When does sertraline kick in ?
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on 150 mg since Tuesday I'm praying everyday they will work been having this tablet for 4 weeks starting on 50 mg, I av a anxious stomach which I find unbearable to cope with, this whole experience is so awful it's soooo hard to live with !
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suzie43139 julie96604
Hi Julie. I'm so sorry you're going through the horrible side effects. Unfortunately it's one of those cases where it does actually get worse before it gets better. But it does get better!!! Through experience I've noticed that I always felt terrible after I increased for around about 4 weeks - but in saying that some people say 2 and others say 6. Work out when you last increases your tablets to the dose you're on now, and count 3-4 weeks from there, that's when you should start feeling better. I know it's awful but stick with it! We're all here to support you!
Ranger507 julie96604
sparrow- julie96604
julie, hopefully 150mg is not too high a dose for you? did you try for at least a few weeks on 100mg first. perhaps discuss with your doctor about slowing down your increases in dose as this will ease those difficult side effects you are experiencing
julie96604 sparrow-
Thankyou for replying I'm in touch with dr regularly and I must say he is very good to me. I'm so frightened these will not get me back on track I'm helping myself by walking everyday , reading etc it's the likes of this site that I have had some reassuring comments written . I'm settling on 150mg now dr said no to a higher dose. I've been on sertraline now for 4weeks starting on 50 to now 150 mg . I did try 100mg for 2 weeks .
matthew36753 julie96604
Every time they upped my dosage it took 2 weeks to get anywhere comfortable. I'm on 100mg right now, week 10, and still feel about a 6 out of 10. The dr tried to add wellbutrin, but 2 days of that spiked my anxiety. Look for the small improvements.
julie96604 matthew36753
Thankyou . Today is the first day up to yet I've not ad the dreaded anxiety in the tummy. I do take propenal twice a day and would like eventually to come of those but a long time away. These tablets have more good reviews than bad once they build up the chemicals in the brain and stabilise you. I'm trying to b positive I do keep a diary account also.
sara8798 julie96604
Sara x
michelle71710 sara8798
sara8798 michelle71710
Hi Michelle, now on day 17 and feeling very much the same. Very anxious and no appetite. I did have a couple of better days at the beginning of the week but feel like I've gone back to square one now! My Dr has told me to increase my dose to 50mg which I will do tomorrow but feeling nervous about the potential side effects again.
How are you getting on?
Sara x
michelle71710 sara8798
Hi Sara, it's horrible isn't it?! Yes I've not got an appetite either and I've already lost a load of weight when it all started. Trying to eat something either if it's toast or biscuit otherwise it'll make me worse. I was on 25mg for 6days and just upped it to 50mg today. My dr wanted to start me on 50mg then increase to 100 after a week but I told her I wanted to start slow but she told me to got upto 50mg within a week which I have so hopefully side effects will get easiler the longer I'm on it. The increased anxiety has been hard, i want to get rid of it not make it worse but that's just one of the side effects. Had a bad night last night only 2/3hrs sleep, anxiety nightsweats horrible. I'm hoping that it won't be a repeat tonight. How are your side effects now? I have read that you can get a few bad days along the way but I'm sure you'll be having a good day again soon xx
sara8798 michelle71710
Hi Michelle, did you have a better night last night? The heightened anxiety still seems to be lingering, but I'm not sure if that is a side effect of the meds or not. I'm due to go back to work on Wednesday (I'm a teaching assistant) so getting very anxious about that. The eating is really worrying me, all I can seem to manage is a bowl of cereal a day and that's a struggle. I've lost 2 stone since this started in September. Have you had any therapy? I had CBT therapy but it hasn't really helped.
Sara x
michelle71710 sara8798
Hi Sara, yes I did thanks Hun. I had a bath and some warm milk and slept ok. Woke up feeling sick and anxious. I'm hoping I'll have an ok night tonight too. How's your sleeping? Yes it's probably still the side effect of the meds, what did you say your dose was? Oh are you Hun, just think positive thoughts. I'm back in work Thursday & Friday, not looking forward to that either. Wow that's a lot!! I'm the same, lost 1.5st can't afford to lose anymore I'm only small anyway but I can't eat, make me feel sick, looking or eating it but I know I have to eat something. I'm going for some counselling, first one is tomrw so will see how that goes. It's private but may as dr about cbt but think the waiting list is very long. How you doing today?? Do you want to message? Xx
sara8798 michelle71710
I've been on 25mg for just over 2 weeks and have taken my first 50mg tablet today. Glad you had a better night. I woke up this morning extremely anxious and nauseous as usual but when I got up and going had a better day than yesterday. My sleeping is very up and down. I sometimes wake in the middle of the night all panicky. Every morning i wake early unable to get back to sleep. I find things like yogurt easier to eat, the less I have to chew the better! How long have you been struggling before you went on the sertraline? It'll be good to message to keep in contact and give each other some encouragement xx