What's wrong me? Scared I have a tumour
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I am 22, black, female, and live in England. 5"4 and 8 Stone 9 lbs. I'm Last year June I caught dysentery in Egypt, which led to alot of blood loss, extreme pain, weight loss, diarrhoea with mucus and loss of appetite. After a course of antibiotics it simmered down along however I was left with milder version of the symptoms. I continued to lose weight (4 stone over a year without trying), diarrhoea, blood both bright and dark black, mucus, extreme tiredness and belly pains. After going to the doctors, I was referred to a gastronlogist, and had a colonscopy. They suspected I had IBD however my results came back negative and they said I must have IBS. They also did a test (small biopsy of my bowel) to see if i had caught anything in Egypt and that has came back negative.
I started to then twitch and have whole body jerks. It felt as though an electrical current was running through my body from my head. The jerks have been motor and vocal. I went to the doctors and they said that it was the loss of electrons due to the IBS (stomach issues). Since then I started to get further symptoms and they have got worse and worse listed as follows :
Pins and needles in my legs and hands
Pain in head (unlike any headache/migraine I've ever experienced. It's different.)
Right side of face goes numb
Mouth has twitched on the right side
Get twitching all over plus jerking of body
Random sharp pains over my body, it feels like nerve pains. I have experienced it on my face, fingers, hands, arms, legs, feet and back. (I have also woke up with a random pain in my foot that is consistent with now swelling etc. And then it's gone days later)
Tiredness - I wake up tired, constantly tired - I can do something and feel instantly drained
Dizzy Ness / lightheadedness
Memory loss - I've started to forget things which scares me as I'm only 22
Head feels funny most of the time
Diarrhea (I still get it however no blood)
Weight loss (4 stone - I'm still losing it)
Numbness on face as well (right side)
Pain in my jaw
speech has changed - finding it harder to get words out
Nausea plus dry heaving
Visual changes (black spots and blurriness)
temple pain in the right side of my face and I have felt a vein pulsating out of the temple
Pain in foot / legs that comes and goes
Chest pains - this has started recently
Scratching my ankle yesterday and then part of my foot start twitching
Right leg goes dead
Bruising easily
Muscles spasms
Period has changed - longer/ heavier plus spotting
Head feels heavy
Sharp pain from head is now felt in neck, hard to lift my head up sometimes from the heaviness and sharp pains - plus the spaced out feeling
I went to the doctors with this information and they just said stress. I don't believe this is stress as I tried telling him I haven't been stressed about anything ! I'm in constant pain and these symptom are an everyday occurrence. What could it be? It has been getting worse.
The IBS has been occuring now for over a year. The other symptoms numbess, balance, tinnitus, sharp pain in head etc.. has been for the last few montths.
I got a fasting blood test done which has shown high prolactin and low vit amin d. I went to another Gp a couple days ago and she said she thinks I have a pituitary tumour and has referred me to a neurologist. I'm scared as I don't know what's wrong with me.. have been dismissed for so long and I'm getting worse
Thank you
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JoyKF53 symone56482
Hi Simone. Firstly let me tell you that you have done exactly the right thing by finding another doctor. So many people who have come to this site have been fobbed off by their doctor and have done nothing about it. Take heart, when a diagnosis is made treatment can begin and you'll start to feel better, don't be afraid, advances in medicine are amazing and I'm sure you'll be fine. Keep in touch and let me know how you get on x
natallia04776 symone56482
The Doctor thinks but it's not necessarily! !! LET me tell you that IBS will give you a bad, very bad loose stool, wind, stomach cramps and if you've just had a bad bowel you can even faint!
I know it and see it all the time. My mother in law suffers. She feels cold most of the time and she is very thin.
Any way, you have done right movement by seeing another Doctor. You will be sorted.
leeniepie symone56482
symone-dan41407 leeniepie
Boweler symone56482
Before judging know that I were where you are only without jaw turning to right mine turned to left...but That is student's disease ...you're panicking.... Get some Propranolol and Chlordiazepoxide...take notes of your meals to actually see the weight gain ....and instead of staying home and scrolling through sites searching for diseases symptoms ,try going out and getting some sun so you will have enough vitamin D, I can assure you no disease will cause that range of symptoms...I know it seems not logical but give stress a chance
symone-dan41407 Boweler
Fortunately I seen a neurologist who said that something is wrong with me and has referred me for an MRI of my head and neck... I doubt it's "students disease"
Boweler symone-dan41407
Please let me know , thank you