when did I actually become pregnant ?
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hi I need some help please....I had my last period on 21st August 2015 no period in September I did a test on 12th October it was positive..I visited my doctor on the 14th and his test was negative the next day I did 2 tests one was a clear blue digital and it said I convieved 1-2weeks ago I went back to the doctor on the 21st his test was positive he confirmed I was around 4-5weeks pregnant so on the 25th October I did another clear blue digital and the result was pregnant 3+...I'm just so confused as to when I actually concieved and how far along I am please can someone help ??
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leah12192 shauna73454
You're pregnancy is counted from the first day of your last period which is 21st August 2015 for you... this would make you 9 + 5 (9 weeks 5 days). You don't normally conceive till roughly 14 days after the first day of your last period give or take a few days depending on the length of your cycle as this is normally when you ovulate. But, the pregnancy is counted from the first day of your last period as no one can be sure as to when exactly they conceived.
A pregnancy test can be falsely negative if you don't have high enough amounts of the pregnancy hormone is your urine. But, if the first day of your last period was in fact 21st August then you should be almost 10 weeks. Your first ultrasound will be able to confirm how far along you are with the pregnancy. You may just have a low amount of pregnancy hormone in your urine and that's why it's not showing up according to your dates.
Have you got a date for your first scan? Once the hospital receive your referral from the doctor you can phone the booking centre and ask how long you'll be waiting for an appointment
Hope this helped and good luck!
shauna73454 leah12192
leah12192 shauna73454
If your last period began 21st August then the 2nd week in September may have been too early for a positive pregnancy test. Normally you would get a positive about 3 weeks after ovulation (only if you're pregnant obviously).
How long are your cycles normally? If they are longer than the average 28 day cycle then it could mean you ovulate a bit later than 14 days after the first day of your last period. Remember the first 2/3 weeks (dependant on the length of your cycle) you aren't actually pregnant.
Is it your first baby? You may not have a bump till later. I wouldn't expect a bump now either way.
I'm just going by the date that you said your last period was. If you're less than 10 weeks I'd be confused too lol let me know though. Sorry to hear about your 2 other pregnancies
I'm sure that was hard.
God luck for your appointment!