What’s good for reflux ?

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I’ve had a really bad week , symptom wise , chest pain , shoulder and neck pain and heartburn , dizzy spells , you name it I’ve had it . This has caused my anxiety to be bad as well . The reflux and post nasal drip is bad also ☹️. My health anxiety is in overdrive thinking I have heart problems and all sorts . I am now a week overdue on my period , so maybe this is making my body out of whack . Any advice please , as I am really feeling down . I don’t think it helps coming off my antidepressants as advised by my doctor . I have been doing a gradual taper since August of last year , so I thought that would be ok . I’m just so over all this worry and health problems. I turned 51 yesterday . Thank you 

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Jane, I had bad GERD since peri.  I could not take The meds I got prescribed, (pump inhibitor) caused me terrible stomach problems and more dizziness.  Stop eating 3 hrs before bed. No spicy food.  Sleep with head elevated.    You could keep a food diary to see what sets you off.  Honestly though, my acid reflux is not a problem since I started my AD a couple months ago.  If you are experiencing this as you just came off then it could be your anxiety.  😐

  • Posted

    Hi Jane, I've had lost nasal drip for a few years. Always runs clear,have to clear the throat. Doesn't run when sleeping,but when I wake up it starts. Have you found what causes yours to run?

    • Posted

      I really don’t know , but I suffer with terrible catarrh sometimes in my throat and my nose just runs and runs . Also my eyes will stream for no reason at all . All these problems are really getting me down .  In reply to Lou as well , I have wondered if it’s a return of my anxiety , as this is why I was put on AD in the first place . I ended up with chest problems just like now and went to A &E . They said I was perfectly healthy , but suffering from anxiety . I just don’t know how that can cause this sudden onset of problems out of the blue . Could it be my fluctuating hormones as my periods are messing me about ? 

    • Posted

      I believe 100% our hormones are responsible.  I never suffered anxiety and all these symptoms until out of nowhere last year,  I went to the hospital several times for chest pains, pressure all checked out fine.  That added to irregular periods, it all makes sense.  
    • Posted

      Hi I Jane, most definitely fluctuating hormones can cause the digestive issues for sure, and the weird thing sometimes you can have them and sometimes you don't it all fluctuates, I had really bad when I hit 45 , and then not so bad on and off through out since, and now back with a vengeance! During these flare ups it as you know can make you feel horrible gassy lots of pressure feels like you can't breathe diarrhea followed by constipation all of it , and the weird twitching and pain and pressure in your intestine up high can certainly make you feel like heart problems, when in fact all the gurgling digestive issues and heart and lungs are all fine according to the doctors, and they send you away with anxiety meds and that's it.. Well yeah anxiety high cause I can't breathe I have pressure and feel like I'm having a heart attack! That's what you really feel like saying ha.. But yes it can feel terrible and hormones can disrupt this causing lots of symptoms everywhere, that's why strict diet is key if you don't want to suffer with all these symptoms. And even then it helps but doesn't take it all away completely.. So if you've been checked out and all cleared and have just missed your period then I'd say your hormones are doing their dance with you, they will calm down after while .. And the allergies are the worst as well everything from food intolerance to molds and pollen outside, it can be a real bummer, that too will come and go as well, all hormones. And they're just flaring up on you, now I'm no doctor but definitely just speaking from what all my hormones have done to me, and most likely all woman and I do mean all woman go through the change weather or not they put two and two together they all still go through it when the time comes , some (most) are on some kind of anti anxiety medication or anti depression medication, at this age and just chalk it all up to aging and that's life, but as woman we ALL go through this change and no matter who you are it will affect you one way or another symptom wise.. Hopefully you get some relief soon..

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply Jane. I was having anxiety,and still do. Had trouble breathing and have read other women have had the same. I just figure it's the anxiety. I can't run to the doctors for every issue. I hope you feel better. We all have most of these issues.

  • Posted

    Hi Jane, I had an awful week too. And I was just bragging how I was getting better finally. It seems like my symptoms just keep cycling around, like malaria, with flare ups. Pains in my body (shoulders, hips, other places), weird headache over my left eye, flu feelings, burning feet & legs, adrenaline rushes. Last night I felt like I would stop breathing when I was trying to fall asleep. Loose stools cycle with it, as well as vag itchiness and all over body itchiness too. I took some advil today which seems to help, but I need to be extremely careful not to set off the gastritis again. I'm just a complete 2 year mess. I'm so tired of it. I had missed a few periods, then had a normal one, then another in 21 days but lasting only a few days. Now the awful symptoms. And being back in the Florida heat doesn't help. 

    Sorry you didn't feel well for your birthday!



  • Posted

    Dear Jane

    I feel for you. I suffered badly with it and had gastitis too. My doctor told me to elevate the bed not just the pillows, if you do just the pillows you will create a dip in your oesophagus if you know what I mean and this can create furthur discomfort. The bed at the top end needs elevating so there is a gradual incline. Dont eat just before going to bed, hot spicy and fatty foods will make it worse as will caffeine and alcohol! I went on ppi's for a while but had to change them as omeprezole didnt agree with me.. I recommend taking a priobotic (I take a yoghurt drink every morning) x

  • Posted

    I’ve had an ecg this morning , so far so good . I have got to see my doctor this afternoon , but the paramedic seems to think it’s heartburn and reflux . My pulse and blood pressure were up , but my anxiety is sky high . Fingers crossed for later 🤞

    • Posted

      Hi jane

      I also have just had ecg

      Post meno now just

      But in peri 10 years.

      My anxiety has gone through the roof.

      Ecg was normal thank God.

      My blood pressure and pulse its good at home but as soon as i get to the doctor it raises.

      Never had this problem before.

      Might be worth having a moniter at home to check it like i do.

      Then you can tell if its normal for you or not.

      Hope this helps x

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