When it rains, it pours
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Well, ladies...
I just received a letter from my employer stating that they denied my FMLA and my health insurance will be terminated on March 4th. Additionally, if I do not return to work they are terminating my contract. In other news, my mother had a mini stroke a few days ago and is not doing well. I don't feel well enough to return to work. I work in a high stress environment where you always have to be "on." If I did go back, how would I be able to take off for all of my doctor's appointments as well as my mom's? Is it even safe for her to be home alone?
How is this my life now? I was a normal working woman four months ago. I have nothing. I have been on unpaid status since December. I am single and broke and sad and I feel sick everyday. I am scared for the future. I don't know what to do. I just wish I never had a migraine aura and all the consequent visual disturbances. It truly ruined my life.
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Guest staci88515
Staci, I am sorry...it is awful...all of it. What is the appeals process for FMLA? Also, can you apply for health insurance through your state? Medicaid? It is all so exhausting. All we do is pay and pay and we have to Fight, fight, fight for everything when we are in a bad way 😦
staci88515 Guest
I don't know if there is an appeals process. I was assigned a lawyer through the union, but he has not proven his worth as of yet. I assume I could apply for charity care once the termination is complete. I just can't believe how different things are from just a few short months ago. My friends have husbands, children, houses, don't work, go on vacation, have seemingly endless money to burn, etc., etc., etc.. How did I get to 44 years old and have nothing to show for it. I know I am being ridiculously whiny, but I just wish I could have a bit of luck. It could be worse...be thankful for what you have...blah, blah, blah! My period is due in two day, can you tell?
Eliaimee1970 staci88515
why they denied the FMLA if your are sick? is suppost to protect you. i dont get this jobs i work for Human Services and the admin is just horrible . im so sorry about your mom is there a way she can go an assisting living or rehab ?
mauiblue staci88515
hi Stacy , is there a way you can re-up heal the FMLA I would do that and work with your lawyer don't give up on it.
Life really dish it out doesn't it I understand totally a lot of us ladies feel overwhelmed overburdened lonely excetera today has been an exceptionally low day for me I don't know how I can feel as tired as I do I almost feel an ominous presence like it's maybe something in the stars or something who knows I don't know how I can feel as tired as I do I almost feel an ominous presence like it's maybe something in the cosmos or something who knows
are you on unpaid status meaning you're not getting paid because you're home or how does this work ?
A few days ago I had a two-day migraine and it just comes on like that and sit there in my head then I'll have tooth pain and now I'm just super super low so I totally know what you're going through and so do the other ladies promise you A few days ago I had a two-day migraine and it just comes on like that and sits there in my head then I'll have tooth pain and now I'm just super super low so I totally know what you're going through and so do the other ladies promise you
And Juanita is Right sometimes we need to just pray and turn it over because that's really all there is support going your way and hugs and heartfelt energy
staci88515 Eliaimee1970
I don't know if you are in the US, but here employees are basically expendable. I had notes from several doctors, I had brain scans, I traveled to NYC to see a specialist. The initial episode happened at work and I was taken by ambulance to the hospital. I don't know how much more proof they need. My mother is not quite at the assisted living or rehab level, even if she were, we could never afford those options. Thank you for your kind reply.
staci88515 mauiblue
I'm not sure if you are in the US. Here we are given a set number of days you can be sick in a year. For instance, mine is 10 days. If you exceed those 10 days, you don't get paid. Since I have been out of work for 4 months, I have long exhausted my sick days and I no longer receive a paycheck. Thank you for replying. It's true...many of us here are suffering from lows we have never experienced before peri/meno. I truly feel sorry for all of us.
juanita93228 mauiblue
Sorry you're feeling so low Maui. Hang on. It has to get better.🤗
mauiblue juanita93228
It appears that when I talk into text on my phone I'm sending the message double oops!
Yes thanks Juanita I do hang on that's pretty much what I do it's fine though I'm a survivor
I think a lot of my mood is also situational as I have some pretty heavy issues going on with my son I'm hoping you're doing okay at work and getting by. it sounds like you're getting better though .
mauiblue staci88515
Hi Staci
yes I am here in the US get my job is at a smaller scale and a medical clinic they wouldn't even offer FMLA in my wildest dreams. .There's no relief at my job so you basically can't take off ever and if you do your major guilt-tripped.
there's no replacement.
Have you been off for four months because of basically your symptoms? it's a scary time truly for all of us. I don't think a good majority of the population understands really what we go through.
do you have children ? I'm praying everything eases out for you.
Were here for you.
staci88515 mauiblue
Yes. I was diagnosed with persistent migraine status. My vision was severely affected by a migraine aura. I have been under the care of several doctors and there is no cure. Although, there are some heavy duty medications, which have side effects. No, I don't have any children and am single.
juanita93228 mauiblue
I do agree that some of your mood may be caused by what's going on in your life. For instance, I was fine yesterday until I spoke with my sister about a family trip. It's a long story, but today my mood is not so great.
You are a survivor and I'm glad you realize that about yourself. 🤗
mauiblue juanita93228
Even little things like a conversation or a misunderstanding can really switch your brain.
The situation I have going on with my son now it's pretty rough right now and I'm struggling between making some major decisions regarding where we live if he goes to stay with his dad Etc and he's completely changed he's 13
He is volatile and hostile and I feel like I'm being abused .
My other son can't stand it he a stellar 16 year old who's trying to explain to me that this is not right.
I could go on but I will save it for another day.
it feels kind of it feels kind of like PTSD , unresolved issue on a daily basis creates a sort of depression in itself I think.
let me know how your work is and how you are doing these days sounds like you are a lot more stable. I hope all is well spring is coming!
juanita93228 mauiblue
So far work is ok. The low dose AD she she prescribed helped give my other AD a boost so I don't feel like I'm fight or flight mode all the time. It's not perfect. My mind was so scrambled I could not hear God.
13 is a hard age. But you are hanging on. Remember there is a rainbow after the storm.🌩🌞🌝🤗
lori93950 staci88515
please dont feel bad you are not alone with this !
i have been bedridden now for 6 months with mono and sick with it for 11 months .
i live alone no family around so going through meno and mono at the same time has been hell.
i wonder too what the future holds and how the heck are we going to get through this ?
can you go back to work and then hire a nurse ?
so just know you are not alone in your struggles and something will turn up ....it always does..keep the faith !! we will get through this .
staci88515 lori93950
That sounds so awful...meno and mono!! You poor thing. I don't feel well enough to go back to work. Most of my symptoms are migraine and vision related. My job requires me to stand, use a computer, and be in front of students...all day long. I have to be "on." There is no phoning it in or working quietly at your desk. Oh, and the noise. Children are so loud!!! There is no way I could ever afford to hire a nurse. I have no income since I have not worked in four months. I am sorry for what you are going through!
lori93950 staci88515
i fully understand i can barely make it to the supermarket on really bad days ...the virus causes dizziness and im sure the hormone thing doesnt help but i am on bhrt. cannot tell if its working or not though as i feel so damn bad all the time !
yes fully understand that you have to be 100% when dealing with students i can barely stand loud voices . with this virus i need to be around calm 'non loud ' people .