What to do next....

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Hi Ladies, hope you're keeping well. Recently saw a counsellor Re  meno & wellbeing etc, through the course of the session she asked about my eating habits...long story short....what carbs were I getting as too little can cause woozy headyness & not feeling right, she also had the result of my fasting blood test from my Dr which showed it was 5(normal is 3.5 to 5.5) so why this low sugar feeling where I'm eating every couple hours? the horrid flushy wooziness & not feeling well/right, no answers, I'm baffled! I'm also fully meno, thought all this crap might be going away...but....I keep asking myself, have I got something wrong? am I lacking some sort of nutrient? are my BP meds now disagreeing with me? is it the Livial? Seems like life is on hold, some days I might feel ok then whoosh its that scary heady spacey flush feeling OMG! like I'm going to collapse & cark it 😰 Returning to my Dr...after the last visit? now to find another ho-hum  Post meno ladies...will all this end? how many the same? having just entered meno by months how long am I going to be like this? the six million dollar question I know! LoL. Absolutely hate this head thing, very scary.  

Thanks for your replies. Take Care Lovelies xo 

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    I know what you mean. I can be completely fine one moment and then...wham...just like that I start feeling awful and dreadful. Today for example, I took my son to school and felt relatively fine( whatever fine is anymore) but when I got back home I had this weird feeling rush over me like I was getting sick. I had stomach and back pain off and on all day. Now as I'm sitting here writing this I have this restless leg thing going on which started earlier this evening. How long will we be going through this is anybody's guess.
    • Posted

      I'm 8-9 years without a period and really thought by now everything would have been in balance. I exercise 40 minutes every other day ( run on a treadmill inside, outside in good weather ). Last year / 2015 was actually doable and I was encouraged. I sell real estate so I have to run around 24/7 and had a pretty good year in spite of years with horrible symptoms. Two months ago after 11 months of feeling good it came back with a vengeance! I'm very sad and praying it lightens up soon. I'm hoping this is the storm before the calm, but menopause is one fickle b___h.
  • Posted

    Hi Nutty, yes, I go through it too, I had to cancel my appointment because of work, but I am resecheduling for next week, this week its been really bad soreness everywhere, both arms like Ive been punched pain on my sides, shooting pains everywhere, I do think some of it is diet, but not sure exactly what, the breast pain and itchiness is bad too and I am noticing some odor, yeah its not been a good few days. LOL, now and then, I will have a good day, but its now and then
  • Posted

    I heard that once in meno it can last up to 10 years. In fact, you're just at the beginning, there are about 100 other new things you haven't gone through yet, I am assuming. As times goes by with less hormones being produced the affects will lessen. But of course, some women end it sooner than others. It's been six years for me and I'm finally seeing more clearly now, and remembering things. It's all coming back that's for sure. When I eat something with soy that sets off my hormones to cause hot flashes since soy is a hormone disruptor. So avoiding foods with soy, sugar, aka the white poison, and caffeine will help alleviate some of these symptoms. Also, I use to take apple cider vinegar a teaspoon or two to  help calm the hot flashes.  Problem was organic vinegar is strong
    • Posted

      It seems the main culprit in the miseries we suffer our diminishing oestrogen. Soy is a phyto-oestrogen. It should, in theory HELP with hot flushes etc. My problem with that is a majority of soy these days is GM, made to be resistant to pesticides. Yes they are resistant, but the damn stuff is IN the plant, Therefore IN US!

      You are SO right about sugar. The processed, white stuff is pure poison.eek

    • Posted

      There so many derivatives to soy, like soy lecithin, used in many foods, is a hormone disruptor and GMO. I've read many medical articles that american soy is the culprit in unbalancing our hormones. Al ot of our processed candies and simple sugar snacks have soy lecithin in them.
    • Posted

      How are you? Oh wow! I've got more to come? are things going to get worse? if that's the case, how I'm going to cope with it all I don't know 😢thought the way I am now was bad enough with these horrid symptoms...what a long laborious process full of 'guess what's going to happen now' scary thinking about it!  I'm continuing with Livial & hoping it will help settle everything & make a difference, in my third month of taking it. Keeping positive(trying lol) Keep well, take care
    • Posted

      Much better! Thank you. If you've been taking livial for 3 months, it's not working. Sorry, especially that you're symptoms are high on the scale. My doc put me on low dose birth control pills and that took every symptom away in less than a week.  I was in heaven, but I gained weight, but then loss it all with exercise. I tried cohosh didn't work, I tried hormone replacement, didn't work, one that did help was an otc hot flash pill, bought at my health food store. Pink label white bottle. I also noticed that calcium pills and vitamin c took away a lot of symptoms. Sometimes a vegetarian multi-vitamin would do the trick a lot of hit and misses depending on what your body needs. Just like cohosh after taking it for 2 months i felt no difference and in fact getting worse, I was told it wasn't working. My friends who took it after one month had no more symptoms not the case with me. Also, dong quai was excellent too. In fact, for you that's what I would recommend you start with and see how it works. Well, hope you're keeping dry from all the wet weather. Keep well & take care.
  • Posted

    Hi nutty Nan I have too been through this this too I have on this forum for ten months with not many answers I know how you feel I really do and I appreciate how you feel. One minute you are fine and then the next you are completely overwhelmed. It's really hard when you can't get any answers to your questions. I really appreciate what you are going through. Lots of love Elaine xxx
    • Posted

      Hi, hope you're doing ok. Yes, all this just seems too much to cope with sometimes, ok one day then totally crap the next...getting through the days can feel like an uphill battle...but! we get through! & this Forum, where we can all care & share, love & laugh certainly helps.                    To better days. Keep well xo 
  • Posted

    Hi Nutty Nan,

    I feel like I'm high on drugs, and a bit dizzy, it's really strange................

    not all the time, of course and thank goodness because I have to work

    Frazzled and bewildered,

                                             Mrs M x

    have a good day wink

    • Posted

      It's NOT fun working frazzled and bewildered, I'm right there with you!!

      Here's to better days!!

    • Posted

      Yes, the high on drugs then a month later, so down you're suffering from depression but since you don't like depression you try to snap out of it, except mentally you work around it but the feeling is still there. I went through this, and this is when I decided that exercise would snap me out of it. It did, but it took 2-3 days of working out on the machines for about 20 minutes each day.

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