What to do to control the bottom number.

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I have hypertension. Currently taking Metoprolol 100mg. Doing great. Almost too great. But my bottom number would shoot back up to almost 110 during activity, like walking really fast or being constipated. Yes, I monitored my BP during that time because I would get a headache/dizzy.

While constipated, my BP went as high as was 130s/108. Maybe the 130 isn't so bad, but I know the 108 is. Afterwards, my BP went right back down.

I'm so scared. I know this puts me at a huge risk for something deadly. Does anybody know what to do with a bottom number so high? I wonder if an actual BP med would be more helpful? But I'm also on Metoprolol because my heart rate suddenly increase as well. Not dangerously, and my heart rate is normal.It would just beat really fast.

I'm seeing my doctor on the 9th. But has anybody dealt with just the bottom number spiking like this? It freaks me out, though I try to stay calm. I don't know why only the bottom number is like this. It used to be both, but now with the medication, only one spikes up badly. Maybe it means something?

I had an ultrasound of my kidneys and some blood work done. So hopefully, the doctor finds something. My BP used to be normal and then it screwed up, I think due to stress, lack of sleep, etc. I hope there's a reason for all this.

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7 Replies

  • Posted


    please let me know what the doc says about the reason for the high bottom number. I have this too and won't see the doc until December. Mine used to be normal too.

  • Posted

    Hi danisha, so what is your BP at rest?  That's really the only place the standards apply.  You can spike both numbers up during exercise or other brief situations, and it really doesn't matter much.

  • Posted

    Hi danisha! Increased diastolic blood pressure could be a sign of thyroid disease. This was my mother's case. She had increased bottom number for years and finally it turned out she was hypothyroid. All those years she had regular check ups but all thyroid hormones values were normal as happens in subclinical hypothyroidism.

    • Posted

      What BP  numbers did she have? Was she on heart meds?

      how was her thyroid discovered and treated?

    • Posted

      She had mild hypertension used to take valsartan 80mg once daily and a normal heart work up. Systolic number used to be around 130-165 and the diastolic one always around 100-110. She had some thyroid nodules incidentally discovered  years ago but it turned out they were inactive. Her doctor said that she had probably undergone some kind of thyroiditis.
    • Posted

      I have nodules too!  How did they treat those? Surgery? Is she on thyroid meds now?

      my BP was always normal and now 130/95. Is she off heart meds now?

      if you want you can Message me with detail.

    • Posted

      First of all TSH level was strictly monitored .FT3 was normal, but TSH was always to the upper limit. This was considered as sub-clinical hypothyroidism. Now my mother (65yo), receives T4 treatment alone (112μgx1) and she does fine with her blood pressure (~125-85) The doctor said that blood pressure medications may be occasionally needed (suggested tb captopril 25mgx1 when blood pressure spikes above 170/100, but until now it was not necessary to use it). Hope it was helpful smile. She also had an FNA biopsy of the biggest thyroid nodule but it turned out normal.

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