What should I tackle first? Overeating or anxiety/depression

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hi all, I have been anxious all of my life; as a kid I was 'highly strung' according to the GP, 'a bit of a worrier' according to my mum and dad. I had my first panic attack at 17 and have suffered peaks and troughs of anxiety since then. Since mum died three years ago and my dad died in April this year I have also struggled with depression. I have always medicated anxiety with food. I am obese, have an unsympathetic GP who has me labelled as 'an anxious patient'. I am fed up being overweight but can't stick to diets anymore. I am not sure what to tackle first; the mental health stuff or the overeating. I would appreciate some advice. I feel very weak willed and stupid about all this. 

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4 Replies

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    Hi - sorry to hear about your struggles. Unfortunately you are probably best tackling both. Your low mood will be linked to your eating patterns, but your eating patterns are also contributing to your low mood. I would encourage you to ask for a referral to a community eating disorder services. If they don't refer you (point to the new NICE Guidelines which state that BMI should not be the sole criteria for eating disorder treatment...) but ask for a referral to a community dietitian and to commence therapy. 

    The very first thing I would do is make an appointment to discuss this all with your GP - Beat have some good advice on their website including a very handy leaflet to help you prepare for a GP session. I'd recommend asking for a double appointment too.

    You could also give Beat's helpline a call or join one of their online support groups. Beat's helplines are free, completely confidential and don't appear on the bill. The phoneline is open 7 days a week, 365 days of the year, and from 3pm - 10pm.

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    Oh sorry, I just saw your comment about your GP.

    I'd see another one to be honest. Unfortunately GP understanding of eating disorders is a postcode lottery with 50% of people having really bad experiences when discussing an eating disorder with their GP (on the flip side, 50% have good experiences).

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    Change your doctor to another one.... You can do that... Maybe a lady doctor..
  • Posted

    I swear you are my twin exactly the same I think if your like me treating your mental illness with food then it seems realistic to tackle the anxiety first but I'm so afraid of medication and they say med can make you gain I'm sick of living this way too it's awful I wish you the very best

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