what to do???
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So here I go again haha....
January is when my symptoms begun and it's now may and although I don't feel any worse I don't feel any better either.
I just wanted advice off you lovely bunch.....
My doctor doesn't want to treat my symptoms as all one thing and will not even consider peri as my blood test was 7 which is normal and I'm still having periods
My periods are all over the place, really heavy and with clots and have gone from 28 days to 23, 27 and 25 over last 3 months.
He has suggested going to see a gynecologist to have coil fitted if the are causing me hassle but won't link them to the rest of my symptoms which include....
Warm all the time
Back ache
Rib pain
Sore boobs
Nausea only occasionally
Lack of confidence
No sex drive but very understanding hubby haha
Stomach cramps
I've had all sorts of tests from internal, stomach and pelvis ultrasound, bloods, breast examination all clear. I'm seeing physio for back rib problems as doc thinks muscular. He also wants to stick me on anti depressants which I'm not keen on.
Anyway I'm just wondering does anyone think it would be worthwhile seeing gynecologist to see if they would listen or just go it alone??
Opinions would be great. Sheena x
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louise44105 sheena4572
sheena4572 louise44105
Believe me I'm trying to find someone to listen I've seen two nurses and two doctors up to now. I'm just wondering whether going down the referral to gynecologist may be worthwhile as they deal with us women all the time so may be more knowledgeable and understanding. Unfortunately we aren't all as lucky as you to have someone who will sit and listen to us, the first doctor I saw told me I had 8 minutes to pick the symptoms that was bothering me most and we'd deal with that.
I too wish to stay away from tablets etc but need to know that it is perimenopause before I can learn and treat myself naturally.
angel368 sheena4572
In my experience gynaecologists are less likely to listen than GPs (but I do have a GP who knows me well and I trust him). After my procedure to sort the fibroids and heavy bleeding was successful they weren't interested in my other symptoms and sent me back to the GP.
But since this is their specialty they should be able to discover how to treat you effectively quicker.
Do you know what time of treatment you would like? Eg: HRTand/or hysterescopy and/or coil or if you are looking for natural methods maybe a Naturopath would be better.
sheena4572 angel368
I appreciate your advice as I'm new to this. Not normally ill but feeling crappy at the minute. I did wonder whether it would make any difference seeing a consultant over a gp and it probably won't but I was just thinking about it. I would prefer to do the natural way never been one for taking tablets all the time. What does a naturopath do ? x
angel368 sheena4572
angel368 sheena4572
I took the antidepressants for a few years and it helped with the anxiety, low mood, lethargy, lack of confidence and I believe it even helped to relieve my nausea and sweating. I also had fibroids and it helped to exaggerate my peri symptoms. The medication didn't cure everything but it did help me to be a lot calmer and make clear decisions about the treatment for my fibroids. Fibroids are now treated, I still have a few per I symptoms but it is much better than before and I am now off the antidepressants.
Medication is not for everyone but for me it helped a lot.
sheena4572 angel368
I'm glad they seem to have reduced some of your symptoms and good luck in your journey x
michelle50768 sheena4572
I came off as I wanted to see if I could cope without them.
I am coping but not as well as I was so currently deciding Wether to go back on them. My go wants me too. I was on mirtazapine and it really helped with my sleep.
It's trial and error really and a personal choice x
sheena4572 michelle50768
I agree it's a personal thing I've used them before and had good results. I'm just concerned at the fact that the doctor seem to be keen without actually agreeing that it's possible perimenopause. And it's frustrating that they don't want to treat my symptoms as one problem but as separate unconnected things which is bizarre as they all started together. Anyway at the minute the physio seems to be helping my rib and back pain so at least that's a little positive.
Everyone's journey is individual and we all get thru it eventually go our own way. Good luck to you and if you need to try again with tablets then do it if it gets you thru the day xxx