When Mert. Withdrawal Stops?
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I was wondering when the MT withdrawal stops, is it abrupt just disappearing, or does it move slowly? How do you know when it is reaching the end? Thank you for your time...
Best Regards, Tom
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hope this helps
I've noticed lately, I have a good day followed by a bad on, and so on. Each day I hope for relief, even two good days together. I would have never taken this stuff, if I knew what I was in for. I was on 45mgs for almost 3 months. This is a heavy price to pay, for what amounted to a good sleeping pill for me...
Thanks, Tom
I got around 3.5 hour of sleep last night before I woke up, with my heart racing & I was really sweating. Then I guess I dosed off again for a few hours, and woke up the same way. I did that three or four times, then finally just got up. I feel a little better today, but I know the wolf is at the door. My wife has had to take 12 weeks off work FMLA leave. Then she has to go back, or loose her job. she has 20 days left, and I am terrified, because of the terrible anxiety. She helps me keep it from going into a full blown panic. Don't know what I'm going to do. I felt fine before this drug experience, expept for that bit of depression, that seem like heaven now in comparison to this hell...
Thanks for listening John...
Best Regards, Tom
John, What were your biggest symptoms? Also, now that you are coming down. What are your biggest symptoms, and are they liveable now?