When can I eat?

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I had a gastric band 2 weeks ago and this liquid diet is so not good for me, especially as I'm allergic to milk and dairy. There's only so much soup one can have so I succumbed to eating wotsits! Though these are not liquid by the time you sucked the life out of them theres nothing left. Is it too soon to start eating sloppy food even though I was told I'd have to wait 2 weeks? Also what must I steer clear from?

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Dee it can be difficult with the liquids but I would stick with it to be honest. This is to give band and your stomach a chance to settle. Anything other than liquids may move the band and affect your operations success. Try different soups yogurts etc. Keep in touch with your nurse also. Good luck
    • Posted

      That's the problem I cant have yoghurts so soup it is but its driving me mad. I guess as Ive only got 4 days to go until I can eat sloppy foods I'll just have to bite the bullet. thanks smile
  • Posted

    Yes it isn't great & very hard to stick to however im sure it's pretty important.

    I would ring your weight loss support and explain your issues. They will maybe give you a few options of what is good to eat with your allergies.

    I had ice lollies which are a great way to sooth swelling too.

    Hope this helps

    Good luck smile

  • Posted


    There are some very good vegan dairy free meal replacements available online. It might be useful in the long run because every time you have a band fill, you'll need to revert back to a liquid diet for a few days afterward.

    Hope all goes well šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š

    • Posted

      I didn't know that info about a liquid diet after the fill Joanna so thank you very much, I'm gonna look for some vegan dairy free meal replacements. See, its good to talk :D
  • Posted

    you must stick exactly to what your bariatric team have told you to do with regards toĀ theĀ post op diet - there is a good reason for it ie to allow your insides to heal - wotsits are empty calloriesĀ - make different flavours of soup out ofĀ  ingredients which you do like to alleviate the boredom - what about cauliflower cheese soup, spicey butternut squash soup with brie, pea and ham soup - combine ingredietns which you like and use herbs and spices toĀ  give them some more interest - it is not for much longer and if you cannot have dairy then use the non dairy alternatives readily available in the supermarkets - you could make a smoothie with rice milk and some liquidised fruit for example - you must steer clear from anything that your dietician has advised you to do so but they all have their own particular do's and dont'sĀ but when you have some restriction you will probably find that bread is difficult to eat also rice, pasta, and dry fibrousy meat such as chops and smoked fish - things like casseroled chicken, mince, fish pie, sheps pie, fish cakes are generally foods which i find very suitable for my band Ā - hng on in there - not much longer - you are almost there - good luck and if there is anything else you get stuck with justĀ shout upĀ 
    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your advice, it really helps. I know I should do as I am told but often I am stubborn which doesn't help in this matter right now. As I'm used to a West Indian/Asian diet, this had been torture for me but will persevere with this bland, insiped diet for a few more days until I can introduce sloppy food. Right now I find it difficult to get into the kitchen to experiment with food as I also had a hernia op at the same time so my movement is restricted and I'm alone with no help. This is why I am relying on tinned soups. I'll be OK as I know this is a life changing op that I dreamed of for many years so will have to be fine. smile
    • Posted

      can you not adapt the soups to your west indian/asian diet style - use the same spices, vegetables etc to make a soup and blend it smooth - its the texture you need to be careful with not the actual ingredients that make the soups - i had chilli, curry etc which i liquidised to within an inch of it's life - just cos you have to have soupĀ Ā it doesnt have to be insipid - is there nobody who could make you some soup to the style you are used to or could you not add some of your herbs and spices to the tinned soups so jazz them up a bit - there will be lots of hurdles to overcome in the wks and mths ahead butĀ  think of those smaller clothes you are going to downsize into - take some pictures of yourself now cos they will make interesting viewing as you shrink - stand infront of a door as that will give the pics some perspective - take a side view, back and front and also a close up of your face.Ā  Keep doing this every time you lose a stone - concentrate on the good things and the next few days will be gone before you know it and then you canĀ proceed to the next stage of your eating regime - which will probs become just as boring after a couple of wks but dont give in - try and find a way to adapt it to your taste - once again good luck


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