinion so they often bat away such questions. What they should have done is stated that someone will look again at your claim and may come to a different decision, awarding more points, taking points away or leave the decision as it is.

    Personally I wouldn’t get wound up about this as it won’t affect the outcome of your claim at all. If you wish try phoning again and ask ‘what happens if I ask for a mandatory reconsideration?’ you should then get the answer (or a version of it) I gave in the previous paragraph.

  • Posted

    Hi, yes it is a fact you could loose points by a MR. Just the same as you could loose your points by reporting a worsoning condition. Ye, sounds crazy i know but true. You would not think that by getting worse makes you more able in their eyes. Ta.

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