What to expect on my first Dermatologist appointment ?
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I am new to this forum so I am not sure on the correct & exact place to place this post
Recently I had a really bad all over body itching problem was mainly worst on my back so of course naturally I went to check my back in the mirror not that you can see much because its my back
but I saw I had what look like normal regular spots & freckles whatever you want to call them so I went to my GP to get them checked to make sure there not linked with this itching issue which I believe I have stopped with improved hygiene it seems to have gone so far
all my Gp said at the time (without sounding concerned) she said there was one on my back that is a normal color but a funny shape so she has referred me to a dermatologist appointment for this Monday coming up so I am having to wait about 2 weeks so of course so far during this time I have been worrying & stressing a lot even though I should not be but I understand that this is only normal but I cant help myself annoying the anxiety/stress most of the time giving me that feeling in pit of your stomach like you have done something wrong that kind of feeling
What can I expect to happen on my very first appointment what will they say & do etc ?
doe's not help the stress while at same last several morning I get up my ears are feeling bunged up & hearing muffled might be stress because of the wait or something else but I am getting that checked out tomorrow
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lynda20916 daniel12626
At your first appointment, they will probably hand you a gown and check all over your body for moles or other growths. If they find anything suspicious, they may take a scraping or cutting for purposes of a biopsy.
Before you see the doctor, they may ask you about your previous medical history, what medications or over the counter drugs, herbs or supplements you take. It would be a good idea to make yourself a list of what you take, when you take it, and how much.
It was very smart of you not to take any chances, but to go see your doctor! Try not to worry.
Good luck, and let me know how you do!
daniel12626 lynda20916
My itching I believe is gone as I now perform improved hygiene showering every couple of days & washing normally every other day in between
including washing the back during showering & washing I even went & got a stick from B&Q and attached a sponge to it so i can reach my back whilst washing & showering
the itching has gone & receded to normal levels of itching at least that is what I call so I am happy that has gone
it is plausible that with the itching I experienced with all the rubbing & scratching from various ways & methods that happen intentional or not that could of caused this spot to be Miss-shappen I am hoping not that i can see it myself clearly because of where it is
but Yes I still have the appointment coming up this Monday 12/12/2016 15:30 & still intend to get it checked out anyway & will update everyone here regardless of the outcome
I am trying to keep myself occupied in the meantime lucky I have work this Thurs,Fri,Sat & I am at my dads on Sun so most of the time I will be occupied but I am sure I will still worry some more
I hope they can tell me there & then at least if its obvious that I am safe I don't think I could cope with another wait that feels long
lynda20916 daniel12626
Hi, Daniel,
I'm glad that you're doing better. Usually dermatologists know right away what they need to biopsy. But, if they do, remember that you've been proactive about this, so you have a good chance that all will be well.
Let me know how you get on!
daniel12626 lynda20916
Just came back from appointment & all is well they looked at my back with a light/magnifier thingy & said nothing to worry about pigmentation is normal & something about it being shaped like south africa whichever way around makes sense
mentioned the itching & they said to just use histamine tablets but they seemed happy & checked twice they checked my arms back & front I think to
lynda20916 daniel12626
Glad to learn you got an all clear. Now that you've started in seeing a Dermatologist, you might want to consider continuing to go annually...just in case.
Thanks for letting me know!