When I get 1 symptom more come along with it?( bit like a bus)!!!
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Morning all, I was only on here a few days ago hey and I'm back again..........
so I'm Still getting the very loud whooshing noise still in my ears!
now I'm getting NO sleep, I usually get 8-9 hours sleep and I have never had any problems.....
so like for 4 nights I haven't had much but crap night I go off ok but then wake GET Restless legs and start tossing and turning????? Why?
im on nothing new?
i have been a real horrid moody cow with my family which is expected I guess I'm having no sleep!!!?
does anyone experience this if so what helps?.
im at work today so should have fun with the customers prolly get fired .. Lol
any advice ...feedback would be lovely .xx
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Guest Shelly0069
My only side effect next day was gritty eyes. I couldnt believe i could go so long without sleep...then it stopped and comes back occasionally. I would try and go to bed same time and have a warm shower and dim the lights and put on lavender oil....that seemed to help a lot... everyday seems to bring a new symptom. I didnt have whooshing but did have one ear sort of block then muffle for a bit then stop. I have had dizzy spells....indigestion. ..constipation...burning tongue....heavy periods...light periods...aching muscles...fatigue...anxiety...flat mood...lol....it seems i have everything on the peri list at some stage. Reading this forum helps....i am trying other womens advice on what worked for them. Good luck...you arent alone in this
sharcerv52408 Guest
Guest sharcerv52408
My older sister reckons hers just stopped and had no real issues. She never gave birth (they adopted) so I wonder if that has an effect? I, on the other hand had 3 pregnancies plus two miscarriages. Each pregnancy that went full term...i had horrific morning sickness for months with each of them. I was postnatal with my youngest. My younger sister was born with no thyroid so has been on medication since birth so wonder whether this will help her in meno or make it worse. It is a pretty revolting time of life lol...i would rather have the morning sickness!!
sharcerv52408 Guest
Zigangie sharcerv52408
I had morning sickness with my youngest and a bit of depression for a year after.
Meno has been the pits.
The baby depression was a walk in the park compared to peri.
My sister seems fine she's 3 years younger, my mother and her mum and sister all fine?
I don't know who I take after.
I think I've eaten healthier than my mum and sister throughout my life. Less inclined for take away or ready meals definitely got more exercise, did aerobics when I was younger and was the fittest I've ever been when peri started.
The only difference I can say is that the women in my family were a lot bigger than me. My mum and sister quite heavy even though shorter than I am.
Up until late peri when I began to put on a bit of weight I was always a 10 and even now at two stone heavier I am still considerably lighter than my mum would have been at my age and also my sister.
sharcerv52408 Zigangie
michelle46271 Shelly0069
maisie05 Shelly0069
julie76198 Shelly0069
Its interesting to read about RLS and women being affected with this too. This horrible sensation really does stop you from sleeping, i am woken up three four times a night with this, along with hot flushes. I have said before and will say again Menopace is helping . its so bd being tired and have work as well. Just kee[ reading researching and trying different things to get some comfort that is what i am doing as i have no intention of curling up and putting up with this, not with a ten-year-old and a full tme degree on the go .x
debbie75601 Shelly0069
gentleballads debbie75601
i get a sound of an old train engine screeching to a halt in my ear at times !!