When the side effects of Lexapro will end?

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I’ve used many antidepressants in 12 years suffering Panic disorder and anxiety. Prosac, paxil, zoloft and lexapro.

I’ve never faced this side effect till 3 months ago. I was using lexapro 10 mgs and I got pregnant. My doc switched me to Zoloft and the nightmare has begun.

Heart paltipations, shortness of breath, feeling weird like someting is there on my throath, back pain, chest pain,choking etc. I’ve gone to emergency and had EKG 3 times, heart usg, check up and blood tests etc. Nothing found. Then we thought that it was from sertraline- zoloft, and switched back to lexapro as I’ve lost my babyrolleyes

Now 6 weeks has passed with lexapro and I still (sometimes) have heart palpitations and that weird feeling in my chest( less than zoloft). I dont understand that I didnt have these problems 4-5 months ago with the same drug! What happened and I can’t feel fine again? sad Some one please reassure me..

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Scarlet.. Do You mean you have had miscarriage or your baby has passed..? That in its self is reason for Aniexty and panic.. could you clarify what u mean.?
  • Posted

    But yes it sounds like side effects from lexapro.. it will calm down but the timeframe is different for everyone.. I had the choking feeling and flat feeling and sadness and general not feeling well.. but it does clear up over time...it’s not a easy journey and if you have been through a sad experience it makes things harder.....Do u have a Theripist? 
    • Posted

      Hi Nickie, 

      It has been two years that we are trying to have a baby. 2 miscarriages and one failed IVFsad I am depressed of course a lot, but try to be strong with those ADs however the side effects made me feel worse and weaksad I m going to a therapist who knows me for 12 yrs, the beginning of my anxiety problems. She insists on these meds since we are trying for baby but I m really hopeless and I dont think that spontaneous pregnancy will occursad 

  • Posted

    Sooo Verry sorry for your struggle in having a baby.. I do know how u feel.. when we were trying for our first baby it took me 5 years to conceive.. with the help of Drs. And such.. but it wasn’t until I gave it up and just said if it happens it happens.. I think that’s when u really relax .. it’s very stressful when u want something so bad .. but that in itself causes aniexty..everything must b perfect to conceive..hoping that lexapro will be your answer..just give it time to work.. aside from all the side effects and such.. time is the best thing you can do and just try and relax and let the lexapro work.. Take Care and know we are here for you on this blog..😊

    • Posted

      Thanks sooo much Nickie, totally agree. I also gave it up and will let it go. I have to be fine and well before all. I have to be strong again. Hope lex will effect well again. Just need to be myself againsad How long did it take you to clear up from all those weird symptoms? And what is the dosage now u r on?
    • Posted

      I had gotten up to 15 mg. But found out it was way to much so I have slowly dropped back down to 7.5 mg. And I’m hoping to go to 5mg. I’m just real sensitive to all meds. So u really have to b your own judge as to what Mg. U feel best at.. I was having this choking issue and horrible heart burn and indigestion.. it’s been 7 days sense I’ve dropoed down to 7.5 mg. And I’m feeling ok.. not 100% but I’m ok..I guess I’m just waiting for the withdrawal effects to hit.. hopefully the nausea and slight shakiness that I’ve been feeling the past few days will b the extent of the withdrawal issues.. Take Care and post when u need r want to we r all here for each other.. the side effects last different for each of us .. I would say the max maybe 2 weeks.. but as I said it’s different for all of us.. 🤗😊

  • Posted

    Hello Scarlet,

    Some years ago I had some panic attacs and anxiety disorder and Lexapro 15mg worked very well for me.

    This time, Its been more than 3 years ago, I started to have a persistante compulsive thought (like ocd but its not ocd) and unfortunatelly nothing from antidipressants has helped me. On the contrary, with Lexapro I have been taking since 2,5 months 20mg, I have a very good energy, no panic attacks but the thought....thought...I still feel the stress of this thought but anyway I try to think that is not a stressfull feeling  but an energy.....you should have to be patient with Lexapro.. first it will release the dipression and then after 2 months it gill get the stress. off..be well and have a good pregnancy!

  • Posted

    Ahh so sorry I did not read that  you lost your baby!!!  When you recover from this anxiety you will soon get pregnant again...all the best for you!!!
    • Posted

      Hi Arietta, I miscarried in June, so better now, life goes on anyway. Thanks a lot for your good wishes, hope I will be myself soon. I ve used lexapro before and I hadnt such kind of side effect so I m worried abt my health thinking if there is smth bad that I dont knowrolleyes I tried to up on 15 mgs last week but felt worse, that chest pressure feeling and back to 10 mgs again. I will try once more to increase the dosage in few weeks maybe my body needs to used to it.  

      By the way, did u discuss it with your therapist? I also have some kind of stupid thoughts and hope drug will eliminate them.. did u use any other AD before?

    • Posted

      Scarlet its is very important to turst your therapist! So I visited 2 doctors in order to double check. Also the second one insisted that the dose of 20mg is the minimum for anxiety from bad thoughts. And to tell you the truth I had also very tensive side effects when raised e doses and got a bit of benzo every morning when I started the 20mg the first week but after this, I started slowly slowly to feel a better energy in my body and change the way of thinking. Said...still you have energy...live, so I started again to become my better self. I also bought a 10 weeks program with videos of positive phsycology and every night I was listening a 15 min visualitzation and an ypnosis that helped me a lost to sleep better. So now I can not say that I feel yet the serenity I wanted with this drug and I will refer to my doctor...but at least I am energetic and doing a lot of things without being afraid.

      So yes in the past I also got another drug called cipralex and worked very well but its was another situation just some panic attacs...now iis different with these thoughts so we have to be more patient. Do not focus in the side effects my dear. in this time, be genle to yourself and wiite or think  the positive things in your life..or visualize them!!! Soon you gonna feel better trust me!


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