What supplements are helpful for AS?

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I take tumeric, vitamin D, fish oil and feel they all help with my inflammation from AS. Does anyone else have supplements they find helpful for this condition?

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6 Replies

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    I'd suggest taking tumeric with pepper (you can google it and find supplements that contain both). Pepper helps with the absorption of curcumin which is otherwise very low.

    Have you tried ashwagandha and Boswellia?

    Hope this helps smile


  • Posted

    All those help carrot juice beetroot celery’ apple lemon each of two can be made juices can help yes can but if inflammation still exist blood test needed to do CRP ESR IF that is high the TNF blockers will drop 
  • Posted

    AS is a blood disorder the white cells od thw blood or immune attack the body mistaken , can attack the heart the kidneys the rib cage so is hard to breath as the rib cage will no open and close correctly also on the fusion will be severe pain i was like that when i inject the ENBREL like miracle depart but the problem arrive again as the medication last one week the remicade last one month , is up to your doctor to decide which one is for you , very bad disorder with no cure , only the TNF bkockers work thw rest is waist of time i do try is well all celebrex methotraxate etc sulphazaline you named it none to the job inject etanacept and you see the difference , ask your doctor the diet will help yes fish vegetables etc , the HLAB27 Is bad gene sorry but this is the truth take care yourself
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    I take the same Kimberly, with addition of calcium-magnesium-zinc. Takes 15000IU Vitamin D/day get me up to higher range, 36 -38.
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    Kimberly take the same with calcium-magnesium-zinc tablet. Takes 15000 per day get me upper range Vitamin D.
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    I got over my AS through diet restriction. I stuck to low starch, low sugar, non dairy, non gluten, and minimal lectin. Basically if you can eat it raw in nature, it ain't real food. I was religious in my diet for a full 12 months, and my immune system reset back to normal. For me, it is ALL about digestive health.

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