What's the best anti for menopause anxiety
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HI been put on mitazapine 15mg for anxiety, treamberling inside , rushing to loo to wee, it has helped with sleep but nothing else, still loo trouble and adrenaline surges, no appertight till late afternoon , would like to hear story's from people ,thank you
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Gypsy014 mrs_susan74280
Hi Mrs. Susan, I'm not on any anxiety meds because I'm super sensitive to all meds and get anxiety attacks just thinking about taking anything its rediculous.. So I can't give you any advice in the meds department, but can tell you that you are not alone with the anxiety it seems to be I big issue in a lot of peri/ meno womans lives. I had the anxiety panic, agoraphobia hit me hard out of nowhere in April 2016 , I had no idea what hit me I just new I was terrified shaking lonely couldn't breathe gas belching nervous had to use the bathroom a million times a day, I felt like someone was feeding me caffeine big doses of it, and it wasn't nice.. Just awful.. At 5 am I would awake, even though I was awake 4 or 5 times through out the night using the bathroom, but I would awake at 5 am and my adrenaline would be raging.. I absolutely couldn't lay there in bed I would have to get up and start my day and do anything to burn this anxiety off.. So I would get in the shower to try and relax and wash up for the day, I would then feel like I couldn't get a deep enough breath in the shower and start panicking (anxiety attack) so I would wash up quickly and get out.. And then dress and do whatever walk the dog do some laundry all kinds of different things to get my mind eleswhere. And that became my routine for like 6 months straight it was bad.. Oh and I would sit and cry the whole morning thinking the worst all about everything bad or what could happen that was bad, I was on edge.. Then I did start CBT therapy it helps, but just doing things and learning ways to cope and go along with it is what I did, and today almost 2 years later I'm a lot better from them dark 6 months of straight anxiety I was in, its still with me everyday but its more manageable for sure, it does ease up. But in back of my mind I'm always fearing the worst omg what if I get that bad again, hoping and praying I don't and won't, I just keep pushing on day after day ready to go along with it and use my different techniques, like meditation, breathing, yoga, walking and just positive thinking, it makes you nervous and brings you down, but it don't last forever, and yours won't either... Stay strong, breathe and relax...
mrs_susan74280 Gypsy014
Many thanks I can't stop reading it , I get up 7am well not get up but awaken by my surges then toilet back to bed sitting up on phone looking up things, dreading the day, you live on hope but it's hard as I have grandkids, going to doctors to be ask if they can add another pill with mitazapine, carn,t live with these surges plus rapid heart beats ,it sounds like you have been though he'll, you are a stronger person than me for sure, not sure if mitazapine is helping. Also hot flashers on and off as menopause, having blood took tomorrow about them, but can't take H R T, it's like a trembling buzzing inside, many thanks for your story ,
christine66659 Gypsy014
mrs_susan74280 christine66659
HI there are you on medication at all, if I didn't have dogs I would be in bed as well, I have been menopausal for years, hot in the night ,quilt on then off feet sticking out bed, I always have one bad week a month that's worse than others had hystercamoy 2007, then joint aches, migraines, it's a nightmare, the mitazapine helps with night sleeps, but when you awake all the boiling up comes in one go,in morning, which then means bad anxiety, panic, what am I going to do, how am I going to live like this , why me, down stairs lie on sofa covered up put cartoons on t.v , as gone of normal t.v, then on I pad to read story's of people's anxiety, oh I need toiled again ? The days are long when you stay in ,xxx
Gypsy014 christine66659
Hi Christine, I know its just bad! You really feel like you could just jump out of your own skin... But it does get better, it doesn't stay so intense forever.. I'm guessing it eases up when the hormones shift/settle a bit, hang in there...
Gypsy014 mrs_susan74280
I had the hysterectomy also 20 years ago, still have ovaries , have no idea where I'm at in my menopause, I also have the really bad migraines I get them always on my left side temple, the pain is intense.. And I get the joint pain as well.. And all other 66 if not more symptoms , they just come as they please every single month, its always something, This is all such a nightmare that I can't wait to wake up from...
christine66659 mrs_susan74280
haley30534 mrs_susan74280
Hi Susan I'm on sertraline 50mg only been on it 1 week and at first things were worse initially with the side affects and anxiety but it's easing very slowly so hopefully will feel the full affect in a week or 2 x
mrs_susan74280 haley30534
haley30534 mrs_susan74280
Will do Hun, no this is the first one I've been on
2chr2015 mrs_susan74280
Gypsy014 2chr2015
mauiblue mrs_susan74280
Its so weird how these sypmtoms are occuring among us. The adrenaline surge in the morning are something im seeing several peoples experience. Why the sudden anxiety and doom and gloom? What is going on in our bodies? Always beginning in the wee hours.. Its got to be the imbalances we have in our endocrine system as its all tied together. Why isnt this clearly explained or figured out in the medical/scientific community?
I wanted to share that yesterday i went to see a lady for accupuncture and it was a really good experience.
I felt super relaxed afterwards, which is rare for me as ive been running on anxiety and cortisol for months and months.My appetite is miserable also and have lost 10lbs total, it is not a good thing.
I will do the accupuncture and her chines teas for a month and see how it goes. In the meantime anything we can do to support eachother is always a good thing. Community.
2chr2015 mauiblue
haley30534 mauiblue
Hi mauiblue yes it's a nightmare I've had them most weird peri symptoms, 3 months ago I was a completely different person and living with realisation this misery can go on for years, I've lost over half a stone in 2 months no appetite at all, great to have support and read everyone's stories
Gypsy014 mauiblue
Hi mauiblue, me too I've lost over 30lbs I absolutely have no more to lose, its scary, no matter what I eat bothers me , but at least im maintaining the weight so far, and at least the anxiety isn't so intense, it does ease up a bit.. Now if I could just put maybe 10 lbs back on I would be good.. Never thought I'd be so scared of my weight going in the other direction, my entire life I've always dieted trying to lose them extra 10 pounds.. Now just the opposite, these hormones are no joke, hang in there the anxiety does improve 😄
2chr2015 Gypsy014
mauiblue 2chr2015
I am reading that several of us have lost weight. so its not as unusual as i thought. It just seems everyone is on the other spectrum.
I told the accu lady that i felt so fragile and did Not want to be thin like this its horrifying to have to desperately shove food down your throat when your totally nauseated. It used to be the same for me also always needing to drop maybe 10 lbs. Now i weigh myself and cringe not understanding how it could be so low. Then there are people that think you are doing meds or alcohol or what have you...i cant tolerate any alcohol and havent since menopause...
So for me its been a year solid of this craziness..Gypsy you say it gets better but how long???
It feels as though this is a permanent shift for me
and that im doing some sort of 'sentence' and this is my time.
Thanks ladies for everything and sharing it means so much.
mauiblue 2chr2015
Before i say anything else
i wanted to say that the accupuncture was awesome. I came home so calm, and warm and balanced like never before. My hands and feet were even warm which they never are. And most importantly, i SLEPT from 10:30 - 6:00, with no troubles getting up once.
Ofcourse i did feel the internal anxiety buzzer go off when i awoke, but not as strong.
She selected some herbs and i made the tea last night to last for about a week. 2 cups a day. She also gave me these other chinese kind of powder that you put in warm water, to ease the symptoms.
Her standpoint is completely Chinese Traditional Medicine. TMC. She is also Chinese, a great healing person, and wouldnt have it any other way. (meaning Westernized medicine for her is a joke)
Ofcourse im on the fence as ive been brought up with traditional western approach to fix things with bandaids and pills, not the Whole.
For the last 2-3 years i have slowly embraced this way of healing from the inside out, functional medicine if you will.
Its MUCH harder and takes MUCH patience, introspection, courage, and self love. I have a little of these things but have a way to go,
so im giving this a go and will do one month of dedication to the daily teas, and the 1 session of accu for a month.
She explained that im Dry, my system and vessels are off, and imbalanced, and that it doesnt have to be this way for me, it just doesnt. Having too much Yang, to much fiery energy just burning (adrenals) and not enough water Yin, not balanced at all. She could tell by looking at me, my tongue, my pulse etc etc. She isnt a quack either, been doing it a while.
I will keep you posted and im hoping that there is a little relief after a month. I HAVE to give it a try though, i have to give it a fair shake. And if it doesnt help, then i just keep on keepin on
Gypsy014 2chr2015
Did you?? Scary isn't it? So then what were your symptoms couldn't eat without foods upsetting digestive track? Any time I try and reintroduce things I'll get the bloating gas feeling like I can't breathe heart flutters and palps , constipation or I'm running to the bathroom, I guess I should just eat whatever and see what happens , but the symptoms are so uncomfortable ...
Gypsy014 mauiblue
I feel that way too, like this is my sentence and I'm doing my time! I just thought that the other day! Well for me I was into the anxiety panic doom and gloom feeling for 6 months STRAIGHT no break, until it lifted, I'm telling you I thought I was losing it I just kept reading stories and pushing on, I remember feeling one day after my morning daily cry, I cried for like 3 hours, and then just laid on my bed feeling like my life was just sucked right out of me , and I didn't and couldnt understand why I wasn't getting any sort of relief, I just felt like I'd reached my end of my sanity, and that was an awful awful feeling, and then it started lifting for me. And its still here with me but it's manageable. One of the things I was taught in CBT was to not let the anxiety panic all run together, for example when I'd feel it coming on strong (scale 1 to 10) anything above a 5 I'm feeling to stop and get it under control., breathe, count , meditate, focus on a focal point, until you've got back under a 5, and then she says push on through, with whatever you were doing or about to do, and do NOT let it run your life , so that helped a lot to recognize each and every episode as an individual panic anxiety attack and to deal with each one by itself , its so tough especially when dealing also with weird other symptoms on top of anxiety, in turn makes anxiety turn into health anxiety then, you start thinking the worst, when in fact, your having these leg cramps or heart palps , or weakness or whatever your crazy symptoms may be for that day because the hormones are so off, I still have many many symptoms, but my anxiety is definitely more manageable than what it was, and yours will be too as soon as hormones settle ..
2chr2015 mauiblue
mauiblue Gypsy014
Thank you Gypsy for writing about your story, and what you do to help yourself.
Im not sure how long youve been going through this, but its been a year for me. I do feel like there are things that are changing in my system and mind, and its very subtle, forms of transition, not always upward, but upwardish..if that makes sense. different forms of the "storm' as i call it.
last year when it came on, i really didnt get what was going on and thought i was going mad,,so many things happening. Now im passing through it, but its not much better i just am getting used to it i can say..im not freaked out because i know what is going on. When anxiety runs like a motor in me all day long and doesnt let up, i just tell myself that this is what it is...and when bad news completely terrifies me and im so spooked, i just say that its menopause, and it will pass.
For some women its years of this nonesense..not sure if i can take 'years' of it..but i guess i can try right? What else is there to do but deal with it.
Its also good how you say to look at panic and anxiety as that particular episode, and tackle them one at a time.
Im sorry you went through those dreadful times, i certainly have empathy for you, as i get it..
mauiblue 2chr2015
yes its a JOB to have to eat to stay at a decent weight. I think that the weakness is the worst for me, before i could go nonstop, lots of energy and vigor.
I was about 135 before, now im weighing at 117. Not good. I think that the unhealthy route is almost smarter when we are in this kind of predicament right?
First surivive it, then when i regain my weight and sanity, then i can start caring about nutrition.
mauiblue haley30534
I just wanted to respond and tell you that i understand the misery and wt loss you have gone through, i just hope we dont have to go through this for years, its a bit much to handle.
I was wondering how much half a stone is?
For me its officially menopause as its been 1 full year of no period. Im 53